The Let's Play Archive

Tales of Vesperia

by Admiral H. Curtiss

Part 143: Bunny Guild, Collector's Book, Monster Book

Today, we're gonna do a cleanup of the remaining sidequests.

First, there is this guy in the back of Dahngrest's guild HQ we've been ignoring until now.

Bunny Guild Leader: Oh! ...Not bad! I can use someone like you! How 'bout it? Want to help spread word 'bout my guild? There won't be much to it! It won't be like you're registered under two guilds. So, how 'bout it? You interested?

Yeah sure, why not.

Bunny Guild Leader: Oh, is that so. Here's want you need to do.

Bunny Guild Leader: I want you to help spread the word about my guild. There's nothing to it. I'll give you this badge. You're gonna be famous with this! Hmm...To put it simply, just collect a lot of titles! The more titles you earn, the more well known my guild becomes! I'll give you a nice reward as my guild gets more famous. Waddaya think? Not too bad a deal, eh? You got all of that? Fantastic! Now, go on and let the world know about this spectacular guild! Oh, almost forgot. Here's your badge and a little something for your efforts.

Bunny Guild Leader: I'm counting on ya! Collect lots of titles!

This is entirely passive. Every title has an internal hidden "score" value, and as you collect titles and your total score reaches certain thresholds, you can come back here to get stuff. At this point we have enough titles to get all of them, so let's just go down the list of rewards.

Bunny Guild Leader: Hey there! I've gotten lots of new recruits thanks to you! As promised, here's your reward!

Bunny Guild Leader: Go on and collect more titles! I'm countin' on ya!

Bunny Guild Leader: Hey there! My guild has been booming with new recruits lately! Now get out there and go go go!

Note, the text bubble for this just appears over your current map character, but I assume it's meant to be Judith. Even though that speaking style doesn't fit. I don't know, maybe the translators didn't either.

Bunny Guild Leader: That's the spirit! Now go and get 'em!

After that he repeats the text from the Small Pipe and gives us:

It's the Prince from Katamari Damacy!

Bunny Guild Leader: Membership has soared since you guys came around! Here's that prize I promised! You deserve it!

Bunny Guild Leader: These bunny ears sure bring out the best in you! Hehe. We're almost there! I just need you to get the word out some more!

Another generic line repeat for:

And finally:

Bunny Guild Leader: With this many, my guild will no longer be in danger of being scraped! To show my gratitude, here's a final prize for you!

...10...members...? Hahahaha!
As expected, but his enthusiasm is kind of endearing.
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to put that on?

Yes you will.

Now, there is a really weird Achievement or Trophy attached to this sidequest. If all characters that can equip the bunny ears do so at the same time and leave them on for a few in-game hours (I think it's five), you get:


Bunny Guild Member

This entire thing almost feels like a reference to something, but if it is I have no idea to what. It's just strange to me.

Anyway, second objective: filling the Collector's Book. This involves a lot of synthesizing that I put at the end of this post.

It also needs a few items we technically haven't gotten yet, but just pretend we did, it flows better this way.

At around 90% completion, a skit triggers. You might wanna rewatch the 50% Complete Skit to get what they're talking about.

Skit: Almost There / Baldurdash
Hey, Rita. Take a look at this.
Huh? Oh, the Collector's Book. Let's see...
Hmmm... You've done well to get this much. You even got the little differences between weapons...
I...I did it!! Well, Rita, are you going to do it? Are you going to eat your words? know that's just a figure of speech, right? And besides...
You've done extremely well, but you still have some left to go.
I can still think of a few items that aren't in here.
R-really...? If there are more items you know about, please, feel free to write them in!
You idiot. It's for your own good. Besides, there's only a little left. Keep it up!

...Is this really for Estelle's own good?

And once it's full, another skit:

Skit: Collector's Book Confession / Baldurdash
...Yeah, with this...I'd say the Collector's Book looks pretty complete to me.
R-really?! So you mean, you're going your words?
S-sure. Good job.
Eat them.
Uhhh... *nom nom nom*
Y-yes, I did it! Look, everyone! Look at this!
You wouldn't know how much was left if you didn't already know most of the items in there.
Ah, you caught on? Well, there were a few I didn't know at first, like the apatheia or Dein Nomos.
Of course I caught on. So why'd you make Estelle go through all that trouble?
Well, I...I knew we'd eventually have to write it all down, but...
I-I didn' know, feel like transferring all that data from my head to paper...
R-really! That's all it was!
...Well, all she had growing up were books. I guess it's good she had a chance to get some hands-on experience.

