Part 10: Update X - Go To The Mirror, Tarius!
Update X - Go To The Mirror, Tarius!
So, last time we got off the hook for murder, saved the town from a murdering monster, and generally kicked ass. Now, it's time to go from that excitement to the wonderful world of bureaucracy!
Well, not exactly, we're just heading to city hall, now that we're actually able to continue the plot here.

If it isn't Grandy and his gang... well, what do you want?

Umm, hello Elwys. We'd like to talk to the mayor.

Then go ahead, he just happens to have some time. But don't take too long, understand?

Ah! Greetings! All over the place people have been talking about your adventures!

Greetings, mayor, we need a travel permit. We heard you're the person to talk to...

Well, young man, that is one of the things I do here. However, there are official channels I have to follow... is there any reputable citizen of Düsterburg that would vouch for you?
Hindrance #1 - we need a recommendation first. However, we were clairvoyant and already grabbed one.

Of course, mayor. We've got a recommendation from Chief Tharand Al'Rhun here...

Give me that... hm... looks real. But, you know, the chief and I don't exactly see eye to eye... especially when it comes to judging people.
Hindrance #2 - getting that recommendation doesn't really help. However, we recently rid the town of a murdering demon, so...

But your case is obviously different! You've made a pretty good name for yourself in our town... we could use people like you.

I can see where this is going - what do we have to do for the travel permit?
Hindrance #3 - it's actually impossible to do this beforehand, so even if you try to prepare, the bureaucracy still catches you off guard. Truly, this game gives us the hard-hitting, timeless social commentary.

There's a patient in the nuthouse. His name is Tarius. A strange case - he won't say a word, just composes... yes, you've heard correctly: He writes some sort of music! Anyway, the head of the asylum, Alfons Einbein, told me that this music has strange effects on his surroundings. Duke Wahnfried now wishes that this case is examined in closer detail, and you'll have to start a series of tests! Different living creatures should be subjected to the music to test its effects.

I see... and what creatures are we talking about?

A human, an animal, and a vampire.

What? A vampire? I hope you've got one handy, because I just ran out of vampires yesterday.

Save your jokes, Grandy! Obtaining the subjects is your problem. Come back when you're done - your permit will be finished by then.

I can't believe it! Now we're working for the duke himself!
Well, that's the way it goes. Good that old Deppert is... well, deppert, because he's not in the loop about our whole involvement in this struggle for power, even though Wahnfried should have told him about it.
Fun fact: That staircase to the right? You can't go up there. Ever. However, there's still a switch associated with the staircase that allows you to go up there (unused, of course), and there you'd find a terrible map with nothing but bookcases and an NPC you can talk to for a little conversation that goes about like this: "Man, this map sucks!" "Well, that's why you made it inaccessible." "Yeah, and I'm sure there's some people in the community that would have me stoned for that." "You" in this case refers to the game's creator, who also used "Grandy" as his online alias, so basically, that was the developer speaking through Grandy the in-game character. Bizarre little tidbit I assume was left in for the guys like me that dig through these games with the editor. Anyway, off to the sanatorium!

Greetings, dear guests. How can I help you today?

Please tell us about your patient, Tarius!

Oh, yes, a fascinating case! He was found a few years ago in the haunted house that lies nearby. The gods only know what he saw there, but regardless of what it may have been, he hasn't spoken a word since that day. However, he expresses himself in a different way: Music! After a few smaller compositions he now seems to be working on a larger cycle. This music is something very special. It has different effects on different creatures: For instance, ever since he started composing, his cell is completely free of vermin!

How about his relatives?

In the beginning, his parents used to visit him, but they died a few years ago. He devoted most of his music either to them or his sister - and that's quite confusing! After the parents died, I started a search for his sister so he doesn't grow totally lonely, but she was nowhere to be found. Even more confusing: Nobody in the entire town can remember that a sister ever existed!

We must see Tarius. We're working for the mayor, and he wishes that we test Tarius' compositions.

"Working for the mayor"? I can imagine who really is behind that! But my hands are tied. Follow me! I'll bring you downstairs.

Johann, we've got to visit Tarius. These people wish to analyze his music on behalf of the mayor. We have no choice but to allow this, but we will be watching over the tests to ensure no harm comes to Tarius.
Well, there's a few interesting things here - I see a crossbow, also a target with a bolt right in the bullseye [darts](although he really should be aiming for the triple 20 instead)[/darts]. But let's get going with these tests, now.

Hello, Tarius, my name is Grandy, and these are my friends, Libra and...

Umm... doctor? He seems really excited. What's going on?
And suddenly, Tarius yelps and runs over to Libra.



Doctor? What's happening?

Incredible! He hadn't been speaking for ten years now!

Grandy... now I finally understand... Tarius is my brother!

Your brother? But how can that be?

Grandy, don't you understand? Wahnfried's time manipulations have thrown this town into a chaotic mess filled with contradictions!

Dankwart?... It really is you! I thought you were dead!

I was basically dead for many years, Alfons, but these young people brought me back into life!

Wait, wait, wait... this is too much to take in at once! Dankwart, you and the doctor know each other as well?

Of course, Grandy - but that's nothing extraordinary. We studied together in Königsberg.

And were good friends from then on until you disappeared twenty years ago.

I was almost insulted you didn't recognize me earlier, Alfons.

Well, you did stay in the background most of the time, old friend... and after all those years...

But I'm afraid there are more pressing matters than our memories, Alfons. This boy... since early childhood he felt that a part of him was missing... his sister Libra. That was the reason why the abandoned house attracted him like a moth to the flame. Through instinct he knew that he would find whatever was missing here! But as he found the ghostly apparition of his sister inside... the two realities rammed into each other and sent him into a deep confusion! Tarius' mind retreated back to the furthest recesses of his self, as to not go completely mad from the chaos of reality!

Dankwart, I don't even understand the half of what you're saying!

Don't worry about it, doctor. I've been feeling that way for days now...

I don't have the time to explain, but the gist is this: The duke used my research to manipulate time!

I can imagine that the majority of patients in your care are suffering because of the same reason! But slowly the pieces are coming back together - like this boy that has spoken for the first time in years! I'm feeling strong magical powers coursing through his veins and projecting outside... Miss Libra, can you maybe remember something about these powers?

Yes... now I remember. He, Grandy and Lazalantin were planning to assault the duke's fortress! Tarius has had his magical powers flow into his music since childhood... now the three were planning to use that music against the duke as a weapon! He wanted to write a cycle: Four pieces of music that were also powerful spells! Custom-made for their plans!

And now we're supposed to research this music for the duke...

Oh well, first we need the travel permit. Then we can think about what we're going to do with Tarius. So let's get going with those tests!
Right, time for some SCIENCE! We've got three things to test, and we only have the fitting subject for one of those here right now, so let's start with that.

We've got enough test subjects for the test on a human. I suggest that one of us becomes the guinea pig.
We can either pick Grandy, Libra or Dankwart here. Libra gets annoyed that we're scared and that nets us 500 XP for Libra alone. Dankwart gets excited because it's been ages since he's done a real experiment and that nets us 500 XP for Dankwart. Picking Grandy nets us 700 XP for each party member, so let's go with him.

I can't expect anybody else in our group to take the risk, so let's do this, doctor!

Go, Tarius! Play the Dance of the Sun for Grandy!
We get a little sound snippet that I really can't place anywhere and Grandy flashes a bit. That's it.

And, Grandy? Is everything alright?

Whew! That rhythm really gets me going! I want to dance, sing, jump around...

Umm... otherwise, nothing notable, no.
Insert a reference to House of Pain's "Jump Around" here. Anyway, next up is the test on an animal, and I think I've got an idea where to get one...

