The Let's Play Archive

Tales of Vesperia

by Admiral H. Curtiss

Part 74: Unveiling the Mastermind

Last time, Estelle and Raven disappeared from Myorzo with no trace. Myorzo's Entelexeia told us he felt something in the direction of a desert town, probably Yormgen.

...Something feels off here.

Watch the cutscene!

What's happening?
What's going on? It's just a pile of ruins...
This didn't just happen in a few days... This is, like, hundreds of years.
Quiet. Someone's here.

This could be our clue about the Rizomata Formula!
That's...the dragon from the Weasand of Cados.
He's traveling with Duke, huh?

Duke takes off.

I've got questions for that guy, but we have to find Estelle first...

There's no time. This isn't what I would have chosen, but so be it.
Alexei. What are you doing here...?
Ah, looking for the Princess? I'm impressed you found your way here.
Do you know where Estelle is?!

Wh-what do you think you're doing?!
Is this your idea of a joke, Commandant?
I am at a loss as to how to thank you.

Ragou and Barbos did serve my purposes, but you... I really must commend your work. You're some of the most talented and foolish performers I've seen.

However, the time for fooling around is over. It is time for you to exit the stage.
So that's it, huh?

Humph. And yet another fool arrives.
Commandant! How could you?! You're the pride of the Imperial Knights. How could you commit treason...?
This is not treason. I am merely following the path of one who holds true authority.
And you just intend to betray the trust of His Highness Ioder?!
His Highness... Yes, I think he'll be relinquishing his rank soon.

Well done. I am headed for Baction as planned. I will leave this situation to you. ...And Ioder's fate as well.
Ja, you bet, milord.

Yuri and Flynn start chasing after Alexei, but get cut off.

Stand back.
If you try to stop us...
Get the hell out of the way!

What did you say?!
You'll be too late if you don't hurry.

Yeager and his girls disappear in a puff of smoke.

Yuri, come on!


Yuri walks closer to Flynn, staring at him angrily.

...The Shrine of Baction is said to be located on the Hypionian continent.
Hypionia... The continent east of Desier. The Egothor Forest is there.
Are we actually gonna trust what Yeager said?!
If that's where Alexei is headed, then Estelle's got to be there!
We don't have much information, so I guess we'll just have to go check it out.
But what about Raven?

No... Raven... He wouldn't do that...
Well, the facts are that she's been kidnapped, and he's nowhere to be seen!
I mean, that's only logical, right?!

...Well, whatever. Let's get going! ...Yuri?

...Flynn. A word?
Very well. Let's talk over there.

Watch the cutscene!

What happened to advancing as a Knight and fixing the empire from within? You've been nothing more than a damn puppet on Alexei's string. Don't you dare tell me that the Don and Belius died for nothing more than that!
He was there working alongside you this whole time, Flynn! How could you possibly not know?!

Why, though? Did you go along with it because Ioder trusted Alexei?
His Highness is not to blame. I had total confidence in Alexei. The responsibility is mine.
So your pursuit of the apatheia at Nordopolica was on Alexei's orders, I presume.

There's no reason to worry about exposing the "Commandant" now.
The conversion of Heliord into a military installation, the abuse of the residents at Mantaic... All of Cumore's activities, the forbidden development of new blastia...

The Commandant...Alexei was not always this way! You, of all people, should remember. Those who are just will lead lives of prosperity. That was the ideal Alexei once held dear. That was why I...
But all it's done for you is help you lose sight of your original intentions.

No. That never would have happened if I hadn't been blind to Alexei's true nature. I had grown far too used to simply obeying orders like a good knight, even when I doubted them. It was my lack of thought that brought this about...!

No, it is as she says. I must shoulder this responsibility. It is up to me to rescue Lady Estellise. Witcher, Sodia... Until then, help Yuri and his friends protect Master Ioder.
Whoa, what?!

I am duty-bound to correct this wrong by saving her.
Captain! What should be done about His Highness?! If anything were to happen to him, the empire...
I know. That's why this brigade is concentrating all our efforts on ensuring his safety.
But Captain...!
Damn it, Flynn...

Brave Vesperia's going to rescue Estelle. You've got your own things to worry about. Y'know, like... ...taking care of the little prince and all that.

...All right.

Same here.

Flynn and his subordinates run off.

Yeah. It's taken a while, but everything points back to him. All right! Next stop, the Shrine of Baction.

Skit: Payback
Just who does that idiot Commandant think he is?
Barbos, Ragou, even Yeager. Alexei was behind all of them.
And now he's taken Estelle!
I won't let him do this!
I am gonna rip him to shreds the moment we get Estelle away from him!
He must receive his due punishment. We can't let him get away!
...He's evil. That's all there is to it. And he will not change. It's time for some payback.

And that's pretty much all we can do here.

If you check inside the house, you can find this:

This is the same message we could find in Yormgen's inn:

So yes, this is Yormgen... somehow.

We have more important matters to think about than that though. Off to the Shrine of Baction!

First though, this scene got some changes in the PS3 version, so let's take a look at that.

Alexei includes Aifread in his speech about his plans:

I am at a loss as to how to thank you. Your pitiful sense of justice has allowed me to work with little interruption. Long ago, I used the pirate Aifread. Afterwards, I used Barbos and Ragou. All three of them did serve my purposes, but you... I really must commend your work. You're some of the most talented and foolish performers I've seen.

That's pretty much the only change in the first part, Patty gives a comment here and there but nothing interesting.

In the talk with Flynn, however:

It is up to me to rescue Lady Estellise.
Whoa, what?!
Captain! What should be done about His Highness?! If anything were to happen to him, the empire...
I know. That's why this brigade is concentrating all our efforts on ensuring his safety.
But Captain...!
I'm counting on you.
Damn it, Flynn... I didn't yell at you to have you turn around and take everything on yourself.
Brave Vesperia's going to rescue Estelle.
Then allow me to join Brave Vesperia.
A knight joining a guild? You've got to be joking.
I was unable to prevent the Royal Guard from abducting Her Highness. I am duty-bound to correct this wrong by saving her.
Just forget about it. You're not cut out for a guild.
But if you want to tag along I won't stop you.
But you know what you really should be doing, right?
Yeah. As soon as I rescue Lady Estellise, I must return to protect Master Ioder. I cannot allow the empire to fall into disarray.

Sodia, Witcher, I'm sorry. Please take care of His Highness.
Please hurry back. I'll report back to His Highness.
Yuri. Thanks.
Same here. You had me worried there. It's good to see you're back to your old self.

Alexei... So he's the one who's been advancing Hermes blastia technology.

Yep! Flynn (temporarily) joins the party here.

Next time, we'll take a look at Flynn in battle, then head off to Baction.