The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars UX

by Brunom1

Part 75: Mission 31 - Final Count - Part 2

: U-Urrgh…!
: We got him?!


: Lord Garan…!
: I apologize, Himiko…
: I will not be capable of uncovering the truth of this world for you…
: The truth of this world…?
: Listen and listen well, my nemeses!
: This entire world, this universe… all is bound by unseen, yet gigantic, chains of fate!
: Th-that’s…!
: …
: My clan was created with the purpose of keeping the gateways of Hell shut…
: Kiba’s clan was created as keepers of Sleeping Beauty, while Aila’s was meant to keep the island isolated from the outside world…
: Aila’s clan…?!
: That’s right… It was Aila’s parents who once draped the island in the Gravity Curtain…
: …
: What…
: And then Aila wound up reaching out to the people of the outside world, and awakening the Sleeping Beauty within Kiba’s fortress… what an ironic coincidence, no?
: …
: However, struggle as you might, everything is happening squarely atop the spiderweb of fate…
: The more we wriggle about, the closer we are brought towards the center of the web…
: Garan, you said your clan was bound to the gateways to Hell. Just what is that thing?!
: Who lies at the center of that spiderweb…? What is the truth of this world?!
: That’s—

: It’s THIS!!

: Rrgh…!
: Wh-What…?!
: Lord Garan…!

: Hah-Hahahahah… fate mocks us so…!

: Who is that…?!
: Yaahahaha! It’s been ages, Skull-face!
: You’re… Kiba?!
: You’re still alive?!
: I am! I clawed my way from the bottom of Hell!
: All so I could wring the life out of you with the other devil… the Iron Kaiser!
: Iron Kaiser?!


: The Kaiser’s reacting to that other machine…!
: Then the gateways to Hell that Garan talked about…
: You got it! It’s the devil the Odyssite called through space-time when the Gravity Generator first got turned on – the Iron Kaiser!
: So Garan’s clan was charged with keeping that machine sealed away…!
: Then, what triggered the Gravity Generator’s recent breakdown…!
: Was that machine coming back online?!
: Hyaahahahahahaha! Bingo!
: And I’m gonna use this baby’s power to trash the entire planet!

: Th-That’s…!
: Gravity waves from a Graviton Reactor…?!
: Kch… Its power is tremendous!
: AHAHAHAHAAAA! How’dya like them apples, Skull-face!
: Gch… that sonuva…!
: W-We can’t move…!
: Gravity waves are still growing! Our machines’ll be crushed if that keeps going…!
: Have some more!

: O-Oorgh…!
: Come on, people! Isn’t there anything we can do?!
: Kch… At this rate, we…!
: Singing Maiden…
: Huh?! M-Me…?
: You should understand by now…
: You, like the devils, were summoned from across space and time by a will within the Odyssite, so I’m sure you understand…
: Understand what…?!
: Let everything pour forth – your feelings, your prayer!
: My feelings? Prayer…? That’s…!
: Quit with that blah-blah-blah! This ain’t none of your business!

: Ghk… Gaaaaah!
: Sister…!
: Aila… We were all being guided by the same force…
: As is that devil…
: …?!
: Seek out the truth… The meaning behind our births… lies beyond…!

: H-How could you…!
: Hehehe…! And you’re all up next!
: …
: You’re a very lonely man, aren’t you…?
: Whatchu say…?!
: You’re incapable of accepting anyone who so much as annoys you, so you do nothing but kill.
: And you don’t – or maybe you can’t – even notice how flawed your soul is. What a sad, lonely man.
: Eh?! Start making sense, goddamn it!
: Oh, well… I guess it’s up to me to fill that empty heart of yours with some positive energy.
: That is my mission, the reason why I was called to this world…

: Fei…?!
: I remembered… my feelings, my prayer…!
: Emotion, the energy overflowing within the chest. Turn your heart into wings and set off into that boundless sky…
: Listen to my song! (The above lines were lyrics for another Virtual On song, like Love 14. It’s called…)

SRW UX - Believe ver. HD

We’ll see this in a jiffy.

: Gwaargh! H-her song’s…!

: The Gravity waves are gone…?!
: Our units can move again…! No, that wasn’t all she did… This is!

*Everyone maxes out morale… only we were already there, so no one gets anything! *

: It’s like a surge of power coming from inside me…!
: She’s converting our emotions into strength…!
: Fei’s song is doing this?!
: Heheh… Well, now ain’t this cool!
: Grrgh… Y-You think I’m gonna let you get away with this?!

: Alright, no more tricks! I’m gonna rip you all apart!
: Hmph, ya buncha rats!
: Kiba…! I’ll show you all the power you awakened inside me!

