The Let's Play Archive

Tales of Vesperia

by Admiral H. Curtiss

Part 111: Bonus - Flynn

Hey there!

Flynn's Artes are nothing to write home about, but really get the point across that he's "the" standard Tales hero in this. Apart from First Aid, all of this is stuff that the main characters in early Tales games have.

Flynn's Equipment is locked, you can change or remove it. In addition to that, the sword and shield are exclusive to him: No way to get them, and he's the only one who can equip them even if you hack them into your inventory.

In what I assume is a weird coding quirk, the game drops his armor into your inventory when Flynn leaves the party after this battle. Too bad it doesn't do this to the Faerie Ring! (TP usage halved)

Another interesting thing is that not even AI Flynn can use Fatal Strikes. I think this is because internally, Fatal Strikes are just normal Artes with specific trigger conditions, and Flynn doesn't have those Artes.

Other than that, he's not too interesting, especially if you've seen him fight in the PS3 version. Here's a video of me fighting that battle as him, if you really want to watch it.

But wait, there's more! By editing your save file, you can pretty easily hack Flynn into your party.

There's really no point to doing this, as the same restrictions still apply: Can't change Equipment (which also means he can't get new Skills!), only six Artes, no Fatal/Burst/Mystic.

He doesn't even have a title or any Attachments, but he does have a character portrait! Which is the same one you see in the PS3 version, by the way.

Flynn has a couple skills, but only one is interesting: Hero. A skill that is completely wasted on him, as there's no humanoid enemies in the battle you can use him in, and yet Flynn is the only party member who can get that Skill. I don't even know if it actually works, coding-wise, but I assume it does. As it turns out I can't read, the skill affects damage against everything but humans. Which actually makes a lot more sense.

Flynn can cook just fine, like every other party member, and even gets stars when he cooks stuff multiple times. I think they even programmed food likes/dislikes for him.

And, yes, you can set him as your avatar for running around.

Unlike Repede, Flynn even has all the required animations for overworld actions such as opening doors or climing a ladder. (Sidenote: That's why you can't set Repede as your avatar in the 360 version, he lacks those animations.)

And finally, here's an unused skit I found buried in the game files! It refused to play properly (and instead liked to crash the game) on the PS3 version even after changing the audio and texture formats to proper ones and I lack a homebrewable 360, so here's a manual approximation of what it's supposed to look like.

Skit: Partners and Rivals
It's been a while since we've stood shoulder to shoulder with each other.
Yeah. Not since the last job I did as a knight.
Don't tell me you've gotten rusty.
Heh. I should be asking you that. I'll leave you in the dust if you can't keep up.
So will I!
Woof, woof!

Additional bonus that's kinda unrelated to Flynn but whatever: Here's a few screenshots from the PS3 version of the scenes we just witnessed that might make good avatars or something.

(I just couldn't not post these after seeing the Repede one with the sun.)