The Let's Play Archive

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

by Cake Attack

Part 35: Extra: Setting up at the Academy.

Extra: Setting up at the Academy.

Welcome back. Today, we’re taking a brief detour from the main plot to help set up the campus festival. These aren’t really full-fledged sidequests, instead, they just add BP to your reward for the main quest. Since they aren’t really full-fledged short quests, they’re a little shorter and simpler than most. Truth be told, you could skip this update without missing anything, so only read if you’re interested.

Janitor Parkes: At this rate, I’ll never finish getting these decorations up. And all the students who were helping me are busy with other stuff. Just look around. There are still plenty of places that aren’t decorated yet.

That might not look so good.

Janitor Parkes: See what I mean? If you see any other bare spots like that, please let me know. I think you know what to keep an eye out for.

I’ve got it. If I spot any, I’ll let you know.

This is pretty easy, just look for any decorations that aren’t symmetrical. Or use Gamefaqs.

I used Gamefaqs.

What’s wrong?
Don’t you think a tapestry should go here? It would look nice, just opposite the door.

We should go let Mr. Parkes know.
Yes, let’s.

Janitor Parkes: I’ll get right to work on it.

We’d be glad to help.

Janitor Parkes: Thanks... I appreciate it.


Janitor Parkes: Let me know if you see any more.

Yes, sir.

Riveting stuff. The decoration sidequest is the dullest of the three.

There’s no flag here...
See, the other buildings have flags over the doors.
So it would seem. I suppose that the decorating isn’t finished here, then.

Or maybe this building is an individual, and we’re about to trample all over that.

Let’s go tell Mr. Parkes about it.

Janitor Parkes: Okay, I’ll go take care of it.

Why don’t we come and help?
Yeah, sounds good.

Janitor Parkes: Hey, thanks.


Janitor Parkes: Let me know if you see any more.

Yes, sir.

I think Estelle just realised the fleeting and transient nature of her existence in a cold, uncaring universe.

Or she just noticed a decoration was missing.

Is something wrong?
There’s no flag here.

Oh, you’re right. Good thinking, Estelle.
Heh heh... Pure chance, really. Let’s go tell Mr. Parkes about it.

Janitor Parkes: I’ll go ahead and get this straightened out.

Okay, let’s see what we can do.
All right.


Janitor Parkes: You kids have been a big help.

No prob. We all want the festival to go well, so helping out isn’t a big deal.
That’s right. It’s our festival, after all.

Janitor Parkes: Ha ha. I suppose you’re right. I’m looking forward to it, myself.

Just leave it to us!
We’ll do our best.

Next, we head to the old schoolhouse behind the Academy.

Mickey: Holy...freaking...crap...

What’s up indeed! He seems... really, really, scared!

Well, let’s not help him too quickly!

Mickey: H-hey. You shouldn’t stand right in front of the door. You never know when a ghost or something might come flying out.

A...a ghost? Are there monsters in the building?

Mickey: Yeah, that’s right. Enormous suckers, swarms of ‘em.

Neither of these statements are particularly true

This used to be one of the school buildings. But it’s always locked up these days.

Mickey: I borrowed the key from Mr. Effort. The regular school buildings are all noisy lately. I just wanted a quiet place to sleep.

So you’re not even going to help?

Mickey: It’s boring. Let the ones who wanna help do the helping.

Pretty arrogant of you, considering everyone ELSE is pitching in.
Now, now, Estelle.. For now, let’s just focus on checking into these supposed monsters in here.
Well, I... Oh, okay.
If there really are monsters, I guess we can’t just let them stay in there.
Right. The festival is tomorrow...

Mickey: But what can WE do? I was just planning to go give the key back to Mr. Effort, tell him the place is haunted, and NEVER SPEAK OF IT AGAIN. It’s really dangerous in there. I wouldn’t even get close to the door, if I were you!

So ignoring Mickey, on account of him being terrible, we go in and fight. There are four groups of three Wrap Spiders.

The Spiders are fast, do decent damage, and poison you. Basically, they do just enough damage that you’ll need to heal and put some thought into your actions, but not enough that you’ll ever actually lose.

Heading outside now....

Mr. Effort: Are you kids all right? Mickey told me that monsters had shown up in the old school building.

Apparently so...
No need to worry. We’ve wiped them all out.

Mr. Effort: Is that so? Oh, of course. You’re a bracer. Well, thank you for your help. We can’t have anything happen to the festival.


Mr. Effort: Just to be on the safe side, why don’t we lock the door again? Better safe than sorry, after all.

Yes, I agree.

Mr. Effort: Well, I should get back to the night duty room. You kids try not to say up too late

Next, we need to go to the Materials Archive, right across the hall from the Student Council Room.


First Effort, and now Logic? Some pretty spiteful parents around these parts.

Hello, Logic. Are you still checking up on the public announcements?

Logic: Y-yes... Just taking a break, really. I still haven’t found the data I need to secure the funding for my research...

Oh, my... That’s terrible.

Logic: Specifically, I need all three volumes of the [Ruan Economics] series. It appears that some miscreant has carried them out of the reference section. I don’t suppose you’ve seen them anywhere around the school, have you?

No, but I imagine we’ll be looking any second now.

Hmm... I don’t think so.

Logic: I see... Well, they must be around here somewhere. If you should happen to find them, please let me know.

We shall. If we find, you will be the first to know.

We quickly infiltrate the Boy’s Locker Room to get Volume 1.

The next volume is in the Teacher’s Lounge.

And the last is on a bookshelf in the men’s dorm.

Humorously enough, basically every volume is in a place we probably aren’t allowed to be.

Make sure you don’t forget to talk to Logic after you find all three volumes. If you don’t, you might end up replaying an hour or so of the game to make sure you get max BP because LP is a harsh mistress and oh look, you missed Carnelia 6 on your second go-around.

I’m not bitter, or anything.

(It’s actually not that hard to get max BP and all of Carnelia as long as you follow a guide, I’m just dumb.)

Logic: You haven't found the remaining volumes anywhere around, have you?

Heh heh... Yep, we found them.

Handed over Ruan Economics (1).

Handed over Ruan Economics (2).

Handed over Ruan Economics (3).

Logic: Ahh, yes. Yes! You have my thanks! Hmm, now I finally have all of the books I need for my research.

Ha ha. I look forward to reading your paper when it's done, Logic.

Logic: Yes, and I look forward to showing you my results. You will be astounded! Thanks to your help, I can make this paper the best it can possibly be. Now, I really should get started. Time is short. I wish you the best of luck with your play, Kloe.

We'll do our best. Isn't that right, Estelle?
Ha ha. You can count on it.

Logic: Good to hear it.

Festival help quest [Research Materials Hunt] completed!

And there we go. I’ll see you next time.

Ruan Economics - Volume 1:

The Ruan Economics have some decent world-building, although nothing especially interesting.

Ruan Economics - Volume 2:

Ruan Economics - Volume 3: