The Let's Play Archive

Trauma Team

by Opendork

Part 47: Episode 47: Chloe's Change

This video covers:

Final Story 6 - Chloe's Change
Naomi Kimishima - Extra


Cats, being animals, will swallow all sorts of crazy and toxic things. In fact, they are less effective at dealing with toxins than humans or dogs, making it especially important to protect them from rat poisons and such. I am not sure if they would swallow a couple of old bones. It might depend on what kind of bones they are.

Being efficient with stabilizer means making sure your vitals are low enough to use the whole vial, and not stopping the injection before it's done. Obviously, the faster you go, and the fewer times you hit walls, the fewer vials you need. As long as you do all this, you have tons of leeway.

Next time: As you probably guessed, Naomi is up next. Another piece of the puzzle slots into place in the next episode!