Part 3: Update III - Such A Lonely Little Man In A Cold, Cold Wasteland
Update III - Such A Lonely Little Man In A Cold, Cold WastelandSo, last time we made it to the Icy Wasteland proper, and now it's time to take a look around!

Time will tell. The first thing we do is engage in combat with one of these birds flying around.

These vultures are pretty damn tough - in fact, they take only 1 HP damage at best. This is probably supposed to simulate how they're flying and really hard to hit. The solution?

The new attack, called "Sword's Dance", entails flinging your sword at the enemy. It's got one use and one use only, and that is attacking flying enemies. However, it quite excels at that.

And with big damage like that, taking this guy out is not a problem.

This here... something...

...that happens a lot. Running back to the Eastern Marches and using the inn is a lot cheaper than buying healing items, so I regularly make use of it.

Back in the Wasteland, we run into these demon-things.

They seem tough, but they still go down fairly easily. Next up, we make our way east.

Over there, we've got something down that cliffside, but we can't seem to get it. Also...

This rock seems important somehow, but I can't figure out exactly what to do. Next, we have a grave:

So that's the second dead wife we've come across. I bet we're going to get the story behind this one in that nearby house!

A guy, on his own. Seems familiar...

Once again, no reason to be a dick, so let's go with the first option.

Dada and Dudu, born to Bernhelm and Brunhild. Now that's a weird shift in naming between generations.

Wow, dickish. Once again, we go with the standard RPG player's answer.

So with that, we'd leave. But before that...

...Grandy gets his Columbo moment.

We decide discretion is the better part of valor and just leave. The guy's got enough problems.

Next, we move south...

...and find a kid! Wow, that guy didn't try looking around at all, did he? However, I expected a big battle when it comes to bringing back these kids, so I backtrack a bit...

...and fight some more demons!

The sword attack that hits all enemies makes short work of them, and one trip to the inn later, we're back to the kid. Getting a hold of him is tougher than it seems, since he runs around fairly erratically.

And then he starts running around even more erratically. We get a hold of him again:

Right, so we've got a lead. And if I'm not mistaken, it seems like there's a cave down there.

And now I spend about ten minutes bopping around before I figure out what I have to do, since I still have the mountain climbing equipment on my mind. However, it turns out that's not needed at all!

Oh, come on, ya pussy! If you fuck up, I can just reload anyway!

Do it!


Man up! It'd not like you can just get back up anyway!

Boing! And we've made it to the cave!

Oh my, that's a lot of bats. And guess what? They don't do anything at all. So let's rescue that girl!

Yeah, there was actually a hole behind the snowman we could have used to get in here too. Only found that out after recording this.

Now, how could we get out of here? Could it possibly be related to the very distinctly different looking part of the cave?

Oh come on, I've got to tell you to look at this again?

Alright, let's get out of this joint and have some progress.

And one screen further north...

And we get some plate armor that's better than the armor I just spent a lot of money on. Them's the breaks, I guess.

Well, he said west, and west we go!

Not exactly a lot of options here...

...and suddenly, there's a ladder here! If we went here before, then there wouldn't have been a ladder, so we had to resolve the missing kids subplot before we can move on.

And for some reason, we suddenly ended up in the Frost Palace from Paper Mario or something like that. Getting all frosty up in this bitch. But before we explore, a chest!

Two small healing items and what I think is one MP regenerating item. Nice, but not really useful to me. Now, let's go through that big gate.

And at this point, I finally remember to equip the new armor, which is a great improvement. Now, let's go through the gate.

Oh, come on, we're totally a servant!

What? How does a servant look, then? We're still totally a servant!

Oh fuckshits. Totally forgot we can get into a fight with these guys. How strong are they?


Well then. Wait, when did I save the last time?

OH DOUBLE FUCKSHITS. However, that gives me an opportunity to re-do the missing child subplot and press Bernhelm for his secret this time.

So let's go all pressure on his ass!

We're not backing down this time!

What does he mean by that...


Oh shit, he's a werewolf.

I still crit him in the face and he goes down.

Hm... so what's going to happen if I head to his kids now?



...I reloaded and did that properly. Next time, we're going through whatever this place is.