Our good friend Kiba’s back and he’s pissed. Stats are even better than Garan and the Iron Kaiser hits hard and has a two-pronged directional MAPW that blasts up to 8 squares ahead (with a 2x4 AoE in the last 4 squares on each side). He’s not TOO accurate, either, but Prevail L7’ll offset that some, so watch it.
At 100k HP, he’d be the bulkiest enemy we’d had to fight thus far, but Miku shaved off 40% of that, so now he’s got less than Garan did. You should have a few Daunt casts handy and, if you’re like me, nearly all mooks are already down, so he won’t be building up to 130 morale before it’s go-time.
Can’t debuff him, either, so just toss whatever you’ve got left and wrap things up in one turn.
And here are Kiba’s big weapons. Now we can go!

LOUDNESS - The Eternal Soldiers

: I’ve come back from Hell to settle things with you, Skull-face!
: Have it your way… This world doesn’t need two Kaisers in it!
: And you’ll learn that you didn’t come back from Hell… because the two of us and the Mazinkaiser are Hell!
: And we’re about to burn what’s left of you!

: So many times you hounded us, Kiba, but that also ends today!
: The Octagon women?! After I’ve killed the four of you, I’ll take my time with that haughty leader of yours!
: You dare threaten Lady Aila…?!
: But you’re not getting even one finger on her, you wretch!
: We’ll take you out for good and then we’ll find a way to stop the Gravity Generator…! Psycogear Squad, forward!

: This is it: the greatest kind of freedom there is! I’m now too damn strong for anyone to hold me back!
: You think that’s being strong? Seems to me that you don’t know jack.
: Yeah? Then why don’t you come over and showcase what you think the real deal is!
: Oh, don’t worry, I will! This is the strength that comes from fighting for others…
: It’s the strength of a CHAMPION OF JUSTICE!

: What did you want all this power for?!
: For booze! And women! And for power itself! If I want something, I go and get it! That’s the Kiba Lifestyle and I’d like to see you try and stop it!
: While mine is to put an end to those that’d throw the world into chaos! That’s the mission we were given!

: You, Aila and Garan were all the same, right? Then why were you fighting with each other?!
: Pah, you think I give a rat’s ass about that sorta stuff?! You rub me the wrong way, you’re dead! That’s the long and short of it!
: But that’s… I can’t even begin to say how evil that is! We have to stop him, Heroman!
: Ooooh!

: It’s game over for you! The Iron Kaiser and I are invincible! No one can handle us!
: So many people are risking their lives to protect this world – including the Major…!
: And I’m not about to let someone like you destroy it!


: This isn’t due to yours being a manmade life… I can tell. Your bloodthirst, your brutality, is just your nature…!
: Well, that’s real kind of you to say! And you’re right! The past can eat it for all I care!
: This hunger for power? Mine! This overwhelming toughness?! Mine! This raised fist?! MINE! It’s all meeee!
: Then I’ll wipe you and that power from the face of the planet! The darkness beyond the original sin is waiting!

: This power’s the BEST! Now that I’ve the Iron Kaiser, the entire world’s my oyster!
: But that oyster’s hanging over the edge right goddamn now!
: We don’t have any time to waste on you! Come here and I’ll make this quick!

: Weren’t you and Garan born for the same reason? Why couldn’t you live with each other…?!
: What’re you getting at, eh? This island wasn’t big enough for the two of us and that’s all the reason we needed to get with the killing!
: Don’t even try it, Shangxiang. Our words will not work on this one, and we haven’t the time to try…
: Thus, I, Sun Quan, swear by my ancestor, Sun Tzu, to mete out your due punishment!

: You got a lotta nerve pulling that stunt with me! But, now, my devil’ll turn you and that power of yours into ancient history again!
: Song and Willpower are one and the same…! And as long as my song’s in everyone’s hearts, this power’ll never disappear!

: Gwaaaaaaaargh!
: And how do you like them apples, prick?!
: Gch-Gch-Rrrr! I’m not going down like this!
: If that’s how it’s gonna be… then I’m taking everyone with me!


: Whoa…! What’s he doing?!
: It’s…! Guys, we’ve got trouble! The Gravity Generator just had a major spike in activity…!
: What did you say?!
: The way it’s looking, we’ve only a few moments before the gravity collapse occurs…!
: HYAAHAHAHAHAAH! You’re all gonna die! There won’t be anything left!
: This son of a bitch…!
: Isn’t there anything we can do to stop this?!
: There’s… only one way.
: Talk to us, then! What do we do?!
: Himiko explained it to me when she died…
: If you send that energy back to its source, it’ll revert to the raw state it was in originally…
: That’s…!
: What does she mean?!
: The Iron Kaiser’s Graviton Reactor is essentially a miniaturized Gravity Generator…
: So, if we can get their particles and anti-particles to collide, and trigger a particle annihilation…
: Particle annihilation…?!
: …
: Understood.
: What… did you even hear me?! I’m all but asking you to go on a suicide mission!
: Didn’t you say that’s the only way out of this? Then we don’t mind.
: Lt. Kaido…!
: We just blow up the Iron Kaiser and the Gravity Generator at the same time, right?
: Plus, solving this problem with one BIG explosion instead of powering the thing down like a bunch of wimps sounds perfect for us!
: But we’ll need your help to make it work, Lt. Yuki! We’re using that!
: …
: I-I…!
: Why are you hesitating, Yuki?!
: Cpt. Scarlet…!
: Are you just going to let their resolve go to waste?! What did I give you the Wingle for if not for this exact moment?!
: That’s…
: Yuki…!
: …


: Detaching Tiara Aile and Arsine Guard!
: Make sure to match its speed…! Cross Sequence, countdown initiated!
: I dunno what you’re up to, but I ain’t letting it happen!
: Oh, no, you don’t!

: Graargh!
: Now, Yuki!
: Wing Cross!
: Haaaaaah!

: Th-The Kaiser…!
: It combined with the Wingle’s wings!
: Here’s the little ace up our sleeve! Say your prayers, Kiba!
: Y-You two wanna get yourselves killed?!
: What’re ya worried about, ya goddamn cockroach?!
: Now, are we gonna be the first to bite it, or will you be the lucky winner? Gambles like this are kinda fun once in a while, I say!
: Gaaaaaaah! You… you’re all 100% crazy!

: It ain’t over yet! We got one last game to take you on!


: Excuse you, but that’s my part to play!
: What…?!

SRW UX - Shadows that Rend Darkness

: The Riot…?!
: Is that… Major?!
: Haaaaaah!

*The Riot grabs the Iron Kaiser and drags it towards the Gravity Generator!*

: Guh… Y-You bastard!
: The hell do you think you’re doing, geezer?!
: A particle annihilation from the Riot’s Proton Generator should also be more enough to gobble up both this guy and the Gravity Generator!
: Wh-What…?!
: You two still have plenty of work to do, no?
: I’m just a scumbag with one foot in the grave. But I can still decide how I go out, so let me have this.
: Maj. Richard…!
: You know what you have to do, right, Saya?
: …?!
: Accelerated Particle Engine, full throttle!

: Gh-Gweeaaaaaaaaah!
: Uoooooooh!
: M-Major…!

*Saya flies towards them.*

: Ms. Saya…!
: I… I…!
: Now, Saya! FIRE!
: Uwaaaaaaaaah!


: Saya…?!
: …

SRW UX - Prologue

: I-I can’t do it…
: Y-You…!
: I can’t… I can’t shoot you, Major…!
: Ms. Saya…
: I can’t… I just can’t!
: Kch…. Aaaaaah!
: …

*Arnie flies over.*

: Ensign…?!
: You may be a merc… and this might be your mission…
: But no child should have to gun down her own father…
: Ensign Berge…
: Maj. Richard, I…
: I’ll take up your will onto myself!
: Arnie…!
: Hahahah… Thanks, Ensign…
: Deeeyaaah!
Arnie: “Maj. Richard… I’ll do the deed with my own hands. That’s the least I can give you!”
Richard: “Take care of my daughter… and your future…”

: Major…!

: Goodbye, Saya…


: I see. Richard is…
: You don’t look all that surprised, sir.
: He came to me before and explained his condition.
: I knew he’d eventually want to pass his will on to the next generation and settle accounts with fate…
: …
: Is… Is that everything you have to say?
: Hayase…?
: He’s dead – your friend is dead!
: And you just sit there, acting like it’s not that big a deal to you! Don’t you feel anything for him?!
: If you think tears would make Richard happy, then you can go and cry until your eyes bleed.
: But can you end these battles with tears? Can you save the world with those?
: Even I know that! But you could…!
: Tch…!
: Hayase…
: …
: (Hisataka Katou spoke like he knew how the future would play out…)
: (And if Mr. Ishigami and Maj. Richard also did, then…)

: Hrm… Wh-Where…?
: You’re awake. We’re inside one of our motherships.
: Shou Zama…!
: Hm… I suppose you found me passed out…
: Garan is dead, so there’s no reason for us to fight anymore, right?
: …
: So I should come with you? Is that what you’re implying…?
: The old Black Knight – that warrior filled with hatred – is gone.
: And if that’s the case, why not help us as just another warrior willing to fight against fate?
: Shou Zama…
: The way I see it, the three of us may just be in the same boat.
: The same…?
: We were also ready to face death at one point.
: But we managed to overcome that death through our Willpower, and now we’re here…
: And if Willpower can transcend time and space, and even change fate itself…
: Then I believe that we should use that power for others… or, better yet, for the future of this world.
: For the future, hm…?
: Hah, maybe there is truth to what you say…

You obviously only get this scene if you did Burn’s secret. Now we have him and the Zwarth, which not only is pretty dang powerful, also has a combo attack with the Bilbine!

