The Let's Play Archive

Tales of Vesperia

by Admiral H. Curtiss

Part 114: Spending the Poker money

So let's find some way to spend our cash, shall we?

We can trigger a scene by just walking around Capua Nor.

Come see us again real soon, 'kay?
That's a promise.

Whoa now, let's take it easy. This isn't really the time...
What's wrong, Gauche? Droite?
Ah, umm...

Kay, bye!

Now whaddya s'pose those two're up to...?

I wouldn't say acquaintances, really...
Oh, I'm so relieved.

But now that I see they have this many friends, I can stop my worrying.
Misunderstood? But they're members of Leviath--

And how might you know our friends, Miss?
I am the governess of this home, and they once lived under its roof.
This orphanage was built to shelter those children who have no one to depend on. The two of them lost their family in the war ten years ago.
She's gotta mean the Great War...
Hey, who are they?

Here now, hush, both of you.
How generous and kind of you. It must not be an easy job...
Oh my, no. I could never manage all of this alone. It is all made possible by the donations I receive.

Yeager?! But what'd he want ta do a thing like that for...?
I don't know his reasons. But he has never asked for anything in return.
Nanny! I'm hungry!
Oh yes, it's time, isn't it? I'm sorry, I must be going...

Something's going on here. I mean, those two are obviously Yeager's personal guard.
You don't think he raised them as orphans just to make them his underlings?!
He just might try somethin' like that.
Huh? What is it, lass?
...Oh, I... When we were talking with her just now, I truly felt that whoever did this had good intentions... But can that person... Can that really be the Yeager we know?
Your guess is as good as mine.

We can find the woman again near the small market area of town.

Ah, it's you...
Aren't you the woman from the orphanage...?
Ah, so you're actually a florist!
N-no... That's not quite right...
Then why are you selling flowers...?
...You need money, don't you?
W-well, you see...

Unfortunately, that's the case...we've actually been renting the orphanage building from a certain well-known man in town. But since we've stopped receiving contributions from Yeager, we're no longer able to pay that debt. The rent for the building aside, it takes a lot of money to feed the children...
But aren't some of the kids out and workin' now?
They're all still struggling to make a living for themselves. It would be far too much to ask them for help with something like this.
What about that pair of assertive young ladies from the orphanage?
Gauche and Droite are in the same situation.

But now that he's passed away, they're probably having just as hard a time as anybody.

Maybe she'll be able to make a little profit, but I don't know about paying off that debt...

Whoa, whoa, are you sure it's okay to give that away?
I'm just doing something that the empire should've done already. That's all.
But if you give that away, won't that mean you won't have any other proof of being in the imperial family?
No, it's okay. Not having this won't change who I am.
Before we go any further here, how much is it that you need, exactly?
Let's see... 500,000 Gald should be enough...
We've got that much.
I mean, I suppose we have it, but it's still a lot of dough...
It's a lot of money. We don't have to make a final decision just yet.
...Well said, Yuri.
Then I guess the only solution is if she takes my...
No matter how much that's worth, it couldn't possibly be enough, could it?
Don't rush things. Let's give some more thought as to whether or not we could still get by if we gave her the money.
I'm sorry about not being able to help out for now...
No, that's okay...

We've effectively got infinite money at this point, so might as well.

Wh-what are you saying...?
Don't be such a scrooge!
But I can't just let you give me so much of your own money...
We're not the ones paying you. Isn't that right, Estelle?
Huh? Why me...?

So we're just spotting them the money until they take responsibility for it themselves.
Huh? So you mean...
Once you go back, see if you can get the Council to pay us back for giving the orphanage this money.
Y-yes...I'll do it...!
What are you talking about...?
This money is assistance from the empire, so you can take it and not have to feel bad about it.
Ummm...well, I don't really understand, but...
...It's tough to explain. You do it, Karol.
What? M-me?
You like explaining things, right?
N-not particularly...but I'll give it a go.


The empire'll reimburse us. Right, Estelle?
I'll ask Ioder about it. If he refuses, then...I'm sorry.
You're "sorry"...?!
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. We're just asking you to twist His Highness's arm a little.
I'll try my best!
Okay, let's go.

After we give her the money, we run into a familiar face near the town exit.

And yet, you insist on acting rashly, guided by your own emotional whims.
In the course of my journey, I've discovered that people in higher positions in society need to look at the big picture, and not be distracted by the world before them. That's what you were talking about, correct? But I can't choose what's important while completely ignoring everything I see.
You are not doing things in the right way.
Yes, I know...
However, as Princess, you should do what you believe is correct. I have no right to stand in the way of the path you have chosen for yourself.

Eyes firm with resolve, overflowing with grace and pride...that is the true proof that one belongs in the noble family. Child of the Full Moon, may you always follow your heart.
Yes. Thank you so much, Master.
There are surely still things left for you to do. Please hurry.

Next stop: The hot springs again.

