The Let's Play Archive

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

by 1234567890num

Part 29: The Touch

By next update, I mean about 10 minutes later apparently. This episode should've been merged with the last one.

His blood pressure and pulse are decreasing! If this keeps up, his vitals will drop as well...!
Let's perform the operation! Get ready immediately!
(I can't hesitate! Now isn't the time to be scared! Never forget, Derek Stiles! You are a doctor!)

It's going to be OK; don't worry.
I-I understand... Then, let's begin the briefing. Again, the affected area is the heart, and mutated tumors have formed due to Post-GUILT Syndrome. The objective for this operation is the same: It may be more difficult this time; his condition has gotten even worse...
But... I don't want my father to--
Angie, if we both work together, I'm sure we can save him... No, we WILL save him!
Right, Doctor!

Operation Video

Doctor, this time... please try your best... L-Let's get started.

Mutated tumors have been confirmed. The tumors we treated last time have also reformed! Watch out for the tumor's changing colors and continue the treatment! And since PGS has set in, you'll need to inject the sedative as well!

Make sure to dispel the toxicosis. Even if it doesn't drain vitals directly, it definitely makes things worse in addition to disabling the stabilizer.

Maintaining vitals above 50 is pretty much impossible with toxicosis around. Even without it, we still need to pay close attention.

Otherwise, things are the same. The time limit is a lot more lenient this time, so you can even afford to let the cytoplasm reform several times.

Treatment of the affected areas in view are complete, but, Doctor...
I know. That accelerated tumor mutation hasn't been confirmed. Just keep an eye out for anything unexpected, Angie!
Y-Yes, Doctor...!

Doctor, I'm getting new tumor readings!
It must be that mutated one... I knew it would show up! Ngh... It's changing colors so fast!
...I don't think any normal procedure can deal with it...!
...I need to get the Healing Touch back, now! I have to concentrate!
Please, Dr. Stiles! Please... save my father!

"Save my dad!"

...Yes. I will save him. I... became a doctor to fulfill a promise I made to myself. This is my power... and with it... I can cure any disease!

It's back!

Oh how I missed this

The tumors will flash several times before sticking to a color. Normally this wouldn't be an issue since those flashes are too fast, but with the Healing Touch it can trick you.

Make sure the tumor stop flashing before draining/removing it.

Otherwise, this tumor changes color a lot more slowly than the regular ones without HT, so that's nice.

By the way, the HT duration here lasts until we remove this final tumor, so you won't get stuck if you don't remove it quickly.

Treatment of all mutated tumors... is complete. Doctor... I knew you could do it!
Thank you, Angie.
You, and everyone else, are the reason I made it through this.
...? But I... I didn't do anything...

At least that you can't call Angie a liar.

Yes, you did. I never could have done it without you! Thank you so much, Angie!

If you say so, Derek.

Now, we're almost done. Let's continue the procedure!

By continuing he means just closing up.

It's actually much easier to XS this than the last operation.

We... We pulled it off!
I'm so glad...!
(But that power I used... That was definitely...)
(My mind... It's so foggy... What's wrong with me? My whole body feels heavy... and... why is everything going dark...?) *collapses*
D-Doctor...!? Are you OK!? Dr. Stiles!

H-He's over here!
What's his condition!?
About that... They said there's a risk of infection, so I ordered all personnel to stay clear...
Damn, I hope we still have enough time!

Shhhhh! Keep your voice down in the ward!
O-Oh, yeah... My bad.
Wait a second, what's going on!? What happened to Derek!? Is he infected!?
...... Breathing is stable, pulse... normal. No external injuries, no fever... ...I think he's just fast asleep.
Professor Blackwell... His vitals are stable too.
Yes, I think he's going to be OK. Dr. Stiles saved him.
So... there's nothing for us to do here?
It sure seems that way.

You called us all the way out here so we could watch you take a nap!?
H-Hey, don't wake him up! Seriously! Just let him rest for a while.
...Hey, Angie... Are you and Dr. Stiles... OK?
Um, I-I have no idea what you're talking about...
Oh, it's nothing.

You really do like making people worry, don't you?
I know I've been a pain... But thanks to all of you, I think I'm ready to stand on my own two feet again. Thank you so much.

Derek is back to wearing his travel clothes.

Good, then it looks like you're done with your second residency. You were quite a headache... but I suppose that's always been the case...
Yes, Derek is such a handful...
Oh, come on! I'm about to leave... Can't you treat me like a colleague for once!?
...Derek. The reason you can return to Caduceus is not because you've regained your Healing Touch... It's because you returned to being the doctor you were, who could face patients in any situation. The fierce battles are far from over. You can't let them get the best of you.
Yes, sir...!
And as your guardian angle, I've got one more thing to say... Next time you go with Ms. Thompson to see her father...
try to bring him some good news, OK?
Huh...!? What's that supposed to mean!?
I guess we can only work so many miracles, Nurse Fulton...

Spoiler: Next time we see Blackwell, we're not bringing any good news.

Huh...? You came to get me?
...Didn't they tell you? They asked me to meet up with you, actually...
Oh... Is that right...? (Man... All that silly talk is making me nervous around my own assistant.)
Um... Dr. Stiles?
What-- Er, yes?
Well... I haven't had the chance to thank you properly...
Thank you... for saving my father, again.
...I need to thank you, too. You're the reason I was able to break out of my slump, and regain my Healing Touch... I'm looking forward to starting fresh.
OK, but you know, I'm still going to speak my mind, even if it comes out sounding harsh...
Haha, I didn't expect that would ever change. But... it's probably best that way.
...Well, shall we get going?

The chapter ends with the marker returning to Caduceus, which I think is a nice note to end on.