The Let's Play Archive

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

by Really Pants

Part 65: To think something so grave would occur here...

-Under the Moonlight-

Maggy: Oh, dearie me! Estelle Bright! Look at you, a senior bracer and everything!
Um, good evening.
We, um...heard about Luke.

Whoa, hey, Pat! Is it that bad...?
Maggy: Well, you see...Our little Pat is the one who found Luke after he collapsed.
Oh, no...
Pat...don't worry. It'll...It'll be okay.
Pat: Waaaah-haaaaah...
Maggy. How is your grandson? Is he hurt?
Maggy: What? No, no, not at all! He's just sound asleep. Really, I think this is all a bit of a fuss. He'll be right as rain tomorrow, I'm sure. The little rascal just wore himself out, like boys do, you know. Really...Him not waking up? Foolish! Foolish...
Hey, Pat? Can you tell us what happened when Luke fell asleep?
Pat: Huh? *sniffle*
We're investigating what happened on behalf of the mayor...On behalf of the town. Pat, if there's ANYTHING you can tell us, it might help us solve this and wake Luke up. Please, Pat.
Pat: Estelle...Okay...I'll *sniffle* tell you...
Thanks, Pat.
So. Where and when did Luke fall asleep?
Pat: Um...I wasn't there when he fell asleep, but I found him on top of the clock tower. I think it was just past 5:00. We were playing hide and seek in the fog. I was it, and I was looking for Luke. And when I found him, he was asleep! I thought he was just being a jerk and tried to wake him up, but, but, he wouldn't...
I see...
Er, wait, one thing I don't see. Who the heck carried Luke down from the clock tower?
Pat: Oh, that was Mr. Paddington. He came up and found us just when I was trying to figure out what to do. He said he came up to make sure the clock was working and the fog wasn't causing any problems.
Oh. Yeah, that's just like Mr. Paddington.
Okay, think I've got the gist of it.
Pat, I was wondering. When you were playing, did anything strange happen?
Pat: Strange?
Did you see anyone you didn't recognize? Hear any strange sounds? Like Estelle said, anything could help.
Pat: Ummmm...I don't remember much except all the white of the fog...I do remember thinking it was really creepy not seeing anyone at the landing port.
I see. Hm.
So, creepy fog aside, nothing really suspicious happened. Nuts.
Seems that way.
Thank you, both of you. You've given us some food for thought.
Maggy: I'm glad we could be of help, dearie.
Pat: Estelle, Estelle! Is Luke gonna be okay?
Yeah...You bet he will! Pat, don't cry anymore, okay? Luke'll tease you if he finds out when he wakes up, you know!
Pat: O-Okay...*sniffle* Yeah. I won't cry anymore!

Serra: He doesn't want to leave Luke's side for even a moment. I don't want to tear him away from his friend, so I asked Maggy to take care of him for now. I know how he feels. It can't hurt to let him stay out a little longer than usual.
Rhett: Luke fell into a deep slumber. And stimulants aren't having any effect on him. It's worrying...He's such a close friend of Pat's, so I understand why he feels the need to stay by his side, but...Pat's my only son, you know? I don't know what I'd do if the same thing happened to him...

Hi, Elissa. Um, how's your mother?
Elissa: Well, it seems like she's sleeping okay. But I'm so worried! She won't, like, wake up or do anything, even if you shake her! Father Divine said there's nothing to worry about, but...
I see...
We're investigating this at the request of the mayor. Could we ask you a few questions?
Elissa: Oh, yeah, sure, sure! Ask me anything you want!
Okay, then.
First, where'd your mother fall asleep? And when?
Elissa: Um, lesse. It was about 5:00! I think. Mom and I went out to clean the chairs and stuff on the terrace.
The chairs?
Elissa: Yeah! We figured they might get damaged from all the humidity in the air due to this creepy fog, y'know? We'd finished weatherproofing the ground floor, you see, so we figured we'd totally store the chairs too!
I see...All right. And then?
Elissa: Okay, so, while we were cleaning up, Dad called me. When I got back, Mom was all zonked out in one of the chairs!
So you didn't see her fall asleep, then.
Elissa: Yeah, sorry. So I tried talking to her, shaking her...but she wouldn't wake up. I totally freaked out and called Dad, and he carried her up to her bed. And then she...she wouldn't...Mom...

