The Let's Play Archive

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

by Really Pants

Part 71: If you wish to oppose us, you will need everything you have.


Woman's Voice: Estelle! Wake up!

Thank Aidios, you woke up!
Ah. Yeah...It was like...a really long dream.

Now I get it. It's because of this...
HEY! GUYS! Happy dream time is over! Come on! Back to reality!

I was trapped in a dream...I see.
Thank goodness! You're awake.
You still surprise me sometimes, Estelle. Not only did you wake up on your own, but you woke the others as well.
Now, then. With that settled...
You're there, aren't you? Show yourself, Luciola!


Woman's Voice: Hmm-hmm...You have called for me at last.


-The Enforcers-

I knew it.

Eight years or more, now, hmm?
About that, yes. To think you would ever be responsible for something like this...
What are you doing, Luci?
Wait, wait, WAIT! Hold on! Schera, you...KNOW this person?
Why, Estelle, sweetheart! That hurts. Have you forgotten me so quickly?
What in the world do you mean?
The nice lady who showed you all those wonderful tarot card games, and read your fortunes...Don't you remember?

You're...MISS LUCI?!
Hmm-hmm. Well...that is who I was, once. But purpose is different.

But...But why? How?
I would imagine Schera has figured it out, yes?
Illusion magic using a bell--your specialty, Luci.
I hope you won't try to tell me the fog all over Rolent is an illusion, however.
No, no, of course not. That was a phenomenon caused by the Gospel. It has worked well as...a catalyst, of sorts, to interfere with dreams.
Are you saying the Gospel can affect the human mind?!
Hmm-hmm. It seems it can. My bell was little more than a guiding hand. The Gospel, the fog, and the bell together create a dream so real that 'illusions' cannot compare.
A simple, happy dream, bereft of suffering and loneliness. A dream you wish was real.
But that is...I see.
Hey...'Enforcer.' Why is the society doing all this? What are you hoping to gain with these bizarre experiments?
I am but a servant, Estelle. The striking hand of the Grandmaster and the Anguis. In truth, I myself have been little more than a catalyst for this experiment. You shall have to ask the professor or Loewe for details.
The 'professor,' 'Loewe'...I've heard these names again and again. But who ARE they?
You will see, when the time comes. Which may not be far off now. It is ironic, though...You've met them both before.
...Luci. May I say one thing?
Oh? Of course.

-In My Heart-

At first, I didn't intend to stay in Liberl for long. I was simply looking for a place away to, really...until you came back.
But now, it's been eight years. Now I have friends, companions...people I consider family...a job I'm proud of.
I am no longer the dancing girl Schera of the Harvey troupe. I am Scherazard Harvey, the bracer!
This new home of mine...
I will not allow anyone to harm it--not even you, Luci!
Hmm-hmm...Good. Your spirit is as strong as ever, Scherazard.
And the power of the society grows enormous--even more so with the power of the Gospels. If you wish to oppose us, you will need everything you have.


Hmm-hmm...We shall meet again, and soon. Perhaps, then, we can fill in the long gaps between those lost years...


...How maddening.
She's gotten away...but we've put an end to the trouble. Those slumbering should awaken soon.

-Provincial City of Rolent-

I'm sorry, Aina. I should've spoken to everyone about my suspicions sooner.
Hmhm. It's not a problem, Schera. Even if we had known it was an acquaintance of yours, it sounds like it wouldn't have helped much.
Just pay for my drinks next time and we'll call it even.
You got it.
Um, given the way you two drink, I'm not sure that's the best promise to make, Schera...
The fog has cleared and everyone who was asleep has awoken.
Great work, everyone. You actually cleared several full jobs on this one, so let me pay them all out right now.


Received payment for [Coma Cases Investigation].
Payment in mira: 4000 (+0)
Gained BP: 3 (+6)
Received payment for [Secure the Perzel Farm].
Payment in mira: 1000 (+0)
Gained BP: 1 (+0)
Received payment for [Woman in Black Pursuit].
Payment in mira: 5000 (+0)
Gained BP: 5 (+3)
I dunno. It still feels like we didn't manage a real solution to this one, either. And now the Gospel can mess with people's minds, too!
That's, like, pure orbal fiction as far as most people are concerned, right?
Y-Yeah...That one's the hardest to explain so far! I think I need to call Grandpa or send him a letter...
Well, either way, all we can do is wait for Gramps to finish picking apart the Gospel he's got on hand.
More to the point, I think the society's really starting to tip their hand.
Hm. Adding in this event...
We know of five 'Enforcers' in total.


It seems likely one of those two is the man we know as 'Lieutenant Lorence.'
Yeah, that seems right. And Luciola said I know both of them...
It's very possible 'Lorence Belgar' was a false or even stolen identity.

That's just the craziest damn thing I've ever heard. Seven people did all this?
It does seem incredible, but I'm perfectly willing to believe it.
We'll need to be prepared for anything, even more so than before.
Um, Schera...Are you sure you want...I mean...
Hmmhmm. Didn't you hear me earlier? Liberl is my home. You don't need a special reason to protect your homeland. Even if that means fighting a memory from your old home.
Well, keep in mind, Scherazard...It doesn't have to end that way for you, you know.
Walter and I accepted a long time ago that it has to end in battle between us. The only way we have to say anything to each other is with our fists.
But that's not necessarily true for you and 'Miss Luci,' you know?
I think Zane has a point. Schera, you've still got a lot of time to figure out what you want to do. And I think I know what I want to do, myself.
Hey...everyone? I realize it's kind of late, but there's something I need to show you all.
Wait, Estelle, are you--
Yeah...It's time.
Everyone. I got this photo from Nial and Dorothy a little while ago.



Estelle passed the photo around to everyone.

This is...what, that thing where the bandit ship got retaken?
Ahh, I...see. So that is how it played out, then.
Hmm, well, I recognize the girl on the left. She's one of the Capuas from the tournament. And on the...right...

-Dancing With The Wind-

It was kind of a shock, so I couldn't just come out and say it...
I don't know what Joshua thinks he's doing, but...I think he's trying, in his own way, to fight the society. I don't think he joined the Capuas to do bad things. But he still, well...
We understand, Estelle.
Besides, his lower face is covered in this I certainly can't say for sure this is Joshua Bright. No, sir. We'll keep this internal to the guild for now.
Thanks, Aina.
But, Estelle, are you sure? You've finally found a clue about Joshua...
Yeah...I'm sure.
My connection to Joshua isn't going anywhere. Not so long as I remain myself, you know? Now that I think of it that way, I'm not going crazy over it.
We're walking down different paths, but I know our destination's the same.
So I'm going to keep going my own way for now. If I don't, I'll never become the kind of person I NEED to become.
Heheh...Well, despite trying to act cool...I gotta admit, I really want to know just what's going on between Joshua and Miss Tomboy there.
I've still got a long way to go, I guess.
Haha. Oh, Estelle.
Hmmhmm. Looks like you've really made up your mind.
Your dream in the forest must've been something else, hmmm?
Yeah. I was given a chance to remember my bond with Joshua...And I remembered my mother's warmth.
I guess I can actually be thankful to the Gospel this time.
Heehee! I guess so!
It'd take a train to stop you at this point, I swear.
Ah, even Gospels cannot stand before our Estelle. Inspiring!

A freaky eastern woman with crimson eyes summoned an unnatural fog upon this quiet mountain town, and trapped the townsfolk in delusions. However, Estelle has faced her mother self, and gained the strength of heart to overcome life's hardships.

Also there's some weird tarot shit.