The Let's Play Archive

Tales of the Abyss

by Sydin

Part 10: Crossing the Border

Last time, we were about to cross the Fubras River on our way to Kaitzur. Some how 'river crossing' is demarkated by a field of spikes jutting from the earth. Okay.

: “Kimlascan territory is just ahead, once we cross here, right?”

: “Yeah. There's a city called Kaitzur after crossing the Fubras River. That whole area's a demilitarized zone.”

: “Man I can't wait to get back... I'm sick of all this stuff.”

: “Hang in their Master! Cheer up!”

: “Mieu...”

: “Luke! Don't take things out on Mieu!”

: “I'm sorry I dragged you into this, Luke.”

: “Tch...”

: “Well, it sounds like Luke is done whining. Shall we be going?”

: “What do you mean, 'whining'?!”

: “Hey! Stop ignoring me!”

Fubras River is a pretty standard dungeon, though it can be a little difficult to navigate since you're always running towards the camera, so it's hard to tell what paths are progress and what are dead ends. The loot is pretty sub par, but the monsters here are a step up in challenge from the world map and give decent exp, so this is a good place to grind early game if you want to.

: “...What is it, oh great leader?”

: “Luke!”

: “I've been watching you fight. It appears you don't have a firm grasp on proper fonon use.”

: “Using fonons is what fonists do. I don't need to worry about that.”

: *sigh* “Did you Master teach you nothing but brute force?”

: ...

...Hold on to this thought, actually. It sounds like a standard Jade quip but... well, trust me.

: “Don't make fun of Master Van! He didn't teach me that stuff because I don't need it!”

: “Whatever the case, you don't know how to use fonons in battle, correct? In that case, I'd like you to learn so you can fight more efficiently.”

: “Why the hell should I bother?”

Man, what made Luke turn up the Jackass meter this update?

: “Luke, this man is a professional. If you want to survive, you should listen to what he has to say.”

: “..Humph. Yeah, a professional killer.”

: “The fon slot seal has already reduced my abilities. I don't want any further dead weight.”

I've already gone over Field of Fonons in the mechanics update, so I'm not going to transcribe it here. I do accept, however, so I can show you one thing:

Lightning Tiger Blade is Fang Blade's altered arte. Luke stabs his opponent, jumps up into the air, rains lightning down on them a bunch of times, then swings down for a devastating finisher. It's probably my favorite of Luke's Altered Artes, and you get it pretty much immediately since it's based of Luke's starting arte. Unfortunately, it isn't as powerful as it is awesome looking.

Anyway, we make our way down the hill towards the river, killing all the frogs that dare cross our path.

Frigid Blast is the altered arte of Rending Blast, and unsurprisingly of the water element. It is essentially just a more powerful, larger area rending blast that also adds water damage. It also has a huge knockback and stun potential, which are both quite handy.

Eventually, we hit the river. Amusingly, if you stand in the shallows just behind where I am in the shot above, Luke will glide in the direction the river is moving. What a useless additional detail.

Skit: Watch Out for Water

: “For a river that took out a bridge, this doesn't look all that special.”

: “Well, the water's probably receded a fair bit since then. Think of how it would look after a rainstorm.”

: “How would I know what that looks like?”

: “Oh right, sorry. Anyway, river or otherwise, water can be dangerous, so you'd best be careful.”

: “You sure talk about that a lot... the dangers of the sea and all.”

: “...Yes, I've heard that too. That the sea is a dangerous place.”

: “Heard? Interesting choice of words. With Daath on the Padamiyan continent, I'd think there would be quite a few beaches nearby.”

: “Well... yes, that's true...”

: “Anyway... Guy, are you from Baticul?”

: “Mm? No, but I do like water, though. I've even had training in maritime rescue.”

: “Wow, you can do anything, can't you?”

: “Just listen to me when I tell you to be careful, okay? Don't try to fool around with nature.”

: …

: “...Would you all stop staring at me?!”

Er... that's not a zombie. A zombie Ent maybe, but certainly not a regular zombie.

Also: giant fucking turtles.

We cross the river to the other side.

Skit: Natural Disasters

: “Dammit, I'm drenched...”

