The Let's Play Archive

Trauma Team

by Opendork

Part 12: Episode 12: Spitfire

This video covers:

Maria Torres 1 - Spitfire
Maria Torres 2 - Foul Mood


This isn't really a "chart," of course, but this fire takes place at a facility that converts electricity from the high voltage it was generated at, to the lower voltage that you'd actually use at home or wherever. Electrical fires are very dangerous for firefighters because the electricity can conduct right through the water or foam used to put out the fire. Alternate means, such as carbon dioxide, are used for a fire like this.

Finally, some interesting challenges. I showed you how to deal with the gauze, and missing is self-explanatory. I've never actually seen a burn worsen in this stage, but I think that it may refer to the gel wearing off if you don't apply a patch right away. It can actually be tough to get a Cool on the tape, since the game can be fussy about angles. That mostly happens in later stages, though. To get XS here, you'd need to go even faster than I did. Considering I finished in under a minute, it's a pretty tall order.

Next time: Tomoe performs what I'm pretty sure is a colonoscopy.