The Let's Play Archive


by ProfessorProf

Part 5: Your Best Friend

Welcome to the Undertale Demo! I want to look over some stuff before I continue the real story along.

Before going any further, let's look at the extremely helpful instruction manual that game with the game!

How helpful!

Now, into the demo I go.

Menu looks a little different from the full game.

Starting room is slightly different, too, but it's the same idea.

This guy is the same.

I think I'll mess with him a bit.

Hey buddy, you missed them.
Let's try that again, okay?

Gosh I'm bad at this.

You know what's going on here, don't you?
You just wanted to see me suffer.

Things proceed as before from there. I'll do a few things differently to keep it interesting.

Before talking, I'll Check the Dummy.

Dummy looks like it's going to fall over.

Then I talk to it, and the game continues as normal.

I think I'll take two pieces of candy.

I feel judged.

I'll try hitting Napstablook with some Threat.

It doesn't advance the battle.

This room only had one Froggit in it in the demo, not three.

This item was hidden in the lower-left pit, from the room with six pits in it.


And the Bandage it replaced:

After you take it off, it ceases to be armor, only usable as a healing item.

Later, when I get the Toy Knife:

And the Stick it replaced:

But that's enough messing around.

I'm playing to see what else might happen from here.

Like many players, I didn't initially think to use Mercy here.

I thought the only way to advance was to Fight.

Here's a first for the LP - what attacking looks like.

Press Z when the bar is closest to the center to do the most damage.

The attacks are all the same.

I wonder if she really can kill me, though?

Once you reach 2 HP, her attacks all start veering off to the sides.

Toriel isn't a murderer.

Around now, I begin to think that something should happen soon.

When I get her to critical health, something will change. I'll have proven myself.

W... Wait.

This isn't what I wanted.

You are stronger than I thought...
Listen to me, small one...
If you go beyond this door,
Keep walking as far as you can.
Eventually you will reach an exit.

Asgore's plan cannot be allowed to succeed.
Be good, won't you?

Toriel dies.

I just gained a whole lot of LOVE.

I hope you like your choice.
After all, it'snot as if you can go back and change fate.
In this world, it's kill or be killed.
That old hag thought she could break the rules.
She etried so hard to save you humans.
But when it came down to it...
Hee hee...


Like hell I can't change fate.

I load my game.

You are just like the others.
There is only one solution to this.
Prove yourself...
Prove to me you are strong enough to survive!

...why are you looking at me like that?
Like you have seen a ghost.
Do you know something that I do not?
No... That is impossible.

This time, I do it right.

I saved Toriel's life.

I changed fate!

You think you're really smart, don't you?
In this world, it's kill or be killed.
So you were able to play by your own rules.
You spared the life of a single person.
Hee hee hee...
But don't act so cocky.
I know what you did.

And then you went back, because you regretted it.
Ha ha ha ha...
You naive idiot.
Do you think you are the only one with that power?
The power to reshape the world...
Purely by your own determination.
The ability to play God!

I thought I was the only one with that power. But...
I can't SAVE anymore.
Apparently YOUR desires for this world override MINE.
Well well.
Enjoy that power while you can.
I'll be watching.

When I quit, something is a little different about the instruction manual. It's on the last page...

This goes deeper, though.

From a fresh copy of the demo:

I spare Toriel.

Then, I load my game...

...and kill Toriel.

You spared her life...
Then you decided that just wasn't interesting enough for you.
So you murdered her just to see what would happen.
You killed her out of boredom.
Hee hee...
You naive idiot.
Do you think you are the only one with that power?
The power to reshape the world...
Purely by your own determination.
The ability to play God!

I thought I was the only one with that power. But...
I can't SAVE anymore.
Apparently YOUR desires for this world override MINE.
Well well.
Enjoy that power while you can.
I'll be watching.

The instruction manual changed again.

If you take anything away from this non-continuity diversion, let it be this:

Flowey remembers.