The Let's Play Archive

The King's Dilemma

by That Italian Guy

Part 147: Third Choice

Reign of King Harald VII, The Labyrinth - Door 3, Resolution

Vote Results posted:

Votes Door 5!

Votes Door 1>9!

Votes Door 1>9!

Votes Door 1>9!

Votes Door 1>9!

Door 1>9 wins!
Plan backtrack is a go!

Vote Outcome posted:

- Foreman/Sitting Councilmember: Slaan (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: LPFinale (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: scavy131 (also Treasurer)

- High Scholar/Sitting Councilmember: eliasswift (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: SporkChan
- Treasurer/Negotiator: Covski

The Labyrinth posted:

The Council may be onto something! It looks like the maze can be more or less freely explored, so let's have a look at what expects us down the road:

The exits have been located! Now we just need to figure out which one to take...
We are lost in the Labyrinth! This vote will be different (and we are doing things slightly differently than in bg):