: “Hey, don't complain. You wanted to get back as fast as possible, right?”

: “Well yeah but... if I'd known it was this bad, I'd have gone to Akzeriuth instead.”

: “You're still not used to traveling yet, Luke?”

: “Shut up! I just want to take the easiest way, that's all.”

: “Well, with the bridge out, there's no way at all to Akzeriuth right now. It'll probably be a while before the bridge is repaired. There's not much you can do about natural disasters.”

: “Are there a lot of earthquakes and stuff around here?”

: “I don't know. I haven't heard of many, but you can't exactly predict them either.”

: “Yeah, you got a point.”

Well that skit meandered a little. Anyway:

This video is highly recommended: There's a lot of movement that's difficult to translate into screenshots.

: “A liger!”

: “There's someone behind them as well.”

: “It's Arietta the Wild... they've found us.”

: “I won't let you get away.”

: “Arietta! Please, let us go. You understand, don't you? We can't let this war happen.”

: “I...I want to help you Ion... but those people are my enemies!”

: “Arietta, they aren't bad people.”

: “Yes... yes they are... they killed mommy!”

: “What are you talking about? When did we ever do something like that?”

: “Mommy's home was burned, so she moved into the Cheagle Woods. She was just trying to protect her children... my brothers and sisters.”

: “Could she mean the liger queen? But, she's human...”

: “She was raised by monsters after losing her parents in the Hod War. She was recruited for the Oracle Knights because of her ability to communicate with monsters.”

: “Then the liger we killed was...”

: “That was Mommy! I'll never forgive you! I'll chase you to the ends of the earth... and kill you!”

Violent shaking begins, and Arietta is knocked down.

: “It's an earthquake!”

: “What's that mist?!”

: “It's the miasma!”

: “Oh no! The miasma is a deadly poison!”

: “If you don't inhale a large amount over a long period of time, you'll be okay. Let's just get out of-”

The land begins to split apart and sink.

: “Now what do we do? We can't run away!”

: “Fonic hymns, at a time like this?”

: "Croix Ryo Tsuae Twei Ryo Rei Nevu Ryo Tsuae."

: “Wait, Jade. That song... it's one of Yulia's fonic hymns!”

: “I've applied a vibration identical to the inherent vibration of the miasma. It's a temporary shield. It won't last long.”

That... explains everything?

: “The seven fonic hymns left behind by Yulia... I'd heard rumors about them but... I head that they were too difficult for anyone to decipher.”

: “Worry about that later. We need to get out of here.”

: “...Yes.”

: “H-hey, stop! Why do you have to kill her?!”

: “If we let her live, she'll come after us again.”

: “But... how can you kill someone unconscious and defenseless.”

: “Shut up, you cold-!”

: “Jade, please let her go. Arietta was originally one of my Fon Master Guardians.”

: “...Very well.”

: “You don't mind if we at least move her so that the miasma won't hit here if it comes back, do you?”

: “I don't think I can complain about that, seeing as how I'm already letting her live.”

: “It won't hold much longer!”

: “Let's go.”

Force Field is Tear's second Fonic Hymn. Anybody standing in the area of effect when the arte is cast becomes immune to damage for a short time. A great use for it is covering the ass of your melee fighter when a boss is about to throw out a mystic arte (more on those later.) Otherwise it only has marginal utility.

Let's get the hell out of dodge.

Skit: To Kaitzur

: “Let's step up the pace, shall we?”

: “Why? All we have to do is follow the coastline, right?”

: “I'd prefer to avoid any more trouble from Arietta.”

: “Oh yeah, good point.”

: “So, shall we get going to Kaitzur before Arietta catches up with us?”

: “Yeah.”


We also encounter our first human enemies on the field.

As I said before, Luke has a unique end battle quote whenever he fights human opponents.

: “I'll do whatever it takes...”

Coming from the guy who just said we should pick up the pace.

: “Oh come on. We're almost to Kaitzur. What do you want here?”

: “It's Tear's fonic hymns, isn't it?”

: “Yes. I've wondered about them for a while. Her fonic hymns are different from the ones I know. And Ion... you say those are Yulia's fonic hymns.”

