The Let's Play Archive

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

by 1234567890num

Part 13: Rebirth

It's... not looking good.
...I've seen his charts too. His liver is still functioning, but his AST and ALT are rising...

Opendork posted:

The ancronyms stand for Alanine transaminase and Aspartate transaminase respectively, and are both catalysts for various bodily functions, and are often associated with the liver. The hightened levels can be indicative of other health issues. That's a very short version, but basically, as you can guess from context, he's getting worse.

His liver has taken a lot of damage... It's not healing properly, possibly due to the side effects of GUILT. At his rate, a liver transplant is going to become necessary...

As a reminder, we didn't fully treat the patient in NB due to that whole kidnapping debacle.

I had a feeling that would be the case... But we haven't found a donor yet...
Well... We've made arrangements to do the transplant... But there's nothing we can do unless a donor appears...
What about Emilio's relatives?
He has none... He was an orphan...
I see...
We'll just have to wait, and hope that a donor will surface, Ms. Ross.
...Dr. Stiles. PGS isn't an incurable disease, is it?
...No. Of course not.

(This doesn't look good. His numbers are getting worse...) Emilio, que tal?
Mas o menos...

eng101: Que tal means how are you while mas o menos means more or less (or more fittingly, so-so).

I see...
...Ms. Ross? She's a little busy right now. She's... looking for someone that can give you a liver... Well, that's it for your check-up today. I'll see you later. Uh, what's that phrase again...? ...Oh yeah! Hasta luego!
See you... Medico...
Wow, your English is coming right along.

Doctor! Dr. Stiles!
Angie? Ms. Ross?
Dr. Stiles! We...! We've found a donor!
What? Really!? That's great news!
Well, yes and no. You see, a patient hospitalized at Elysium recently went brain dead. But, he was registered as a donor.
Wait... Then this liver is coming from Elysium?
Yes, and I know what you're thinking: the patient did have a history of GUILT... But both the organ function and the infection exams came back clean.
I see...
Alright, Angie. Please call for Dr. Niguel. I'd like to get his opinion first, before performing the operation. Just in case.
Right away!

Operation Video

As you can guess from the fact that I include the briefing in the video, this operation is special.

That's good news! We should get started as soon as possible.
But... there is one thing that's bugging me. The GUILT that the donor had is not the same type that our patient had...
...Does that put him in any danger?
That's the problem: I'm not sure. There's no data on it.
Dr. Stiles...?
Let's perform the operation. If we try to wait for another donor, Emilio's condition could get even worse.
I'll join you, Derek. I want to see this for myself.
Thanks, Victor. Angie, could you give us the briefing, please?
Yes, Doctor. Due to the extent of the damage to Emilio's liver, we'll need to perform a liver transplant. We have only one objective for this operation: The donated liver has already been delivered. Dr. Stiles, let's free Emilio from his suffering.
Of course!

Operation Video (This one skips the briefing)

No initial incision this time, just like the operation it plagiarizes.

Let's begin. First, we'll perform anastomosis on each blood vessel. We'll connect the blood vessels in the order of vein, portal vein, artery, and lastly, the bile duct.

:eng 101: Anastomosis is a connection between adjacent channels, in this case blood vessels.

Unlike in NB, we don't have to look for the right blood vessel with the magnifier, so that's nice.

First, we have to inject the gray constrictor to cause vasoconstriction. We can inject it anywhere on the corresponding vessel, not just at the pointed area.

Vasoconstriction is the narrowing of the blood vessels. In this case it's done to prevent blood loss

After that, we have to cut it out, drain the blood pool, drag the appropriate vessel from the liver, then suture them together. Vitals will drop while the wound is open, so do them quickly.

Portal vein is a blood vessel that carries blood from the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen into the liver. It's different from normal vein in that it doesn't go through the heart.

Anyway, a full vial of constrictor is barely enough for this one.

The artery and the bile duct require at least two shots of constrictor. All the blood vessels will slowly contract, so you might need more shots if you're too slow.

Also, after cutting the vessel and draining the blood pool, don't take too long to do the rest. Otherwise, the blood pool will return and our vital will take a dip.

You might notice that our max vitals raised by 10 after every anastomosis. In NB, we have a risk/reward situation with the choice of either anastomosis or dealing with Stigma.

In this case, everything is going just fine, so it doesn't really matter.

That concludes the liver transplant! Well done, Doctor! Let's give it a minute, just in case, and then we'll close him up.

Yep. Everything is perfectly fine...

OK, everything seems to be functioning properly. Let's close him--

*Convulsion occurs*

Wh-What the!? There's some kind of abnormality in the liver... His vitals are dropping!

At this point our vitals are reduced to 50 if it was higher.

What's going on!?
Huh? Th-This can't be...
There's a chiral reaction, Doctor!

World posted:

Medical Bullshit: In real life, the "chirality" of a substance normally refers to the chemical or biological asymmetry an object. This is called an enantiomer in organic chemistry. Basically that means that the substances are the same chemical makeup but structurally are mirror images of eachother, much like a pair of left and right hands. In chemistry, changing enantiomers can change the way a substance behaves. For example, the rectus thalidomide enantiomer actually did work as a medication that reduced morning sickness - the problem was that once it was inside the body, it sometimes switched to its sinister conformation, which is toxic and caused severe birth defects. In biology, it can be seen in the handedness of shells.

In other words, it's a telltale sign that a GUILT is present. They chose the word 'chirality' because it sounds cool.