Elissa: Ahaha, sorry! I'm sort of losing it 'cause you're home too, Estelle!
Yeah...I know. It's okay, you don't need to worry.
Elissa: Yeah...I'm okay now, thanks! Did you wanna ask anything else?
Uh, one second.
Schera, you got anything?
Elissa, did anything strange happen before or after your mother went to sleep? Did you see anyone you didn't recognize, or hear anything strange?
Elissa: People I didn't recognize...? Actually, yeah! Just as I was heading inside! I saw this lady come out of the clock tower.
A woman? Was it someone from Rolent, you think?
Elissa: Um, well, I couldn't see her face. The fog made it kinda hard to see details. But her clothes were reeeeeally weird! I figured she had to be a traveler of some sort, y'know?
Really weird? What was weird about them?
Elissa: Ummm, she was wearing this sort of black...dress...robe...thing? I can't lie, it was kinda hot! It was a bit hard to see details through the fog, though, like I said.
I see. Still, this is REALLY valuable! We need to go tell Aina this.
Yes, absolutely.
Thank you, Elissa. You've helped us tremendously.
Elissa: No, no, it's okay! Good luck with your investigating...stuff!
And don't worry, okay? You can count on us to save your mom. We'll figure this out and wake her up!
Elissa: I know. Thanks, Estelle!

Faulkner: But, it sure feels like he's lacking his usual energy. Elissa went off to tend to her mother and hasn't come back yet...I've got to hang in there the best I can.

Paddington: I hope it's not serious...
He seems okay for now. He hasn't opened his eyes yet, but it seems like he's just sleeping.
Paddington: Hello there, young lady. You went to check in on Luke, didn't you?
Yeah, as part of a guild investigation. I heard you were the one who carried him home, Mr. Paddington.
Paddington: Yep, I did. I found him unconscious at the top of the clock tower.
Was there anything out of the ordinary at the time? We'd appreciate it if you could tell us even minor details.
Paddington: I wish I could help you...But, my mind was full of what to do with Luke at the time. I don't remember much else.
I see...Well, can't say I blame you.
Paddington: I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
No, it's enough to have confirmed that there was nothing particularly noticeable. Thank you for your cooperation.
Don't drink too much, okay?
Paddington: Yes, yes. You all take care, too. If I'd been at the clock tower, I wouldn't have let the kid up...How could I have been away when I needed to be there most?

Densel: Sorry, but take care of Tabitha for me. I thought about closing up the bar tonight, but...Everyone's gonna want some liquor on a night like this. As owner of the only bar in the city, I can't shut my doors during a time like this.
I see...
Yeah...I get it.
If we get a hold of anything, we'll let you know.
Densel: Yeah, thanks. I'm counting on you.

Euridice: You're Estelle and Scherazard, right?
Yes, good evening.
We're here to investigate by order of the mayor, but, uh. Is Mr. Radford okay?
Euridice: Yes...But there's been no change, I'm afraid. He's sound asleep and SEEMS comfortable. But we cannot wake him, no matter what we do.
Freemont: Is our only option to wait and watch over him until morning?
I'm afraid so...that's all you can do, for now, at least.
I know this is a bad time, but could we ask you a few questions?
Euridice: Of course.
Freemont: I don't know if we can answer everything, but I'll be happy to help in any way I can.
Thank you, you two. Firstly, when and where did Radford fall asleep?
Euridice: The time? Around 5:30, I guess.
Freemont: The place, well...Just outside that door, essentially.
Outside the door? So, what, in the hallway?
Freemont: Yes, I heard a knock, and a voice say, 'I'm home!' I unlocked the door to greet him, but when I did, I found my father-in-law on the ground, unconscious.
Euridice: To be honest, I thought Father had simply gotten drunk. Again. But...I couldn't smell any alcohol on his breath.
Freemont: I thought it was strange, and then we couldn't wake him, no matter what we did. So we went to go see Father Divine.
I see...I think I understand the situation.
One last question, if I may. Was there anything odd about the situation before Radford fell asleep?
Euridice: Anything odd?
Freemont: What, you mean like this blasted fog?
Aside from that. For example...did you see anyone odd, hear any strange noises?
Freemont: think of it...When we were dragging Radford in!
Euridice: You noticed it, too? In all this fuss, I thought I'd just imagined it!
Er. What is it?
Freemont: It was when we were putting Radford to bed. We both heard, it seems, the sound of a bell.
The sound of a bell...
Hold on a sec. Didn't...we hear one too?
Euridice: It was surprisingly lovely, really. I simply thought someone outside rang one.
...Thank you. You've given us a lot of information.
If you remember anything else, please contact the guild straightaway, all right?
Euridice: Yes, of course.
Well, excuse us, then! We'll be back to check up tomorrow.
Freemont: Okay...Thank you, Estelle.

To think something so grave would occur here...Unfortunately, I've been left with no choice but to cancel my trip to the capital.
Wha...?! You canceled it?
So you won't be attending the signing ceremony?
Yes. It pains me to do this to Her Majesty, but I simply can't go under these circumstances. Attending such ceremonies is part of my duty as a mayor, that much is true.
But no matter the reason, I just cannot leave the city as it is. Even if it is by order of the queen.
That's upsetting...
I've talked to Aina about the investigation from my end. Estelle, you can begin immediately. Hopefully, that will help prevent any further harm.
Yeah! Got it.
Yes, we'll do what we can.

