The Let's Play Archive

Tales of Vesperia

by Admiral H. Curtiss

Part 103: Storyteller Estelle

Hey there! Sorry about the long wait.

We were about to do some sidequests before helping out Nordopolica, which is being attacked by monsters from the Adephagos.

Our first stop is Zaphias, to wrap up the quest regarding Shel, his brother, and Lune.

Huh? What?
Like I said, my brother Clay is back... But I'm sorry, I really have to go!

But Shel seemed to be in such a good mood. I'm happy for him.
Maybe we should go meet the long-lost brother?

The party runs towards Shel.

Looks like fate has brought us together again, Yuri Lowell.
Who is this?! Why would you...
Y-your brother? You mean this man is...!
So you're Clay?
Why did you do it? That's what I want to know.

B-but...I thought if he were, Lune, and I could...
Is that what Lune wanted?
I just wanted...the three of us... My brother...Lune and I were...we were waiting for you this whole time...

What happened to you...Clay! Do you realize what you've done?! How could you do that to Shel?! My father didn't teach you to use a sword so you could do something like this!
I had to see that justice was done...I couldn't overlook what Shel did.
Your justice was more important than Shel's life?!
So stupid...

He was always there for me...I should have told him "thank you"...

Yuri follows Clay.

I don't know...I don't even know what justice is anymore.
Then why did you attack Shel?

If I hadn't brought him to justice, it would make everything I've been until now a lie. I'd be brought down to the level of the villains I hate.
But you already knew, didn't you? That's why you didn't go back to her. You'd gotten your hands dirty in the pursuit of your "justice", and you felt you were no longer worthy of her.
It is as you say. I dirtied these once innocent hands for the sake of justice... I even cut down the people I wanted to protect, all in the name of justice...

Anyone who learns to use a sword should know... Swords should be used to protect others! Once it's clear to you what's worth protecting, your resolve won't waver ever again!
What's worth protecting...
What is it you wanted to protect?
Swords should be used to protect others... That was the first thing I ever learned from my teacher. I wonder where I ended up forgetting that. Your resolve never wavers, does it?

...Hey, I owe you one. Take this. Consider it my way of saying thank you. Maybe it'll help you protect what's important to you.
What are you going to do?
I can't take back what I've done. But I won't run away. I'm going to go atone for my sins.


We left the rest to the knights. What about Clay?
He went into the castle. I think he plans to turn himself in.
Good. Things should work themselves out, then.
Why did this have to happen...
Don't cry, Karol. We've still got a lot to do.

And from this, we get a costume for Yuri!

It's pretty cool, especially when paired with the black hat.

Skit: A Sad End
Why did things have to end up the way they did...?
At this point, there's no use mullin' over whether we chose the right course or not.
But we need to think about it, so the same thing doesn't happen again.
It's becoming harder and harder to make a legitimate living in this world.
I'm not saying that should excuse what I've done.
You can't go through your entire life doing what's right. It's sad, but that's reality..
But that doesn't mean someone who used their sword for justice will just turn evil for no reason.
As long as they were fighting to protect someone right and good...
But accept that, and things break down ta anarchy.
I want to change the world so those who are just can lead good lives.
A world where we can't have justice without making someone else the bad guy is just too sad...
It'd be nice if people could just talk things over.
Yeah, that'd be a nice start.
That's why I'm saying that you shouldn't carry this burden by yourself!

Next place is Halure.

Hey! It's the healer girl!
The tree's flowers look as red as ever... Too bad about that bride's curse...

Wrong...? What's wrong?
This veil... It told me...

Once upon a time, there lived a kind-hearted prince named Jarre. He adored flowers and insects, and he loved the moon, the sun, and the stars up in the sky.

One day, Jarre found a seed. He took that seed to the top of a great hill, and planted it there.

The impatient Prime Minister said, "What's the point if it won't bloom. Cut it down." But Jarre replied:

"Even if it doesn't bloom, it's putting all of its effort into growing. Cutting it down would be a terrible thing to do!"

Hearing this, the tree took the form of a young woman, and appeared before Jarre.

He instantly fell in love with her white skin and beautiful figure. On a moonlit night, he asked her to marry him. After their wedding, the two of them were as happy as can be.

But the Prime Minister, angry that the Prince had married the maiden, had her cruelly cast out of the castle.

Jarre was so sad that he shut himself up in the castle. Day and night he cried, unable to think of anything but his lost love.

The maiden learned of this, and stretched her trunk and branches until several pure, white flowers bloomed from their tips.

Jarre saw this from his castle window and stopped crying. He went outside For the first time since his maiden had gone.

Sitting beneath the newly bloomed flowers, he heard the maiden's voice.

"Don't cry. You'll always be able to find me here." It was then that Jarre realized that his love had actually been the tree, transformed into a fair maiden.

When he gently kissed the bark of the tree he had loved, all of its flowers turned to a bright red.

Wow... So that's why the flowers are red!
So that's the real story!
Miss, thank you for the wonderful story!
No, it was my pleasure.
You should tell that story to the Mayor, too!

The kids run off.

Yeah, when did you find all that out?
W-well... I didn't find out about it, exactly... I sort of...made it up.
But you said the veil told you...
That was a lie. I'm sorry... I was just looking at this veil, and the story came to me all of a sudden...
Wow, Estelle! You have a real talent for making up stories!
A hidden talent, huh? Will wonders never cease...
Oh, heh heh...

N-not really...
You can't force her inta somethin' like that!
After all, Estelle, you're the Princess! ♪
Yes, that's true.

Aww, isn't that cute?

If we leave and come back, we get another scene.

The mean the story that Estelle made up?
Who are you?
...I have dwelled at the base of this tree for many generations... If you wish to give me a name, you could refer to me as the flower maiden of your story.
So you mean that really happened...?

You mean the story of the bride's ghost?
Yes...and I even dropped my veil...
Oh, so this is yours. Let me give it back to you.
No...I shall let you keep that. Thanks to you, the unfortunate rumor was put to rest.
But no...I mean, I was just making that story up...
No...I shall give you another token of my gratitude.

I have given you a new ability. Perhaps it will help you protect your companions. Farewell...

...What...was that?
An elemental spirit, I think.
Huh? But I thought elemental spirits came from Entelexeia...
There's a barrier blastia here. Which mean that there's a blastia core, which could be the source of an elemental spirit. Estelle's power put aer into the core, and that created an elemental spirit. Or perhaps the tree and the blastia did that by themselves?
Hmmm...very interesting.

But don't you think the idea of a flower spirit is a little romantic?
...I've decided...

I want to be able to spread joy, like what happened with those children and that spirit. I want to make everyone happy like I did for the people in this town...
Sounds good to me!
Sounds good to you? But Estelle's going to be the...

All right, let's go.

The new ability we get is Force Field, which is pretty interesting.

The description is slightly misleading. But here, let's take a look at it first:

Every party member within this area gains complete invulnerability to damage and stagger for about ten seconds.

Pretty nice, but rather situational due to casting time. There is a very evil combination of this and a certain Skill though, which I'll show off once we get that.

Next time: Storyline, which should be up later today!