Ah, so you're back! I'm glad you enjoyed our hot springs so much the last time.
We didn't enjoy them at all! What the hell was with that partition? You can see right through it!
No, no, we simply folded up the partitions to open up the space as much as possible.

You certainly would've, given half the chance.
If it's that much of a concern for you, perhaps you'd like to rent out a spring for personal use? You would be the only ones using your particular spring, so you could all go into the same bath with no problems, males and females together.
This is an excellent idea! Let's do this! We should do this.

Whaaat? Alone in there with Raven? No, I think even I'll pass on that one.
Well, what if we rented out a spring and went in one gender at a time?
One gender at a time, eh... If that works for you girls, it sounds good to me.

S-six hundred thousand Gald?!
That's twice as much as it was last time...
Since you're reserving the room for just yourselves, the price is a bit higher... But it's really quite a bargain!
The girls deserve to have a good time, too... Here you go.
Thank you very much! Enjoy your visit!

Wake me up when the bath's free, wouldja?

Raven opens his eyes and punches Karol.

(Shh! Quiet, boy! The ladies have already gone in.)
(This'll be good fer ya, boy. You might learn a little bit 'bout the world. Though I guess if we're caught, that makes ya my accomplice, don't it? Heh heh!)

Ahh... This feels so nice...

(Come on, who cares about Rita? Judith! I wanna see Judith!)
Ahh, the open-air spring feels so amazing. I feel so liberated!
You're certainly taking that to heart. Lose your towel?
Oh, it's just us girls here, Rita. Why would I need a towel?
I guess you're right, but...with you just letting it all hang out like that, I don't feel comfortable looking at you. And look at Estelle! She's been struck speechless by your bold display.

Raven passes out.

Where's the old pervert and the little twerp?

Oh, are you all right?

Well, this isn't going to work. I guess we'll leave the hot springs for another time.

That... didn't actually do much, either. There's another hot spring scene later, and that one actually has a payoff.

While we're here, let's do another sidequest. To start it, we talk to that guy in the top left.

Mmm? What's up?
Do you think you might be able to show me that item you have?
Ah, p'raps the "Luxury Toys Series" has caught yer eye?

We already got this a while back when opening that door in Dahngrest's item shop. It's Klonoa from Klonoa: Door to Phantomile. Klonoa has been referenced in several Tales games, the biggest one probably being Presea's Klonoa costume in Symphonia.

Oh, so it's one of those after all! I'm so jealous!
What the heck's so great about this toy...

Oh, you didn't know? I heard that you can get them from that capsule machine right over there!
Whawhawha!! Really? Really?
It was just a rumor, mind you. I tried my best, but I didn't have a bit of luck! I thought perhaps you'd gotten the one you have from that very machine.
Nope! It was a reward for work that Brave Vesperia did!
Brave Vesperia? Is that the name of a guild?
Well, we really dabble in a little bit of everything.
A guild... Perhaps it wouldn't be too much trouble for me to ask you for a favor, then...
No problem, no problem! Anyone who shares the same interests as ol' Raven is someone who's deservin' of a little assistance!

But you can't buy those in stores, can you? And we don't know if they're even in that capsule machine.
Perhaps, but there may be people out there who have them. And I've heard more rumors that there are capsule machines in other parts of the world, as well.
I know about those. Ya gotta put in Gald or some other stuff ta get anything outta them, though.
Ah, so you know of more? Then please, look for these toys for me! I'll make it worth your while, of course. And let me give you this, as part of the reward.

I got that in a capsule, but it's not really my style. Young lady, I think it would be quite fetching on you.
Thank you very much! It looks like it matches with these clothes very nicely.
Well, now that we've gotten a reward for the job, I guess we've gotta do it! We'll look for the toys for you.
Thank you so much!

This quest mostly consists of finding these dispensers, then hitting the A button a bunch until all statues drop out. I'll spare you the random stuff we get from them and cut to the relevant items.

This is the main character from Dragon Buster. Tales of the Abyss has a pretty big reference to this game.

This is Gilgamesh, the main character from The Tower of Druaga. Both Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Destiny have pretty big references to this game, and there's a couple minor ones sprinkled around in other Tales games too.

This is Valkyrie, the main character from Valkyrie no Densetsu. Tales of Eternia has a pretty big reference to this game. Notice a pattern yet?

The rest of the statues are over in Nam Cobanda.

This is Kissy, the main character from Baraduke. Unfortunately, I think this breaks our pattern. Not sure if this is referenced in another Tales game.

This is Apollo, the main character from Phelios. I'm not aware of any reference to this in another Tales game, either.

This is Mappy, the main character from Mappy.

This is the main character from Metro-Cross.

This is Wagan, the main character from Wagan Land.

This is the race car from Rally-X.

That's ten, but we need eleven. The last one is over in Zaphias.

Hey, good to see you too, Old Man. What are you up to?
...I didn't want to say this, but I've started preparing for the worst. I thought I'd look at this memento of my wife and reminisce about the good times while I still can...
Wait! The world isn't over yet! We'll do something to save it...just wait and see!

So you were talking with your wife about the happy times you had when she was alive?
Laugh at me all you want. I'm not long for this world, Yuri. I'll be with her soon.
I don't know if she'd feel like putting up with you up in heaven, what with the way you're being right now.

I'm not being myself?
Everyone in town is always cheered up by your energy and spirit. This goes for me too, of course. But now it hurts to look at you... Look at everyone in the lower quarter! Even though they're having tough times, they're working hard...working for the future! The only way to guarantee that the end will come is to give up now!
Estelle's right, Old Man. You're not yourself.
Heh heh... Fwa hah hah... An old man like myself never expected to receive such a lecture from a young girl.
I'm, I'm sorry!
No, no, I should be the one to apologize. It seems I misunderstood. You know, when you're angry, you sound just like my wife, when she was young. You even look like her, come to think of it.
I do?
Yes, you're her spitting image.
Are you sure? You don't think you're exaggerating a bit?
You don't know what you're talking about, boy.

Thank you. You've brought me back to my senses.
Oh, no, not at all! I was just... That is, I like you when you're happy!
What a nice thing to say... Please take this, as my way of saying thanks.
But isn't this the memento of your wife...
I'm sure she would've wanted you to have it. Please, take it.
You really don't mind?
Nah, it's okay. I want the young lady to have it. Even if I give away my keepsake of her, the good memories I have won't leave my heart. My memories are all that I need. So please, take this.
I understand. But if you ever want me to give it back, just let me know.

Thank you.

And finally, this is Ki, also from The Tower of Druaga. Thanks to several goons from some Skype chats I'm in for identifying a couple of these statues!

And with that, we can go back to the man in Yumanju.

Yessir! I single-handedly managed ta collect the entire series!
Whaddya mean single-handedly...
Please, let me see them!

Fantastic...simply fantastic. You really have all 11 of them! Oh, I can't wait! I really can't wait! I can't wait to decorate my room with them!
I'm glad that you're so happy! So this means our job is done, right?
Oh, sorry about that... I got a little carried away.
No, not at all. I know how ya feel.
Now, for your reward! Hmmm, what would be appropriate...

Gald, perhaps? Or maybe an item? Maybe another toy might do the trick?
Ummm! Excuse me!
What's the matter, Estelle? Why are you yelling?
Do you think you might be able to give us back that (C) L Statue?

An incomplete set is worthless ta a collector.
I know that. It's just...we can't give him that one doll...
Oh, this is about Hanks, right?

But didn't he give it to you, Estelle?

So, please...please...just let us keep that doll...
But still, you gave me that doll as part of the job I asked you to do...

H-hold on! What do you think you're doing?

Y-Yuri? What are you talking about?
I was thinking I'd get the reward by handing over a bunch of fakes. But it looked like Estelle was about to spill the beans, so I stole them all back.
You stole them back...?
So I'm sorry. It looks like the job was a failure.

Yuri, thank you!!

Besides, this thing's gotta be a fake, right? If anyone found out, it would soil the good name of Brave Vesperia!
What a load of bull... Good thing that guy was too dense to recognize bad acting when he saw it.
Why didn't we just actually make a fake doll and give it to him?
You're even worse than Yuri...

That's one way to end a sidequest, I guess.

Now that we've done that, we can go over to Nam Cobanda again and find this guy:

I don't know what you're referring to.
Don't play dumb! I know all about you getting the "Luxury Toys" series!
These things are really popular!
Surely only among obsessive collectors, right?

Ahh, so you don't like other people to touch them! I get it! You don't want my fingerprints on them. It's okay! I just want to look.

Sure, no problem.
Hey, what've ya got here?
This is treasure fishing! You try to see what sort of treasures you can catch on your line! You're guaranteed to profit! looks like there aren't any treasures...?
You're very observant, yes! Actually, I'm still getting things set up. There aren't any treasures to catch yet!
You're still setting things up, and yet you're open for business?
I'm still trying to figure out what to do... Do you have any ideas?
Ideas, huh. When you're in need, who better to ask but Brave Vesperia!
What? Us? Nothing comes to mind, though...
Are you a guild, by any chance?
Yes, we are. Our guild is called Brave Vesperia.
Ah, so that's how you've gotten all of the dolls! Are you traveling around the world?
Yes. We've been going all over the place...hence the reason that we've made it all the way here.

The more treasure chests you get, the better ideas I'll have for treasures to put here!
You're not saying we should give you what we find, are you?
Not at all. All you have to do is show me, and that'll be enough for me to make it.
You're quite good at making things, then?
I get by. So go out in the world and open all the treasure chests you see! ♥

Turns out I didn't have enough chests yet, alright then. According to guides, not sure how accurate that is, you need to have opened 86% of all treasure chests in the game to finish this, which I figured I had, considering there's more or less only the final dungeon left. Oh well, something for later I suppose.

Next time, we continue the Guild Quest questline, and maybe take a look at some PS3 exclusive sidequests available at the moment.