Part 22: Update XXII - Quadrophenia
Update XXII - Quadrophenia
Let's continue where we left off. We have coal, we have an energy converter, and we have a machine that needs energy, so let's put this shit together.

This machine's loaded up!

Then all we need to do is charge it up! Step aside for a bit, Grandy.
Magic sparkles!

Almost as comfortable as a cozy fireplace...
Alright, we've got regular power, we've got magic power, let's see if we can't figure this machine out.

Excellent! I have total control over the machine!

I assume this big lever activates the system...

Maybe it's a trap and we all explode...

If the detonation is strong enough, it might destroy the entire castle... then we'd have achieved our goal as well!


Umm... I just tried to make a joke myself, Grandy!

Alright... your machine seems to work. Now what do we do?

We need to find a fixed point in the past where all incidents converge!

Then one of us needs to go back in time and change the past so that Wahnfried can not enact his plans.

And that's supposed to work?

Well, Wahnfried demonstrated it! However, he went too far in his meddling, we need to be more careful.

Time, place and possible consequences must be taken into account or otherwise another major problem could come from it! Do you have a suggestion where we could go?

We'll head to the moment when...
1) ...Wahnfried became a vampire. 2) ...Wahnfried fought us. 3) ...Wahnfried kidnapped Doria.
Doesn't really matter what we say here, so let's get it wrong because Grandy isn't that smart - option 1).

You want to defeat him while he's still weak, am I right?

Exactly! We'll wipe this pest out before he has a chance to begin doing his unholy work!

That's much too dangerous. That could potentially change the history of hundreds of years!

Furthermore, we don't have any knowledge about when that actually happened...

But we know when Wahnfried came to the duchy for the first time. That was twenty years ago, like you told us!

You want to prevent him from ever taking the reigns? The suggestion sounds interesting, but seems risky.

What's risky about it?

Well, you're planning to change the history of this region from the last twenty years... the ramifications can't be measured...

But Dankwart, you can't possibly believe that Wahnfried's reign has had any positive effects on this region?

You're right, Libra. Regardless of which choice we make, a certain amount of risk will always remain. But Wahnfried may not be destroyed. You've already seen what that kind of behavior could lead to.

How about we warn the Dankwart of the past, so that Wahnfried can't kidnap Doria?

Of course! That was the beginning of the entire mess! That was the only reason he could lead me into a trap in the Icy Wasteland...

Then it's decided! I'll volunteer for this task - that'll save us some time, and time is wasting!

So be it! But let me speak a few more words: It was an honor and a pleasure to know you and call you my friends!

What are you saying? Our friendship will continue to exist without Wahnfried's evil!

I'm not sure, Libra... that was the entire reason why we met in the first place. I fear that the time for farewells is now.

No sentimentalities, please! We don't even know if our plan will work...

You're right, Grandy! I got carried away! Take your place on the platform!
Grandy steps up on the platform and Dankwart steps over to the levers. Dankwart pushes some buttons, some special effects hit Grandy, and he turns semi-transparent.

Fare well, my young friend... and good luck!

Dankwart, something didn't work! He's still here!

I don't believe you need to worry, Libra... like I said, the machine can only create an image in the past.
Suddenly, there's banging on the door!

But we seem to have a different problem! Dankwart, keep watch on the machine, I'll watch the door!
And as Libra takes her position watching the door, we fade out...
...and land in the past.

How, where, what? Now where did I land?

I was here before... this is the path to the castle! A bit closer would have been nice, Mister Dengelbrack!

Oh well, what can you do... at least this infernal machine seems to work. I should get going, it's still a long way to the castle.
This is basically a controllable cutscene - nothing to do but walk. As we walk up the hill, we get this:

And people say the weather was a lot better in the past!
We're spared most of the way up.

Phew... why do these dukes always have to build their castles on mountains?
Now, getting into the castle - this shouldn't be as hard as the first time we did it.


My name is Grandy, and I wish to speak Duke Dankwart!

The duke does not wish to be disturbed, and the servants have already been sent to bed. You'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Then it will be too late! My message is incredibly important!

Alright... I suppose it must be important if you made your way up here in this terrible weather. Come in! I'll tell Duchess Doria of your arrival.

What do you want?

I'm looking for the duchess. My arrival was announced.

You may pass! Duchess Doria is waiting for you.