After that, we can go to Halure to meet that Aspio mage that wanted a copy of the full book.

Yes, we've finished. Sorry to keep you waiting!
Holy cow! W-why d-don't we t-take our conv-v-versation out of the street... And g-go to my room at the inn..
Get a hold of yourself, man!

I see, so you ran away to Halure after what happened in Aspio.
Yes. It's just not possible to live there anymore, with things as they are. Now then, if you'd be so kind, I'd like to borrow your Collector's Book now.
Yes, go right ahead.
I don't mind... But you'll have to give it back to us by tomorrow morning.
Of course, of course... Wait, what?!
That's how it has to be. We're running on a very tight schedule.

Oh... I see. Yes, I don't want to cause you any inconvenience.
We're sorry...
No, don't worry about it. Then I'll borrow it for the night.
Keep it safe!
Of course! I've reserved the room next door as well. You may feel free to sleep there tonight.
Ah, how thoughtful of you.
No, it would be rude not to offer. Well then, I'd better get started right away!

Oh, Giovanni's known among researchers for his fast writing skills. He's probably going to make a copy of the book.
Really...? There's no way he could do that...

Y-you actually managed to copy it in a single night...
Hah! I told you so!
But Giovanni, I'm impressed. It looks like you're still as persistent as ever.
Well, I'll admit, this time was particularly tough. Ah yes, before I forget. Take this as a token of my thanks.

O-oh! Really?
The data that you've given me is far more valuable. This is the least I can do. I must show my respect for elite item maniacs like yourselves...
Item maniacs? What do you mean...?
...I guess he just means that we know a lot about items.

Someone *really* fucked up the text box formatting here.

He fell asleep standing up...

This gives us a title for Estelle as well as an Achievement or Trophy.


Item Nerd

Now, to complement the above, filling the Monster Book. You run into most enemies during a regular playthrough, and a bunch more in the bonus dungeons and Coliseum.

The remaining few are in remote world map locations. Some of these are neat or weird, so allow me to point them out:

First we have the Gentleman, who has somehow appeared in several Tales games already. We've seen him and some variations in the Coliseum, but their natural habitat is on the world map in spots that you can only reach by flying.

The latter three are references to Tales of the Abyss, as are the items they drop:

Then we have these things that I found really cute:

They're cheerleaders!

There's also enemies that combine Mandragoras with Polwigles:

And as the last enemy to point out, this is a reference to Judas from Tales of Destiny 2:

On a completely different note, I ran across this weird visual glitch while searching for enemies:

No idea what triggered it, and it didn't actually affect anything, but I figured I might as well show it.

Anyway, assume we have now scanned all enemies, triggering this skit:

Skit: Really, Truly Finished / Baldurdash

Karol, that's great!
Good job, Karol. That was some nice work.
Well...kudos, I guess.
Well done, kid!
Yes, it's fantastic!
This wasn't just my work. We all did this together!
So this is a record of our achievements...all of us.
This is the first time I finished anything like this, and,
and, it's all th-thanks to you guys...
Don't cry, kid.
You did well, Karol. You did so well.
This is ridiculous...
Rita? Are your eyes watering, too?
I, I just have big eyes...!
Come on now, all this emotion over a little Monster Book...?

And of course, we have to have Karol show the completed book to Nan. We can run into her in Capua Nor.


Have you been okay? What have you been doing since I saw you?
Nothing much...
I, I see.
Oh, about your Monster Book...

Huh...?! You managed to do a full ecological survey of the world's monsters, something the Hunting Blades couldn't even do...

...Didn't I tell you...not to report all of this stuff to me?
Y-yeah. But since you were the one who gave me the book...I wanted you to know.
I see. Don't you and your friends have an important mission to be doing?
...Yes, you're right. I'm sorry.

Why did you hold onto that book for so long? It was blank! It was useless! I thought you'd never be able to finish it!
Wh-what are you talking about, Nan?
...And then, before I knew it... You overtook me...
Nan, cheer up!
Why would you want about me...

Oh, that's thoughtful of you, Yuri.
They're still just a couple of kids!

Ahh, young love... How bittersweet!


Like the Collector's Book, filling the Monster Book gives us an Achievement or Trophy.


Monster Nerd

Now, before I leave you to a wall of synthesis, here's some skits I encountered while flying around the world filling the books. Enjoy!

