The Let's Play Archive

Trauma Team

by Opendork

Part 17: Episode 17: Love in the Ground

This video covers:

Hank Freebird 4 - Love in the Ground*

*You will probably be able to tell that this scene is meant to end with the beginning of Moving Heart. The video ends abruptly for that reason. Rest assured, you aren't missing anything you haven't already seen.


Ependyma is a tissue of the centra nervous system, so an ependymoma is a tumor that grew out of it. In children, these are more common in the cranial cavity, while adults usually get the spinal variety seen today. I'm okay with that, because the idea of a tumor inside my skull is slightly scarier.

I am pretty annoyed that I manage to nail all the parts I usually screw up only after breaking my chain on the easy part.

A hemangioblastoma is a different kind of tumor of the central nervous system. While there apparently is a tendency for there to be multiple or recurring tumors, the idea that one would just spawn in a powered-up form immediately after the first is removed seems questionable.

Next time: Gabe is once again on the case. The patient claims to have a cold, but could it be something more serious? (Hint: yes.)

Medal Challenge

In actuality, there was a medal challenge for Naomi hidden in Veronica Cage's house. Pretend she found it on the way out or something. This one's about surgery, so Naomi should be able to manage it, being a former surgeon and all. What about you?

Answers next time.