You must be Grandy... the guards told me that you wish to speak my husband. He's sadly very busy and doesn't want to be disturbed. May I know what you wish to tell him?

Umm... it's very complicated. Honestly, I don't quite get it myself. But it's a matter of life and death... especially where you are concerned.

Where I am concerned? Wouldn't the message be more for me then?

It's related to the experiments your husband is doing! The stuff with time manipulation. That's going to cause real chaos in the future.

You know of his time manipulations? As far as I know, he never told anybody but me about that...

But he did, dear duchess... well, he's going to tell me about it... umm... it's all really complicated!

I have no idea what you're talking about, but it seems you're telling the truth... I'll tell my husband about this. Please wait here.
So now we're free to walk around a bit. Let's get some experience!
Built for the protection and well-being of his highness Falk von Dengelbrack as well as his subjects, during the reign of his imperial highness Kuno the First.

So it was Kuno the First! Well, I've learned something new again today.
And we get some experience - but we only get it if we looked at the plaque in the present and learned that Dankwart forgot which Kuno it was. Nice little touch. Let's explore further.

Holy smokes! Wahnfried's standing over there!
And Grandy immediately legs it.

Maybe he's waiting for Dankwart too. Maybe he had to wait until he was received in the past.

Or Dankwart messed up the time and I'm too late.

Well, at least it seems that nothing has happened so far. The duchess looked fairly relaxed.
Let's go north, maybe we can just barge into the laboratory.
Wait, what?

By the gods! There he is again! How can that guy be in two places at once? Or is there a doppelgänger somewhere here?
To the right?

Hello, Grandy. Good to see you here...

Umm... how do you know my name? You can't know that!

The game is over, Grandy! You've lost!

...tactical retreat!

That can't be!


Resistance is futile, Grandy! You're surrounded!
Oh god.

Wahnfried here, Wahnfried there, Wahnfried everywhere!

It doesn't matter if you trust your senses or not, Grandy... it's over!
It's fucking Quad-fried up in this shit!

But... but... that's complete lunacy! You can't know my name, and you can't have split in four!

You're wrong there, Grandy... because I'm from the future as well!

And with my time machine I can go to any place at any time!

And if that's the same place and the same time four times, then I'll appear four times as well!

ALRIGHT! I have to admit, it's all Sarabian to me, but I honestly don't care, either.

As far as I care we can settle this right here, right now! Man against man!

I expected that reaction from a man like you, that's why I preferred to show up with a three-man-advantage...

But even if you managed to beat me here, who would ensure you that your friends are still alive when you come back?

They've been captured by my guards! Even somebody as boneheaded as you should be able to realize that.

You see, you don't have a chance! Give up, and return to reality!

You've won!

And it's time to go back to the future.

You did well in giving up, otherwise, your friends would have had to pay for that!

Although it doesn't make a difference in the long run...

But how did you manage to be in the same place four times?

You should have seen it, Grandy! The bloodsucker sent himself back to the past four times in a row with the time machine!

For you it must have looked like he was in the same place four times!

That's exactly what it was! I still don't get it, but if you get it, then I'll save myself further questions.

That's a good thing, too. We're expecting an important guest, and I can't have you interrupting the proceedings.

You're talking about that Malthur, the so-called son of the Dark God...

Exactly! With him, I'll march to Königsberg with my soldiers, where we will create a massive army of the undead.

For the son of the Dark God it should be easy to lay a guarding aura of darkness around my soldiers...

But why am I even telling you this?

You won't be alive long enough to see my triumph anyway.

Xelram! Take these people out and have them immediately executed before the son of the Dark God shows up!

Yes, your highness!

I'm sorry we dragged you into this, Tarius.

That's alright, Grandy. You're my family after all.
This is the part where you get Tarius if you skipped over getting him in Düsterburg - Wahnfried figured he was dangerous and had him brought in, you get a short "who's this" "my brother" conversation, and that's yer lot.

Stop babbling! Forwards!
Suddenly, zombie interruption!


What the hell are you talking about? Who's here?

The one you're waiting for, master! That Malthur!


Yes, master.

And what about the prisoners?

We'll kill them later!

Who knows, maybe the son of the Dark God wants to have some fun with them before he joins us!
And... cliffhanger time! Next time, the big event is going to happen, and we'll finally see Malthur!