You know, like the word GUILT itself. For those who don't know, it's an acronym for Gangliated Utrophin Immuno-Latency Toxin.

TL;DR: we're dealing with GUILT now.

GUILT strain 1: Nous (Mind)
As always, the supervirus are named after Greek language. It attacks with tumors. You'd think that this strain acts like Deftera or Soma, but it's actually closer to Tetarti for reasons that will be apparent shortly. And yeah, I'm spoiling the name because I'm not waiting for it to be revealed in 4 more chapters.

What are these tumors...? Doctor, the convulsions have stopped, but I've never seen tumors like this and there's a strong chiral reaction coming from that odd tumor that formed last!
Then it can only be one thing... GUILT!
We've got to figure out how to treat it first.
Yes, but before we do anything too drastic... I think we should try to treat that spore-like tumor with a standard procedure first.
I agree. It's always best to start with the basic.
Then, let's try draining the cytoplasm of the spore tumor. I hope this works!

Like Angie and Victor said, we have to treat the tumor as usual. They don't leave a wound, so we don't need any membrane.

Of course there's more to this, but the game won't tell you initially.

After that, Nous is available. There is a reason why we want to leave this one for last.

It got away, but the chiral reaction is decreasing.
That means what we're doing is--
Yeah, we've got our treatment plan!
Doctor, I'm sure that spore tumor is going to come back. Please be careful!

This is going smoothly because I know what I'm doing. Imagine another universe where this is our blind playthrough.

How a blind playthrough usually goes posted:

We just go about our way treating these tumors (leaving the main one for last) when suddenly one bursts, decreasing vitals 30.

Thankfully, the vital hit decreases for every subsequent tumor that burst in a wave, so we can survive even if all 3 tumors burst if we're at full health.

It got away, but the chiral reaction dived.
Then that means this treatment plan is--
yeah, it's working!
But why did those small tumors burst...?
No clue... Not yet anyway. But let's keep an eye on them! Don't worry, I'll figure this bastard out! Just continue the procedure!
Understood... I'm sure those spore-like tumors will show up again. Dr. Stiles! Let's put our faith in Dr. Niguel and continue the treatment!

So we continue treating these tumors. But eventually, another one bursts!

Chiral reaction has decreased even further!
But the tumors burst again... If this continues, Emilio won't--
That's it! I've got it!
Dr. Niguel!?
Listen carefully, Dr. Stiles! The tumors are bursting in the order that they form! If you treat one in the wrong order, the tumors that appeared before it will burst! Remember the order that the tumors appear in, and then treat them in exactly that order!

It's a bit more complicated than that. Draining a tumor will cause all previous undrained tumor to burst. We can remove the tumors in any order, however. Of course, draining the Nous will cause all tumors present to burst.

Eventually, the game will increase the number of tumors. Cytoplasm won't reform here, but we're on a timer nonetheless.

If we take too long to remove them all posted:

I can't detect the spore tumor anywhere!
Did those tumors burst because the spore tumors went dark!? Derek, it's dangerous to let the spore tumor escape! Next time it shows its ugly face, treat it!

As you can see from the picture, letting Nous escape will cause ALL present tumors to burst, along with counting as a Miss. Needless to say that you don't want this to happen.

The last wave will have 5 tumors to remove. If it's too hard and you've used up your Healing Touch, you can think about letting a tumor burst. Sure it'll hit the vitals and reset the combo, but it won't count as a Miss.

I used the Healing Touch at the beginning of the operation to meet the Time Requirement (and I don't want to waste it waiting for the tumors to appear one by one).

Chiral reaction is disappearing! That should have been--

*Convulsion appears again*

Another convulsion!? But, why...!?

The convulsions stopped... and chiral reaction is negative as well!
...That must have been its last stand.
I can't believe it was able to do that to him, even as it was dying...
Yes, that thing was relentless... But, what was it...?
I'm going to figure that out as soon as we're done here. That little bastard's going down!
We'll be counting on you, Dr. Niguel. Now, Dr. Stiles, please close up our patient.

So we do just that.

Operation complete. Well done, Doctor!
I'm gonna go get started on my analysis. The rest is up to you guys.
Thank you for all your help.
That was a fine operation, Dr. Stiles. ...Well, see ya later.
Doctor, now Emilio can fully recover!

Doctor Stiles... thank you.
You're welcome...
Good luck with your rehab, Emilio!
Goodbye... Angie. Adios!
Dr. Stiles, Ms. Thompson... Thank you for everything you've done. Please stop by Elysium if you ever get the chance.
Definitely! I'd be a pleasure to visit Emilio! Adios, Emilio!
Adios, Doctor!
Well then, please excuse us.

*Emilio and Heather leave*

*sigh* They're really gone...
I'm glad to see patients leave the hospital, but it can be a little sad too.
Yeah... I agree. I know that I should be happy, but...
...But, Doctor... That GUILT... What was it...? Was it from the donor... or from Emilio?
I don't know... Dr. Niguel is investigating it right now... But if it turns out to be a new type of GUILT... ......

Yes, it's a new type of GUILT. The transplanting part isn't, though.

Don't you feel GUILTy for plagiarism?

NB also has a transplant operation where the supervirus (Stigma in this case) will appear. Except that in that game, like I said before, we need to decide between the Stigma or the blood vessels. Also it has two patient, with the second having two Stigmas at the same time.

Thankfully, as evil as this game is (and will be), it isn't evil enough to throw that kind of situation with a brand new GUILT for the second chapter.