Skit: Pouty Estelle / Baldurdash
I love dinner cooked outside over a campfire! ♪ Maybe it's the spice of the stars...
The spice of the stars, huh? Heh, maybe so.
Nah, the food you get at an inn in town is way better!
The pretty young lady says somethin' nice, and ya gotta go kill the mood!
Wait, no... But...
Food is food, no matter where you eat it! It's all the same mush in your stomach, anyway.
And there's our little ray of sunshine to chime in with somethin' even more insensitive!
No, it's okay... You're right. Inns do have better food, and it doesn't matter where you eat...
Aw, look, you made Estelle all pouty!
Er, no, I mean, I, you see... Well, I guess...

Skit: Stopping Enemies
Wow, the hourglass is really amazing. The enemies just stopped moving!
Yeah, it certainly makes it easier to win battles.
You can get ready for what's next, attack enemies, change battle formation...!
And if we're having trouble running away from enemies, this makes it a cinch! Oh, and it even lets us keep enemies from running away! It's seriously awesome...
Personally, I find this way easier.

Skit: Beautiful Coral
Seeing a languid look like that on a pretty girl's face...that's somethin' else, I tell ya.
What's wrong, Judith? You've been staring at the sea for a while now.
Oh, I was just thinking about how beautiful the multicolored coral are.
Coral? What's that?
It's an organism in certain shallow and warm areas of the ocean. It's beautiful!
Wow, that's a livin' creature?
I dunno, sounds like yer pullin' my leg...
I wouldn't expect someone as uneducated as you to understand.
The colors are really pretty.
I'd read about coral in books, but this is my first time seeing it in person.
I'd love to have a closer look.
Why not just jump in the sea? You're already dressed for it.
Ohhhhh, a lady who's just all wet...
Ol' Raven might hafta take a dip too--

Rita pushes Raven into the sea.

Full speed ahead, Tokunaga!

Skit: Not Exactly Warm
The Fount of Warmth is like this phantom guild that people have only heard stories about.
I never thought I'd see it with my own eyes...
A phantom guild, huh...
If they're a guild, then they must have their own rules and purpose, right?
The stories I've heard say their purpose is to provide the best service to their customers. Rumor has it that any member who's rude to a customer must immediately take their own life.
For how relaxed this place is, their rules sure are strict.

Skit: The Promise of Hypionia
Thanks to Flynn, it seems like everyone in the town has settled into their lives here quite nicely.
It has the same climate as the capital. That might make it easier for them to live in the town.
And people lived on this continent before everyone came with Flynn. The land was for humans.
It'll be nice if more and more people come to live on Hypionia.
Exactly. Home is where the heart is.
I wouldn't mind living here myself...

Skit: Where You Want To Be
What's the matter, Karol?
I...I just saw a b-bug... I hate this forest!
Come on, this place is tons better than the Blade Drifts of Zopheir, isn't it? What's a few bugs?
And too much cold'll kill ya! ♥
You'll be fine in the cold if you just bundle up. There's nothing you can do about a desert, though.
Yes, you have to remove clothing, and there's a limit to how much you can take off.
Maybe yer just not taking enough off! ♪

I also can't stand being on the Atherum.
There sure are a lot of places you don't like going, Rita.
Well, what about you?
I don't like the Heracles very much, myself. That giant blastia's just...
That sounds like the Judith I know...
What about you, Estelle?
Huh? Me? I prefer places without monsters, personally.
Places without monsters... You mean inside barriers.
Huh? That's not what I meant, exactly...
I think I know what you meant.
I wish the whole planet was like that, but that's just not how it works.
Yes, I know...

Skit: All Corners of the World
We finally filled in the world map! It was practically blank when we left the lower quarter.
In the castle, I never could've imagined that I'd travel to all the corners of the world someday.
It's such a huge world we live in. Filling in this map really helped me realize that.
Anyone can read about these places in books, but to actually feel the heat or the cold
Yeah. The only way to learn about this world is to get out there and experience it for yourself.
Seeing is believing, they say.
Well, it shows you that you can't just rely on books to learn what you need to know.
Yuri, you could learn a lot from books!
Yeah yeah, learn learn.
Urgh, you're just impossible!

Synthesized weapons are over here. I ran out of space in this post, haha.

Also I usually cut out armor buying and synthing because they're just stats, but here's something interesting.

This is a Repede armor, but is used as an ingredient for a Yuri/Karol armor.

By having your only copy of the Aer Fragment equipped to Repede, it's possible to glitch out the game and equip the Mumbane Aer to Repede!

It's kinda useless though since armor doesn't show up on the character model anyway.

Synthesizing also included getting the rest of the attachments.

Phew. That's a lot of items.

Anyway, that's it for today. Next time get ready for the actual final battle!