Come here little kitty... here, kitty, kitty, kitty...
Then he snatches the cat up and all other cats disappear off the map.

Watch out, cats - there's a new cat catcher in town!
And back to Tarius' room we go.

Now we'll be testing the effects of the music on an animal. We brought this cute little kitty here for that.

Alright, doctor! Let's hope we don't hurt the poor kitty!

Go, Tarius - play the Dance of the Sun for the cute cat!
Once again, weird little tune and flash.

And, kitty - are you feeling fine? Great! Then hurry to your friends!

Not exactly a lot of results so far - all that's missing is the test with the vampire!
Well, I think I've got an idea just where we could get one of those...

Greetings! Can I help you?

I hope so, chief. The mayor will only give us a travel permit if we do something for him. But for that we need a vampire... umm... as far as I know, you've got one of those bloodsuckers locked up downstairs...

The crazy Asgar, yes... wait a second! I'm not supposed to just let you have that insane bloodsucker, am I, Grandy?

I promise we'll bring him back in one piece! He can't do much harm with us around!

I have no idea why I'm doing this, but alright. I'll tell the guard downstairs that he can let you have him. But I want him back today! That guy is a danger to the population!

The chief already told me what you're here for. He must have gone insane. Five guards died when we had to catch this guy! Well, but nobody asks me anyway. Let's get him out of his hole, then. Hey, Asgar! You won't believe it, but you've got day parole!

Wonderful! That rat blood you're serving here is simply disgusting!
And Asgar officially joins our group!
God damn, look at those numbers! I guess that just screams "temporary party member".
His special attacks are a standard array of evil magic, not exactly useful since most of the stuff we're fighting is evil anyway. Still, let's take him for a test drive.
These boneheads will make a good target.
All of his special attacks just have generic black magic animations, no attention to detail here (

and with good reason), and it deals pitiful damage, as expected. The bonehead is still easily dispatched. And then...


Go right ahead, Asgar, I don't think he'll be bothered.
Generic catch-all ahoy! I don't think these boneheads have blood to suck.

Ugh! That blood is filthy!

But your blood, on the other hand...

Asgar! Please don't look so evil! Come on, get back into line. Hey, please take a step back!
And then we need to fight him. This happens if you get into any kind of combat with Asgar, so it's recommended to not fuck around when he's in your party.
This turned out to be a very bad choice for Asgar, as "Crit your fucking face off" Grandy demonstrates.

We messed it up, Grandy! We just killed our test subject!

Shit happens! So much for our travel permit - seems like we have to fight our way through the guards now!

Let's go back to the sanatorium first, though. I fear that Tarius isn't safe there.
Well, shit. That wasn't supposed to happen, so let's use our magic reload function and bring Asgar to the test room safely instead.

Now, let's test the effects of the music on a vampire. Asgar will be taking the role of test subject.

What appetizing company!

I'm warning you, Asgar! One wrong move and you're dust!

Go, Tarius - play the Dance of the Sun again!
This time, the animation is more detailed - we'll be seeing it again later.


And then the fight happens anyway. He gets his shit ruined again.

We'll have to see how we're going to explain that to the chief...

At least the impact the music has on vampires is quite impressive.

We're done! I see you made plenty notes, Dankwart. Let's bring our report to the mayor, then!

There! We're done! Here's the result of the tests!

Let me see... hmm... very interesting! Just like the duke suspected! This Tarius must be disposed of immediately!

Do whatever you want - we did our part, and we want to leave now!

Of course! Here's your travel permit. A shame you want to leave so soon!

Grandy! You're not just going to leave Tarius to his fate, are you?

Who do you think I am? We're heading right back to the sanatorium and are getting him out of there!

It's a good thing you dropped by again. I want to talk with you about Tarius.

Professor! Wahnfried's lackeys are on their way to capture Tarius and bring him to Castle Düsterburg!

I expected as much. Furthermore, I believe that it's best for his recovery that he stays close to his sister. Please, take the boy with you! It's much too dangerous here!

Our adventures will certainly be no picnic, either, but I believe that it is Tarius' fate to fight Wahnfried!

Thank you for your cooperation, doctor. It's time for us to leave Düsterburg.

Tarius, you'll now have to go along with your sister - it's too dangerous here...

I know, doctor. I hope I can come visit you after this whole thing is over.
Somebody's awfully proficient in talking for not having done so in an entire decade. Mental block or no mental block, not having spoken for ten years should probably have some sort of effect on a person.

Holy smokes! He's really progressed in such a short time!

I also believe that he will be a great help in your mission. He's an excellent bowman!
Well, a
crossbowman, but that's semantics, I guess.

Farewell, Tarius.

We'll meet again, doctor.
And with that, we get our true fourth party member after the temporary ones we picked up before. Let's see how good he is...
...fucking hell. I mean, I guess sitting in a cellar doing nothing but composing music isn't exactly great, but come on, level 15? Less than half of Grandy's HP and less than half of Dankwart's MP? Both Dankwart and Libra are squishy mages, you're kind of supposed to be a secondary fighter here, mate.
His equipment is kinda shite as well. The repeating crossbow is good, but that's about it. Look at that 36 defense. Libra and Dankwart both have broken 100 at this point, and they're getting smacked around quite a bit right now. Tarius is going to get carved up like thanksgiving turkey at this rate. Well, let's improve his armor first and see if it helps.
Not a lot. I gave him the best stuff available, and he's only hitting 72. Ignore the heavy crossbow up top, it only gives a +5 compared to the repeating one and only attacks once as opposed to twice with the repeating one, but I only realize that later. However, I have a plan.
This plan requires money, however.
And with a little help from Vitamin Dollar, Tarius gets stuffed with sixty pieces of fruit.
Sadly, there were only three types left, so he turned out a bit lop-sided, but still, at least he's hitting harder than Libra now.
So let's take him out for a spin, shall we? I've kind of been holding off on killing these guys up on the walls, and this is the reason why - while I didn't know, I figured Tarius would be in need of some experience.
The Dance of the Sun is a spell that packs quite a whallop against evil enemies. It better, too, at a cost of 24 MP! That's like three of Dankwart's holy magic attacks, and those deal about the same damage. Also, funky coloring! Don't you just love GIFs?
Here's the repeating crossbow in action. Nowhere near the damages Grandy is dealing, but hey, at least it's better than Libra.
Also, here's the ability we learned at the end of the last update. Basically, it's a "go big or go home" ability - it either hits for massive damage or doesn't hit at all. It also doesn't take the weapons into account, so our magic swords don't help here, which kind of makes this shitty. Still, it doesn't cost anything, so I guess it's worth having around.
After that murder spree, it's time to heal up, because it's time for us to leave this town.

Stop! What is your goal?
1) The duke's castle! 2) Königsberg! 3) To eliminate you!
You know what, fuck it, we can take these guys. Overleveled, magic weapons, we've got this.

A splendid idea, I haven't had my dinner yet!
Now this is a fight we've got going on. All other fights we had so far were basically mandatory, but this one is optional for the ones that just want to murder more demons or for those that fucked up getting their travel permit (I believe that losing Asgar is the only way to do that, everything else seems to have some sort of failsafe, but I might be wrong). One bonehead's not that tricky. Two isn't all that tough either. Two plus a powerful demon? Now we're starting to get somewhere. However, the party is so pumped up on side quest experience and fruit steroids that I only need to throw out one healing spell. Still, that's one more than I needed for that shapeshifter.
They give a nice amount of XP and cash, so it was worth taking them out anyway - and now we can just walk in and out of town as much as we want! Not that they would have stopped us anyway since we had the permit, but the less paperwork we have to deal with, the better.
Next time, we make our way out to the Rabenstein Marches. And next time is immediately because the originally planned update broke 50K characters again! Yay!