The Let's Play Archive

The King's Dilemma

by That Italian Guy

Part 20: Moderation window

Reign of Queen Ilysia I, Dilemma 3, Moderation

Vote Results posted:

Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 4 Power (current: 7), gains 1 Coins (current: 22).

Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 4 Power (current: 8), gains 1 Coins (current: 23).

Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 4 Power (current: 11), gains 3 Coins (current: 6).

Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 4 Power (current: 10), spends 1 Coins (current: 20).

Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 4 Power (current: 6), gains 1 Coins (current: 22).

The Moderator (House Gambol) decides!

What happens next?
House Gambol has up to 24h to decide how to Moderate the vote. This means: