Part 11
Welcome to Act 2. As I mentioned in this thread, this act is ludicrously short in comparison to Act 1.

: "They might not wake easily, but they need the concentration."
The waking world is unchanged.
Having Lived

: "Then that'll have to be enough."

: "Aye, all that's left to do is linking your registered desire to go to the moon to your early memories."

: "Then we'll pull the switch, and voilà! You'll be on the moon in no time."

: I have a question. If you could make Lily disappear, that means you can alter this world. Can you not simply make things happen, and fulfill my wish here and now?"

: "That would work, if this were your one true set of memories."

: What do you mean? What is this, then? What am I?"

: "This is just a copy. . . A canvas for us to work with, if you will. As for you. . . You are merely an algorithm traced from Johnny. Enough to reflect his likeness, but far from complete. All we can do is to prepare this canvas in a logically consistent way. And then, when we transfer your registered desire to your childhood, the machine will generate your new life, one where the desire dictates your behaviour."

: "The result of that, would then be written to the real John. So you see, even if we satisfy you, you are merely a 'read-only' program. I mean, we could reset you over and over again, and--"

: "That's enough."

: "Oh, don't be so sensitive. He's not real, you know."

: "If you truly believed that, why did you even care to explain?"
Neil pauses.

: "I'm just trying to save time. Let's go."
Having Lived fades out.

: Is that . . . what I truly am?"
Uncharted Realms
The technology of Neil and Evas machine has created this dreamscape this is where the true power of what the scientists do comes out.

: "Ah, all of our night's work. . . "

: ". . . At least give me a warning first."

: "What can I say? I like being a head."

: "I'd ask if that's a pun, but I'm afraid you'd say yes."

: "Let's do this fast. . . I feel silly enough in this form as it is. All we need to do is to pass his desire from the latest memory to the earliest."
This is another minigame, I suppose. The goal is to flip the mementos that weve connected in such a way that Johnnys desire passes through all the way back to his earliest accessable memories. There doesnt have to be a continuous stream from end to beginning.
As so.

: ". . .seriously?
I swear, hes like a second-grader when he tries to impress women.
And thats all of them.
Uncharted Realms fades out. Metallic warbling fades in.

: "Ready to pull the switch?"

: "You know me. Always ready."
The little child Johnny over there looks so dejected.

: "No loss; we can do this without him."

: "I know, but. . . it feels incomplete."

: "You get too attached. It's going to impede your abilities to do your job."

: "That's rubbish. Don't pin your womanly ways on me."
Lets go check on Johnny!
lets go check on older
Hmm, no NASA yet.

: "Usually, there's at least some change. . ."

: ". . . Something isn't right.

: These memories. . . they feel more than just having happened again. . . they are
exactly the same."

: "That's impossible. The desire was transferred, was it not?

: "It was. . . "

: "How could everything be the same?!"

: ". . . Let's confirm it. We need his last accessible memory."
Beta-B fades out. Metallic warbling fades in.
So, so far, there hasnt been a single change throughout Johnnys entire life despite injecting some space desires into his earliest memories. If theres been no change whatsoever, the latest Johnny will be waiting for us on the cliff overlooking Anya as normal.

: What a pleasant surprise. . . We don't get many visitors around here."

: "Deja vu, again. . . "

: "My name is Dr. Eva Rosalene, and this is--. . ."

: ". . . Dr. Neil Watts."
Warning (AKA best track ever)
No, Im not kidding. Thats actually the name of the track on the OST.

: "Are you familiar with the Sigmund Agency of Life Generation?"

: Oh, are you two from the agency? How convenient; I've just been thinking of calling you."

: Lily, get us some tea please."
Just as she was before, Lily is still and silent.

: . . . Lily?"
Johnny backs up, afraid once more.

: "Freeze him too."
This time, though, Eva is much less supportive.

: ". . . Well?"

: "Wait here, I'll go send the desire signal again. See if there are any changes."
Eva disappears. She reappears after a short pause.

: "It transferred successfully for sure. Any changes?"

: "Not even a hair. How could this be? Even if his desire doesn't work alone, why is there no change at all?"

: "Perhaps. . . perhaps it just needs some provoking to activate."

: "From his early memories?"

: "The earliest we can get to. Let's go."
Warning (AKA Best Track Ever) fades out.
Uncharted Realms fades in.
Heres an impressionable scene Johnnys first date with River is clear in his memory, after all.

: ( . . . Well then. )
MOON: In theaters now!
I like how his first thought isnt Its also not the same movie I walked out of a few minutes ago! What gives?

: Do you mind, River?

: ". . . No. I like this one."

: Alright, let's go then!"

: ( Hopefully that's enough for an ignition. . . . Wait, where is Neil? )
Im sure well catch up with him soon enough.
Lets go see if theres been any ch-
"OoOoh, Henry!!!"

: ( . . . Dear lord. I'm way too tired and hungry to be constructing movies. )
MOON went on to receive a 10% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Eva, you monster.
Uncharted Realms fades out. Metallic warbling fades in.
Not even a classic like MOON could change Johnnys life path.
Nothing left to do but try again, I suppose.

: Shut up, dude."
"It's starting! Let's go get a good spot!"

: ( Wait. . . I don't remember that happening. . .something must've changed!! )
Well, thats something

: ( Wait a minute. . . this isn't a real change. . .This is--)
oh, boy.