Part 5: Japan - 1985 Edition
Part 3: Japan - 1985 EditionThe thread has spoken. Were going with the matchbox.

117-3149 is actually a number we can enter in the Dial Phone menu. Messing around results in a new area in which we can explore.
But can we order a pizza?
Id rather get takeout, actually.

But before we go on with the case, there are a few tricks you can do with the phone. Dialing 000 000 0000 for example

...tells you the most likely suspect at the time. Its a quick and cheat way of narrowing down possible murderers.
Now if you dial in 110

...we get yelled at by our very own Police Department. Its a shame that Yasu took the brunt of the blow, but it is no ones fault but his own that he dialed the number.
Cant tell if sob or SOB.
Thats clearly a lower-case b.
Can it, you Sob.

Anyhow, lets get down to it, shall we? Entering the matchboxs phone number results in a few beeps, followed by someone picking up the phone.
I was really hoping 8675309 would be an Easter Egg number.

Namely, the Pal hostess bar. Kind of a weird name for a bar, but there have been worse.

Much worse.
Oh hell, I would totally go to that.

Trying to ask about Kouzou results in a puzzled response and a hang up on the other end. For now, lets just get their address.

With that, Shinkaichi has been opened up for investigation. Lets mosey on down to get a drink, shall we?
Too bad Im the DD.

Like everything else in the game, Shinkaichi looks like a toddlers MS Paint masterpiece. And...Is that a strip club ?
COOL! Lets go!

Entering the uncouth institution results in Yasu being overwhelmed by his male hormones. Im pretty sure this game didnt get the Nintendo Seal of Approval back then.

Wow, this is amazing!
Its out of this world!
Oh, my!
Oh man, that was good!

Okay, this is territory even I wouldnt go into.

Interrogating a nearby citizen reveals the Pal Bars location. Kouzous photo also elicits a small reaction from our fellow bystander, but its nothing that adds to the case.
Moving on...

For the record, a hostess bar is a location in which guys try to pick up women by buying them drinks.
So a normal bar.
Ahahahahahaha! Shut your filthy mouth. Ahahahahaha! Gonna gut you.
So far, Shinkaichi is about as appealing as a skunks odor.

We can attempt to start a bar fight, but unfortunately, Yasu rejects our notion and calls us a ridiculous sociopath.

Investigating the barman reveals that he doesnt look like a liar. Unfortunately, anything we ask him only results in a negative response.

Instead, we need to show him Kouzous photo in order to elicit an informative response.

Now that the barman has mentioned Mr. Kawamura, we can prod him for more details.

Unfortunately, thats all we can do at the moment. Investigating Kawamura and the bar sets up an event flag thatll allow us to progress later on, so it was well worth our time here.
Hit rock bottom
That was an awful joke.

While were in the area, lets investigate the sign quickly.

Okoi gets put on the list of people we can haul in the interrogation room. However, since she has no connection to the case, we cant pull her in.

Rather, lets investigate her personal life and occupation. We can save her alibi for later when it becomes relevant.
Fun fact, Shingeki means New drama and is a Japanese retelling and performance of Western plays at the turn of the 20th century.
Congratulations! That is the first actual fact you have contributed to the case!
Id like to thank Google search and Wikipedia.

Okoi Yuuhi is a well-known stripper.
Oh, good.
Personal Life
She claims to have once been in the famous Takarazuka dance troupe, but whether thats true is unknown.

Now that the bars done with, we have Toshi and Yukiko left to investigate. Since I flipped tails, were going with Yukiko to wrap this update up.
This aint no Pokemon card game, watchyoo doing flipping coins?
Lets look at Yukikos profile first.

Yukiko is Mr. Hiratas only daughter. Shes in her junior year in high school.
Personal Life
At one time shed been what wed call a juvenile delinquent, but now shes back in school, more serious about her studies.
If you recall, Mr. Hirata is the missing man in this case, so it was nice of her to lend us a hand as to his whereabouts.
Anyways, lets call her out, shall we?

Lets start from the top and make our way down.
Oh hey, wasnt she in Sailor Moon?
Id just like to say that I hate you for making that reference.
Why am I friends with you again ?

Since her father owed a lot of money to Kouzou, its possible that she might be the culprit. However, lets see what she has to say about the bald loan-shark first.

Lets wrap it up by asking about Mr. Hirata. Hopefully, it wont be any of that oh, my dad couldnt have done it! bullshit.

Yukiko disappears, never to be seen again...until we haul her back in the interrogation room.
Typical. Hit a girl and shell come crawling back.

Anyways, lets see if her alibi holds up.

Welp, her alibi is incriminating at worst, and suspicious at least.
Her father was being harassed, but would she go so far as to kill because of that?