Part 2: Update II - Zoinks, Scoob!
Update II - Zoinks, Scoob!
So, the last time, we got a bunch of exposition and some directions to follow. This time, we'll finish exploring this area.

And just a little bit west from Dankwart's shack, we find a grave with a ghost!

But for now, we're going to ignore that guy and instead move north.

Here, we have the inn! My favorite part about this whole place, because it's cheap full healing, and cheap full healing is never a bad thing.

As you can see, we've got an innkeeper at the counter and a cook in the kitchen. We'll be making use of both of their services soon enough, but my HP isn't in terrible shape right now, so for now...

...I murder some more rabbits for XP and spare change.

To the east of the inn, we find a little shop and one big burly armored motherfucker. Let's talk with him!

Well, maybe he'll let us through? Let's pick the first option.

Yeah, I'm not fucking with this guy. Mostly because I know he fucks your shit sideways, and even if by some miracle you managed to beat him, it would only lead to the evil creatures from Düsterburg flooding the Eastern Marches and a non-standard game over. Instead, let's take a look at the store.

Well, the equipment here is an improvement, but I'm kind of strapped for cash (the best helmet costs 370 bucks, the best armor 620, and I've got 175 right now - and yes, I'm going to be calling this currency bucks, because I prefer the term over the generic "gold", and keeping it as "Taler" just sounds stilted), so let's leave for now.

At this point, I figure I might get into a bigger fight, so let's head to the inn to heal up.

You can't beat that price! Let's have ourselves some of that.

30 HP restored, not bad. Grandy's HP are in the 50~60 range right now, so that's a full heal for 20 bucks. Now, let's talk with the innkeeper, because that guy always has something to say in games like this - number two information source after the bartender.

We want some information!

Might as well go down the line.

Well, that was interesting. Now with more information and a topped off HP supply, let's head back south.

Yeah, these guys look pretty badass. Instead, let's go around murdering some more orcs and rabbits...

...and heal up when necessary. After some of this, I think we can take a look at what that spooky ghost down there is doing.

So we can skip right to the exorcism by sword, but that's not the RPG way, so let's find out what his problem is.

Once again, no reason to start swinging.

No idea why you'd want to leave here. Let's see what he'll have us do.

EDIT: Thread to the rescue:
HenryEx posted:
As i said, never played before and i don't know the script - but if it was something like "geistliche Belohnung", it's probably a pun on "fürstliche Belohnung" - which means to reward someone royally (as in, very lavishly / handsomely). But since he's just a ghost and not royalty, he can only reward you ghostly.
TheMcD posted:
The original line was along the lines of "ich werde dich geistlich belohnen", so yeah, you might be on to something there. Good catch.

This game really seems to be doing that thing where accepting quests or progressing the story by talking to people grants experience, and our dog levels up.

At this point, I head back to the store and buy a grappling hook, some pitons and a rope, because I remember we're going to need those.

While murdering some more enemies, Grandy picks up a new skill - the Sword Dance. This makes him throw his sword like a boomerang, and it has a very specific use - it wrecks flying enemies.

And with that level up, I feel I can probably take on these wolves.

And surprisingly enough, they don't put up that much of a fight and go down fairly easily, netting us a bunch of wolf pelts we can sell.

With the wolves gone, we can make our way to this... thing you can only half see right now (we'll see it fully later) which signifies something we can pick up.

And in this case, it's five hundred bucks!

With that cash and the money we got from selling the pelts, we get ourselves some neat armor upgrades that will help a bunch later.

Next, let's take a look at this cave here.

There's got to be some good shit in there, get in (after saving, of course)!

Hm, that doesn't seem safe, but nothing ventured...

You might be able to sneak up on it, yes. It involves moving one square at a time with breaks in between. However, I didn't figure that out at that point, and...

But there's another one of those item container thingies there! Run, Grandy, run!

Yes! The longsword is a great upgrade over our short swords, but there's only one problem...

...we couldn't equip it because this saber-tooth tiger caught us before. This might be bad...


And yeah, it goes about as well as expected.

We try again, and this time it works better. It looks like the tiger caught me, but he moves semi-randomly while going towards you, and he moves away for a bit before I close the text box.


Now that we made it outside, check out that upgrade! 57% increase in combat power! Now all we need is another one of those...

South: The Icy Wastelands
East: Dankwart's Farmyard
North: The Talkative Innkeeper
Well, it looks like we've got nothing much else to do in this area, so it's time to head to the Icy Wastelands.

And then we spend a day walking to the wasteland, not that time plays any role here.

With that, we've made it to the Icy Wasteland - or at least the pre-area.

The enemies here look a bit tougher...

...but they go down just the same.

Get on up there, man!

And move on we do. Up there we find...

He's not going to need that crap anymore, is he?

This is the Phoenix Down item of the game, smelling salts. Comes in handy.

Then there's one more ledge to use our grappling hook on, and then we've made it to the end!

The end of the pre-area, that is. Next time, we move on to the actual Icy Wastelands!