: “So what?”

: “Yulia's fonic hymns are special. Normally, fonic hymns are just the incantation used in a fonic arte, combined with a melody. They're not as strong as fonic artes.”

Wait, why not? The whole point of fonons is that they're sound based. We've been over this. Why would adding a melody to an incantation make the spell weaker?

: “But Yulia's hymns are different. They are said to hold the same power as fonic artes.”

: “...Yes, the fonic hymns I use are indeed those of Yulia.”

: “I thought Yulia's hymns meant nothing with only the verses and melody.”

: “Really? You just can't sing them?”

: “When one who truly appreciates the symbolism and meaning sings a verse, it draws a map to hidden wisdom.”

: “What's that supposed to mean?”

: “Or so they say, anyway. Supposedly, they're handed down in secret from one generation to the next.”

: “Y-yes. That's correct. You know a lot about them.”

: “I heard about it once, way back.”

: …

: “How are you able to sing Yulia's hymns? Who did you learn them from?”

: “I was told it was because my family is descended from Yulia... I don't know whether that's true or not.”

I'm trying to think of a proper religious context to put this in for comparison, but one doesn't really come to mind. She's essentially claiming direct descent from the founder of the One True Religion of the world. Not an insignificant claim.

: “A descendent of Yulia... I see...”

: “So that means Master Van's a descendant of Yulia, too?!”

: “...Well, yeah. I guess so.”

: “Whoa! Master Van's so cool!”

My god game, we get it. Hero worship issues.

: “Thank you Tear. I would certainly like the chance to learn more about fonic hymns. Especially the Grand Fonic Hymn.”

: “Grand Fonic Hymn, what's that?”

: “The fonic hymn Yulia sang to use Lorelei's power. It is proof of their covenant.”

: “...Shall we get moving? I believe I've answered your question.”

: “Hey, isn't that Anise?”

: “I'm sorry, but I can't let you pass.”

: “Ohh...”

: “Anise, Luke can hear you.”

: “Oh! It's my darling! ♥ My prince! ♥”

: “Luke! ♥ I'm so glad you're safe! I was so worried about you!”

: “We were worried about you too. They said you were fighting monsters and fell from the Tartarus?”

: “Yeah... it was pretty scary... heh heh...”

: “The poor thing must have been terrified. She screamed, 'I'll kill you bastards!' as she fell.”

: “Fon Master, please! Shh!”

: “I kept the imperial letter safe. Aren't you proud of me, Luke? ♥”

: “Oh, uh, yeah. Good job.”

: “Yay! ♥”

: “I'm glad you're safe, Anise.”

: “Oh, my. ♥ Were you worried about me, too, Colonel?”

: “Yes, we can't do a thing without that letter.”

: “You're mean...”

: “By the way, how are we going to cross the checkpoint? Neither Luke nor I have passports.”

: “You won't need any once you're dead!”

: “Stand down, Asch!”

: “...Out of the way, Van!”

: “What do you think you're doing? I don't recall giving any orders like this. Now stand down!”

And he jumps away again.

: “Luke, that parry was pathetic.”

: “We meet up after all that's happened and that's the first thing you say?”

: “Tear, put away your weapon. You misunderstand.”

: “What do you mean?”

: “Calm down. Once you're ready to listen to me, come to the inn.”

: “Master! Thanks for saving me.”

: “It must have been hard for you, Luke. You've done an admirable job. I'd expect no less from my pupil.”

: “Thank you!! Heh heh!”

Because if Luke needs something right now, it's a fucking ego boost.

: “Tear, let's listen to what Van has to say. I think it would be foolish to insist on fighting and ignore an opportunity to communicate.”

: “Yeah. Seriously, how bloodthirsty are you?”

: “As you wish, Fon Master.”

: “Well all right. Let's go see Van.”

For real this time, I swear.

Skit: Asch the Bloody

: “Was that Asch the Bloody? He attacked so suddenly, I couldn't be sure.”

: “Wow... if the Commandant hadn't stepped in, Luke could've been killed.”

: “But just attacking out of the blue, without even trying to capture Ion... are they that desperate?”

: “Perhaps... in any case, caution would be well-advised.”

: “Yeah.”

Anyway, let's see what Van's got to say in his defense for... what exactly did he do again?

: “...Why are you trying to interfere with Fon Master Ion's efforts to prevent war?”

Oh right, that.

: *sigh* “Are you still saying that?”

: “She's wrong, isn't she Master?”

: “But the Six God-Generals are trying to kidnap Ion!”

: “Calm down, Tear. I have no idea why the Fon Master is even here to begin with. All I've heard from the Order is that Ion vanished from the cathedral in Daath.”

: “I'm sorry, Van. I did that of my own volition.”

: “I'd appreciate it if you'd fill me in on what's happened up till now.”

: “I'm the one who took Ion away, allow me to explain.”

...And we fade to black. Even JRPG's have mercy sometimes.

: “It's likely they're under orders from Grand Maestro Mohs.”

: “I see now, you may have been recalled to steal Ion back form the Malkuth military.”

: “Yes, perhaps so. The one who attacked you earlier, Asch, is also one of the Six God-Generals. But even I didn't know he was involved in this matter.”

: “Then, are you saying you have nothing to do with all of this?”

: “No, considering I was unaware of what my own troops were doing, I must take some responsibility. But I don't side with the Grand Maestro faction.”

: “That's news to me, Commandant.”

: “I'm the leader of the Six God-Generals, so people tend to assume I side with the Grand Maestro. For that matter, Tear, you're part of the intelligence division under the Grand Maestro's command. Why are you here?”

: “I'm searching for something under orders from Mohs. I can't say any more than that.”

: “The Seventh Fonstone?”

: “I'm not at liberty to say.”

: “The 'Seventh Fonstone'? What's that?”

: “What? Quit looking at me like I'm stupid...”

: “Talk about a sheltered life...”

: “It's part of the Score that Yulia read 2000 years ago. The world's future is written within.”

: “The Score was so long, it took up seven fonstones, each the size of a mountain. Eventually the stones broke apart. Some became the fon belt you see in the sky. Others fell to the earth.”

: “Malkuth and Kimlasca both tried to claim the stones that fell to land, and that led to war. Because, if you have the fonstones, you can learn the future.”

So there you have it, now you know what the Score is. You can see why it's considered something of a big deal.

: “Huh. So this thing with the seventh 'Score' written on it is called the 'Seventh Fonstone' huh?”

: “It's said that Yulia hid the Seventh herself after she read the Score. Therefore, numerous powers have been searching for the Seventh Fonstone.”

: “And that's what Tear is looking for now?”

: “Maybe. Maybe not.”

: “At any rate, I have nothing to do with Mohs. I'll order the Six God-Generals not to interfere with you all, though I don't know how much good it will do.”

: “Van, what about passports?”

: “Oh, yes. Duke Fabre entrusted me with temporary passports. With the spares I brought just in case, there are just enough for all of you.”

: “Now we can cross the border.”

: “You should get some rest here before you go. I'll go on ahead across the border and ready a ship.”

: “So we'll meet up at the Kaitzur naval port?”

: “Right. Once you cross the border, just follow the sea and you'll be there shortly. Don't get lost now.”

: “I don't trust him.”

: “Oh yeah? Well I don't trust you.”

: “That's fine with me.”

: “Nice friendly relationship you two have there...”

Skit: Just an Ordinary Girl

:”I'm glad you're safe, Anise.”

: “Luke! ♥ It was so lonely without you! ♥”

: “Y-yeah, I'm glad you made it.”

: “It sounds like you had a hard time.”

: “A little longer and we might have actually started worrying about you.”

: “Booo! How about worrying about me from the beginning?”

: “Well, now we just need to head to Baticul.”

: “Indeed. I just hope the Six God-Generals will leave us alone until then.”

: “Hmm? Guy, why are you staring at me?”

: “N-no... I mean, Jade and Ion were talking about you a lot, so I wondered what you were really like...”

: “Me? Oh, I'm just your ordinary, everyday, cute little girl.”

: “It seems that Anise has a slightly different definition of 'ordinary' than I do.”

: “Hah hah hah!”

