The Let's Play Archive

To The Moon

by Roar

Part 13

I told you Act 2 was short.

BGM: Warning (AKA best track ever)

Eva and Neil arrive in Johnny’s house in his teenager years – the earliest, non-blocked memory.

Fortunately, we don’t have to collect links again.

: ". . . I just want to kick it to outer space."

: "I suppose all we can do now is to send the signal and hope."

: "Well. . . ready?"

The ball blinks and the dreamscape fades out.

: "Quick, send it again!"

The ball blinks again –

BGM: Beta-B

-and everything suddenly goes pear-shaped.

In the waking world, there’s some beeping going on like crazy on Johnny’s heart monitor.

: "What?!. . . take over for me, Lily."

: "His condition has been de-stabilized. . .intake levels must be reconfigured."

: ". . . It's been de-stablized. Get out."

: "What?"

: "What're you talking about?"

: "If the system doesn't restablize soon, the shock might permanently damage whoever's in here."

: "You've got to be kidding m. . . why aren't you getting out, then?!"

: "I can't, Neil! If both of us get out under this state, all our work will be reset. . . there won't be enough time to redo all we've done before Johnny—“

: "Oh you freakin'. . . don't pull that contrived crap on me! This ain't a movie and you're no hero, you're just being a moron!"

: "Then why are you being one too? Get the hell out of here!"

: "Screw that! If you're gone, they'll probably pair me up with Alistair! Do you know how badly he smells?!"

: "Damn it, Neil. . . This is what I get for helping you cheat through the entrance exams."


BGM: Beta-B fades out.

The beeping stopped.

…oh. Well, that’s good.

Neil and Eva, though, have failed to noticed this.

: "Wait a minute. . ."

: "Yeah! And, at the last Christmas party, you—“

: "C'mon. . . let's go before that happens again."

: "Um, you know that I didn't mean to. . .y'know, call you a moron, right?"

: "You know that I did, right?"

SO much unresolved tension.

: "So we actually made it. . . but now I'm not sure if I'm going to like this place."

: "What do you mean? It seems peaceful enough."

BGM: Warning (AKA best track ever)

: "Er, what?"

: "There was something strange in there. Did you not see it?"

: "I . . . I suppose not?"

: "Nevermind. . . I just hope I'm wrong."

According to Johnny’s monitor, his health is now in the red. He’s fading fast.

Just off-screen, Johnny’s mother is talking to a fuzzy memory…though she’s also there on the swing. This memory is all kinds of screwed up; most likely due to the Beta Blockers.

: "I know, right? You've got to take them there one day!"

: "Look at how many of him are there! It's like a zoo!"

: ". . . Mm-hm."

Down to the south…

: ". . . I hope."

Moving down to the street to the right makes the screen fade to black.

: "I'd better get going, the store closes early today!"

: "Oh, take care, Martha. Say hello to the boys for me!"

: "I will. I'll see you around."

The screen fades again.

: "And you were saying. . . ?"

: "Never mind that. Maybe I was wrong after all. I mean, this place. . . it's so peaceful. The only thing that exists in this memory that could do such a thing would be-. . ."

Eva pauses and looks back. Warning (AKA Best Track Ever) gets noticeably faster.

: "Shit, duh. . . "

: "We need to go back. Now."

: "Wait, what's going on now?"

Once again, I am STRONGLY recommending you watch this next section via the video link provided below. I will be including regular pictures and gifs as normal but this scene really should be watched in its original form to receive the full impact of…well, of what happens.


*WHUMP* Screeeeech...!

BGM: Heartbeat Sound FX (These particular FX not actually from the game, but close enough)

: "If he was unconscious, how could we be seeing this here when he never did?"

: "Still, I'm just surprised that he survived."

: "Actually. . . he didn't."

: "Er, what?"

: "Didn't you see it in his room, Neil?"