: …
: Ms. Saya, I…
: “Should you find yourself fighting against friends or family, could you bring yourself to pull the trigger?”
: I gave you that whole lecture on professional commitment, but I couldn’t do anything myself…
: Ms. Saya…
: I wanted to do as was needed… I told myself it had to be done…!
: You, the Major… everyone was prepared to risk everything they had during that battle…!
: And I still froze…!
: …
: Ms. Saya… despite all that, I don’t think that was a shot you should’ve made…
: Ensign Berge…
: I don’t know what the Major said to you, but…
: Orders or not, you’re his daughter. You shouldn’t have to do that…
: …
: I’m not his daughter…
: Huh…?

SRW UX - Prologue

: A will infused into Odyssite, to serve as a control key for Accelerated Particle Engines…
: That’s what I am…
: Wh-What…?! Then, you’re…!
: Another Erbsünde, yes… a manmade life…!
: Christ…!
: Do you see how it is now?!
: I was created to synchronize and manage the Orphes and Lyras’ engines… but it’s too much for me. That results in the Orphes performing imperfect warps, each and every one of them eating away at yours and the Major’s lives…
: Imperfect warps…?
: Everything that’s happened to you and him is my fault! My will – my life – was too weak, and that’s why he…!
: *sob* Aaaah…!! It’s… all my fault...!
: ...
: No, Ms. Saya... don’t blame yourself…
: Ensign…
: I can't even begin to imagine how god-awful it must've been for you…
: Trying so hard to carry out your mission and keeping us going, all the while knowing the warps were imperfect and would get me and the major killed... I shudder to even think about how you must've felt.
: …
: *sob* Ensign, I…

*Door opens.*

: Saya… so you knew everything. I thought as much…
: Ms. Aila…!
: What do you mean? Were you also aware of her secret?
: …
: The name “Saya” comes from an ancient word for “life”…
: Apparently, a scientist who worked on this island had a habit of giving names meaning “life” to the will-infused Odyssite.
: The names of life…
: Then it was someone who worked on this island who named Saya…?
: I believe so. And that scientist was called…
: Novel Dylan…
: N-Novel Dylan...?!

: The Neutrino Generators seem to be running nicely.
: Yes, they are. We should be ready to attempt a synchro-overdrive next time.
: The Neutrino Generator… the new Accelerated Particle Engine developed from the Proton Engine…
: The question now is whether we can get them to sync up properly. It’ll all come down to mine and Ayul’s skill…
: Or, rather, to the strength of our wills…
: Correct. The catalyst for all Accelerated Particle Engines is the light of the Odyssite – in other words, it’s Willpower itself…
: You two need to learn how to make proper use of that power, which is why I’m assigning you to assist the Black Lodge next.
: The Black Lodge…?!
: That group in Arkham City…?! Master Therion’s group…!
: Oh, right, you have some rather unpleasant history with him.
: But I ask that you let go of that. The sorcerers can help you understand the root of their magic, and that’s something indispensable for both of you.
: …
: Cpt. Spencer…
: No, I understand. The past doesn’t mean anything to me anymore.
: I’ll do whatever I have to in order to bring about Ayul’s awakening!
: Very good. Her awakening is what’ll lead the way to the future of this universe…
: Ayul… i.e., the name of life…
: The name of life… the meaning behind my existence…

Finally, Burn’s also a Tactician and his bonuses are, respectively, +10% Melee attack power and Defense.

Speaking of, if you didn’t get his secret, the scene that plays after him and Shou duke it out is:

: F-Farewell… Shou Zama… my worthy nemesis!


: Burn Bunnings…
: Was there no other way…? Are you happy with how this ended?!
: Shou…
: If the will of Man can cross through time and space, then what did it bring us into this world for?!
: …
: Burn Bunnings…! I… I!
: Raaaaaargh!

*Garan appears.*

: You have fallen, Burn…
: Garan…!
: Took you long enough, boss-man!
: Hmhmhm, it has been a while, hasn’t it, Ultimate Cross…
: And I hear you are now renowned as saviors of the planet. Indeed, you have become worthy nemeses!

And then the rest plays out the same.