The Let's Play Archive

Tales of Vesperia

by Admiral H. Curtiss

Part 158: Vesperia Hacking - Unused Cutscene Voice Clips

It's not a whole lot, but Vesperia does have a couple unused voice clips intended for cutscenes. Since I think it'd be a shame for some of those to never get heard by anyone not messing around with the game data, here it is!

In story order:

VS05_061: A single line from Yuri that goes between the Lord of the Plains event at Deidon Hold and the first encounter with Kaufman.
VS09_013 and VS09_014: Alternate takes for the Halure tree healing FMV. These seem to exist for every FMV with dialogue, which makes me believe they had them scripted with in-engine textboxes before the FMVs were in place.
VS10_003: A single line from Estelle when entering Aspio for the first time. This was replaced with the "It's because the city is in a cavern." line.
VS10_500 and VS10_501: Instructions to Shaikos from Rita. This feels like it fits somewhere around here, but Yuri's reaction is odd.
VS12_024 and VS12_025: Estelle asking Rita about the thief they caught in Shaikos. This belongs between Rita's "you sure made yourselves at home" and Yuri's "sorry for suspecting you" in the scene after getting back to Aspio from Shaikos.
VS15_162: A yell from Yuri, for the Azure Edge he uses to break down the cell door when confronting Ragou in his basement. Odd that they didn't use this.
VS17_152: Odd line from Cumore. Right after his "Now die like the flies you are!" and before the Schwann Brigade's arrival when you encounter them in Caer Bocram.
VS19_516: A grunt from someone in Dahngrest right before the monster alarm sounds.
VS19_040: A yell from Flynn when he arrives in Dahngrest, right before Estelle notices him. This doesn't really fit into the final variant of the scene, so I see why this went unused.
VS21_174 to VS21_181: Lines for every party member for the Barbos battle. They seem like they would have been used in a short mid battle conversation similar to Yeager's. I'm unsure if these can be actually triggered in the battle somehow depending on your party composition, but I suspect not.
VS23_050 and VS23_051: Unused yells from knights for Phaeroh's attack on Dahngrest.
VS23_073 and VS23_074: Alternate take for the FMV on Dahngrest's bridge.
VS23_500: Repede noises without context.
VS27_177: I think this is a noise from Regaey when he steals the Clear Ciel Crystal box.
VS27_204: Estelle wondering about the contents of the Clear Ciel Crystal box. This was replaced by her "Just what was the clear ciel crystal?" line.
VS28_074 and VS28_075, VS28_076 and VS28_077: Arriving in the desert for the first time, right around here. These were replaced by a different and rather lengthy string of dialogue, from Raven's "Whoa... We made it all the way there?" to Rita's "Hold on. Are you seriously going?".
VS36_079: A line from the Don during the Don-Yeager confrontation, right after he says that it's daybreak now.
VS36_163: Alternate read of this Rita line, replacing "Altosk" with "the Union".
VS36_501: Crowd yelling "Don Whitehorse!". Presumably for his execution scene?
VS41_122: Near the end of the Yuri/Flynn confrontation after Alexei reveals himself, from Yuri. Interestingly, this line was ressurrected in the PS3 version.
VS44_186: Odd Yuri line that goes between this scene and this scene in the Heracles engine room.
VS45_017 to VS45_031: Alternate takes for the FMV where you attack Alexei in the capital by air.
VS49_064 to VS49_071: Unused Estelle party battle dialogue. This is actually referenced in the battle file but doesn't play for some reason.
VS49_099 to VS49_112: Additional dialogue and alternate takes for the FMV when rescuing Estelle. I actually like this one much better than the version they used!
VS50_231: Alternate read of of this Yuri line, replacing "this bunch" with "Brave Vesperia". I guess Estelle technically isn't part of Brave Vesperia, so the one they used makes more sense.
VS51_005: Nonsensical line from Judith when approaching Zaude. No clue what this was for.
VS51_200 to VS51_209: Alternate takes for the FMV after beating Alexei in Zaude, when the Adephagos appears. D.C. Douglas clearly had fun with this one.
VS55_526: Judith being shocked about Belius being reborn. Would fit somewhere around here.
VS59_165: This sounds like a Duke grunt at the end of the scene when Sylph explains his backstory. Maybe he was supposed to be offscreen, listening in?
VS64_070 and VS64_071: Flynn lines when talking to him right before the Flynn battle. The lines are sorta still in the game, but with different phrasing, and they don't have audio.
VS64_093: A Repede woof during the Flynn battle scene. Guess he was there at some point during development.
VS65_198 to VS64_224: Alternate takes of the ending FMV.

And a few sidequest ones:

VA050_020 and VA050_021: Two Yuri lines at the end of the first Duke sidequest scene.
VA011_001 to VA011_005: These are the first few lines of the Guild Quest chain. You can see them in the middle of this update. I wonder why they voiced these but not the rest of the scene?
VA022_083 to VA022_087: This is right at the end of this scene, which is part of the Fake Yormgen event required to unlock the Labyrinth of Memories. These few lines push you towards Nordopolica to continue the quest, but I can't really think of an event that fits, so I'm guessing that part was never finished.
VA042_030 to VA024_033: This fits in the middle of the scene after you beat Gauche/Droite, after Gauche's "We owe him our lives.".

If you're not listening to everything, at least listen to this magnificent Alexei laugh that I can't believe they didn't use.