Hi, ma'am. Did Mayor Klaus tell you about us?
Mylene: Yes. You're investigating the fainting cases. If there is anything I can do to help, please, feel free to ask.
Thank you.
Well, is Lita?
Mylene: Ah, Lita...She won't awaken, no matter what we do. I pray she'll wake normally come the sunrise, whatever that's worth in this fog...but for now, all I can do is keep an eye on her.
That's awful...
Where, exactly, did Lita collapse? And do you remember when?
Mylene: Let me see...It would have been just before 5:00. I stepped out of the kitchen and found her collapsed in the entryway. I panicked a little, needless to say, and called for Klaus, who was able to carry her to bed. But to think there are others afflicted the same way!
She collapsed in the entryway? Hang on, was the door locked at the time?
Mylene: I...don't believe it would have been. After all, people have been visiting all day to speak to my husband about how to deal with this fog.
Well, that's a list of suspects a selge long, then.
Oh, how long were you in the kitchen, by the way?
Mylene: Hmmm...About thirty minutes, I suppose?
All right. I think we have a good picture of what happened.
One last thing, if I may...Was there anything...strange before or after Lita collapsed?
Mylene: Strange? What do you mean?
Did the house have any unfamiliar visitors, or were there any odd sounds? Anything you can think of, ma'am.
Mylene: Let me think...Hmm, well, I'm not sure I'd call it 'strange,' but it was memorable. While I was in the kitchen, I heard the faint sound of a bell.
The sound of a bell here, too...
Mylene: It was such a lovely sound. I thought Lita rang it, perhaps. But that reminds me, I haven't been able to find that bell. I wonder where she put it.
...You've given us a lot to think about, ma'am.
If anything else happens, please contact us at the guild at once.
Mylene: Yes, of course. Oh, and be careful, won't you?
Yeah, we will. Thanks for your help.

How's the questioning going?
Pretty well, I think. We've heard from the families of everyone who's been affected, but...I think we're ready!
All right. Let's call everyone together and compare notes on what we've discovered.

-Crushed and Scarred-

The testimony of those close to the affected is particularly interesting. There seems to be at least one common thread among all of them.
Yeah, that's--

Yes. Exactly.
The one commonality between all four that there were NO witnesses to anyone collapsing. At all.
I get it. They were put to sleep when they were alone, is what you're sayin'.
In that sense, the fog begins to make sense. It's hard to see anything when vision is this poor.
A demon that devours the souls of its victims, unseen by others, shrouded in fog...
A horrific image, to be sure, but one which fits our antagonists perfectly.
Waaah, that's scary!
Thanks for the nightmare fuel, Olivier.
In that case...
We do have some useful testimony of the identity of our 'demon.'
Yes. The sound of a bell and a woman robed in black.
I'd say it's safe to say both of them are related to our slumbering citizens.
The problem is, though, Elissa is the only one who saw a woman in black. Maybe it's just a coincidence?
I very much doubt that. You have to remember what happened at the place the woman was seen.

Yes, exactly. The black-robed woman was leaving the clock tower.
And that would be where Pat found Luke.
Yeah, there's no way that's a coincidence. So that woman in black is...
There's no question, now.
There's an Enforcer skulking around in the mist here in Rolent.
Son of a...
Fog from an unknown source and people collapsing into comas would be our 'phenomena' then.
And the sound of that bell is the message.
At least we know the nature of our foe now.
I'm going to contact the other guild branches, especially Elnan, and let them know our situation. What do you plan to do?
Hmmm. It's almost certain that there will be more attacks on the citizenry.
We need to spend the night patrolling.
Yeah, I'm up for that. If we do it in shifts, we should be able to rest a little, too.
You shouldn't worry about that.
Leave the night patrol to us guys. You all go home and get some rest.
But, wait--
It's a good idea, Estelle. You look dead on your feet, and I know this has been draining for you. Take Kloe and Tita with you, and you three get some rest.
...Okay, I will.
Uh, Scherazard. Why're you acting like we're talkin' about someone else? Like I said, leave the patrol to us guys.
It's not really about gender, mind. You've been working yourself as raw as Estelle on this case all day. Let us handle things for tonight. You go rest.
Now just a MINUTE! I'm a B-rank bracer! I don't need my hand held like some--
Schera, do not look a gift horse in the mouth, hm? Your words protest your lack of weariness, but your body language states otherwise.
Is it not also the responsibility of a bracer to stay rested and ready to act?
Very well.
Agate, Zane. Be careful out there, all right?
Leave it to us.
Well, remember, you guys better be ready for action tomorrow morning.