: “That's mean, Colonel! And Ion, don't laugh!”

: “Hey, enough talk, let's get moving!”

: “Oh, sorry. Anyway, Anise, nice to meet you.”

: “Nice to meet you too! ♥”

Well, that was certainly a plot dump! Let's rest up and cross the border, shall we?

Skit: Kaitzur Inn

: “Hey, why can't you get along with Master Van? He's your brother, isn't he?”

: “Like I said, I don't trust him. He's hiding something.”

: “Well, you're hiding something too, aren't you?”

: ….

: “Say something!”

: “P-Please, don't argue!”

: …!

: “Mieu, leave them along. There's no point in getting involved in a lover's quarrel.”

: “Hey!”

: “Uh... Mieu?”

: “Don't be a copycat!”

: “Hah hah hah hah!”

: “Will you quit it already?”

: *sigh*

: “Let's get going, you two. Save it until after things have settled own, okay?”

: “Yeah, yeah...”

: “Fair enough.”

Is it just me, or is Luke and Tear's relationship a little more strained as of late?

Passports in hand, we have no further problems crossing the border.

Kaitzur is literally two walls separated by a huge stretch of no-mans land. A nice touch is that the two walls are built in the respective styles of the kingdoms rather than being uniform: Malkuth's is marble white and elegantly curved, while Kimlasca's looks like a wrought iron slab you'd build a fortress out of. It reflects the differing attitudes of the two nations. More on this later.

: “We received direct orders from His Majesty the King to let you through immediately.”

: “We're finally back in Kimlasca...”

: “Don't relax yet: the vacation's not over until you're actually home.”

: “Yeah, I'll pass on any more 'vacations' like this.”

: “It's been a while since I visited Kimlasca.”

: “The Kaitzur naval port is south of here, right? Comon, Luke! Let's go!” ♥

Once again notice the clashing styles: compare the Malkuth side with it's nice path and cute little inn compared to Kimlasca's WWI trench-fest.

Now that Anise is on our party, we can put her to work. In combat her cute little teddy-bear thing grows to 7ft tall and beats the ever loving shit out of whatever crosses its path. While the bear handles physical offense, Anise also gets a decent mix of light and dark fonic artes to sling around. Anise is to Jade as Luke is to Guy: slower, tankier, but not as devastating in terms of raw damage output.

Skit: A Lady's Secret

: “Hmm hmm hmm...”

: “Hey Tear, can I ask you something?”

: “What?”

: “Well, everybody's acting like it's normal, so it was kind of hard to bring up but... Anise's puppet thing... how does it work? Fonic artes?”

: “...Good question.”

: “What do you mean good question?”

: “Yeah, I was wondering about that too. Luke, go ask her.”

: “Me? That's your job!”

: “Anise, can I ask you something? That doll of yours...”

: “You mean Tokunaga?”

: “...Yeah, Tokunaga. So how does that get so huge?”

: “Well, if you must know... that's a lady's secret!”

: “Huh?”

: “It has to do with fontech, but the details are an Order of Lorelei secret. So, a lady's secret.”

: “...Well Tear?”

: “I'm not a puppeteer, I don't know.”

: “Dammit, I want to know!”

Don't worry Luke, we'll learn about the backstory on Tokunaga! In about 20ish hours.

Well, at least we made it. Now it's just smooth sailing to Baticu-

A monster's cry is heard.

: “Huh? What's going on?”

: “That sounds like a monster.”

: “That's one of Gloomietta's pets!”

: “Gloomietta?”

: “O-okay, okay! I get it! Stop touching me!”

: “It flew from the direction of the harbor. Let's go.”

: “Get her away from me!”

Skit: Arietta Attacks

: “So Arietta came after all...”

: “Yep...”

: “Huh? What about Gloomietta?”

: “She attacked us at the Fubras River, too. The miasma got her that time...”

: “But I asked them to let her go.”

: “The Fubras? That close by? And she's already come back?”

: “Gloomietta's always so stubborn... and she moves so fast... and she never listens to anybody! She's such a pain...”

: “I knew things would end up like this, but there's no point in arguing over the past, so let's leave it at that.”

: “Yes, Let's go over to where the trouble is.”

Yeah, 'Oh...' pretty much sums it up.

: “I knew it was you, Gloomietta! Stop causing trouble for people!”

: “You all...”

: “I am NOT gloomy! You're mean, Anise!”

: “What happened here?”

: “Arietta unleashed her monsters on the ship.”

: “Commandant... I'm sorry... Asch asked me to.”

: “Asch?!”

: “If you want him back, Luke and Ion have to come to Choral Castle. If they don't come... they'll kill him...”

: “Van, how's the ship?”

: “...Out of commission, I'm afraid. With our engineer kidnapped, we'll have to wait for the training ship to return.”

: “What's this 'Choral Castle' that Arietta mentioned?”

: “It's Duke Fabre's vacation home. I heard he abandoned it when the front line of the previous war drew near.”

: “Huh, really?”

: “Luke, come on! Choral Castle was where the found you when you were kidnapped seven years ago.”

: “I told you, I don't remember anything from back then!”

: “Maybe I'll remember something if I go back there.”

: “There's no need for you to go. Wait for the training ship to return to port. I'll deal with Arietta myself.”

: “But that means we'll be ignoring Arietta's demands.”

: “Isn't preventing war what's important right now? Luke, take Fon Master Ion and return to the border. There's nothing here but simple facilities. I'll remain here and put a stop to Arietta.”

: “Y-yes, sir.”

So that's the second heavily fortified military installation (the other being the Tartarus) that's been completely and soundly defeated by monsters. Why are both nation's militaries so shit?

: “What business do you have with the Fon Master?”

: “The man Arietta the Wild kidnapped was our maintenance chief! Please Fon Master, you have to save the chief.”

: “The Chief faithfully upholds the Score. He's a devout follower of the Order of Lorelei. He was relieved when this year's birthday Score stated that calamity would be avoided!”

: “Please!”

: “...All right.”

: “Are you sure?”

: “Arietta told me to come.”

: “I agree with Ion.”

: “And you called me soft...”

: “If we abandon one the Score has foretold will be saved from calamity, we will be ignoring the Score. That would go against Yulia's teachings. And...”

: “And?”

: “...Never mind.”

Remember the line about ignoring the Score. I'll come back to it later, I assure you.

: “It is true the Score should be upheld...”

: “Um... I think we should go to Choral Castle too.”

: “If you're going to Choral Castle, I”ll go with you. There's something there I'd like to investigate.”

: “Arietta's female, you know.”

: “D-don't remind me...”

: “Are you going too, Master?”

: “No way am I going. Even Master Van said we didn't have to.”

: “Arietta said for you to come as well.”

: “Please don't abandon the Chief! He has a family in Baticul...”

And he's only two days away from retirement, I'm sure.

: “All right, all right, I'll go. Are you happy now? Why do I have to bother with this...”

: “Th-thank you so much!”

: “Choral Castle is southeast of here, along the coast. Please take care.”

This is complete bullshit: It's actually northeast, since Kaitzur Naval Port is the farthest south you can go on this continent. Whatever.

: “Well you heard him. Shall we be going?”

: “I thought you were against going to Choral Castle?”

: “Nope. Either way's fine with me.”

: “What the..? I don't get you at all.”

Welp, I guess that settles that. You didn't honestly think we were getting off that easy, did you?

Skit: To Choral Castle

: “So we're going...”

: “We can't ignore Arietta's threat to the maintenance chief. I'm sorry for involving you in this...”

: “It's fine. Somebody's got to go along and protect you. I'll take care of the monsters, so you just stay back.”

Aww, Luke really does care about his friends.

: “Luke! ♥ Can you protect me too? ♥”

Aaaand way to ruin a moment, Anise.

: “Protect Anise? I'm not really sure she needs-”

: “There's monsters all over! The frail maiden is supposed to receive protection from the prince! Err... duke! Whatever! It's so dreamy... ♥”

: “Hah hah...”

: “...All right, enough already. Let's go!”

I forgot how annoying Anise was in the early game. Jesus.

Next Time: More puzzles, more plot, and our first legitimate boss battle!