Part 27: Update XXVII - In An Octopus's Garden, In The Shade
Update XXVII - In An Octopus's Garden, In The Shade
Right, so in our grand tour of Königsberg, we're now going to knock off location number three of four we can actually explore right now.
This is Klipping, the poor section of town. You can tell because it doesn't have paved roads and has rickety-ass houses. Let's check that one there out...
...empty. Alright, fuck you too, house.
Let's try this one instead.

What are you doing here just waltzing into my house, you brats? Does somebody have to teach you some manners? Knock next time!

Umm... no offense. We just always do it that way...

That doesn't matter. If you want to talk, then introduce yourself properly!
And that's all he'll say. So, time to leave...
...knock on the door...
...wait for him to call us in...
...and now we can actually talk to him.

Greetings. What can old Hagolf do for you?

We're trying to track down a pretty evil guy that hid somewhere in Königsberg.

Did you notice anything suspicious in the recent days?

Well, I'll be! You can say that again! My dog disappeared, yes!

Umm... and what's so suspicious about that?

The suspicious part is that the same thing has been happening all over the place for the last few days. Or have you seen a dog on the streets recently?

Honestly... just cats.

You see! A few weeks ago that was completely different - you only very rarely saw a cat out in the streets... didn't come as a surprise, too!


Because there were dogs everywhere that made life for those little beasts a living hell! But then one dog after the other disappeared and these pests spread out. And now my little Fidibus disappeared as well...

We'll take a look into that, Hagolf. We have a dog of our own and can sympathize with your worries.
*high pitched yelp*

Good grief, Libra! What are you squeaking in my ear for?

We completely forgot about Julie. She's still in our house in Düsterburg, and we didn't put out enough food for her!

Holy smokes! You're right!

I hope Dankwart isn't too busy and remembers to take care of her...
Well, nothing we can do about that now, so let's see what else we've got going here.

Well, sir, how about a fish? Freshly caught - and it makes you smart, too.

Sounds like a sensible investment for you, dear.

I think I got the joke by now, Libra... you don't have to keep repeating it.
Considering you keep giving her reasons to make jokes like that, you've earned all of them.

What does a beauty like that cost?

Only five bucks...

I'll take one.
And we bought a fish! Yay!

And now what are we doing with this slippery thing?

I'm sure we'll find a use for it...
The reason behind this might elude you for a while, but it's there, trust me.
For now, more exploring.

Ha! Finally, somebody interested in my wares!

What do you have in store?

Magic utensils, my friend! And of a kind you rarely see!

Hm... ever considered that this might be the wrong place for a store such as yours?

Of course! But the guy that sold this dump to me hightailed it out of town.
1) Tell me something about yourself. 2) What do you know about Königsberg? 3) What do you have for sale?

My name is Kardamon and I've spent the last twenty years perfecting my skills in all schools of magic. I came to Königsberg because I thought a port city would be the perfect place to make some money through my knowledge. But the only customers I get in here are a few brats that want me to stuff candy down their insatiable throats.

Königsberg is one of the main trading points of the civilized world. If you can't find it here, you can't find it anywhere. But you don't notice a lot of that here in Klipping. The people here are nice and always in a good mood, but destitute.

I managed to bind magic energies in such a way that they can be used by a layman. I'm not talking about healing or something like that, but straight-up battle magic! I bind the spells in magic containers - called spheres - in a quite complicated and dangerous procedure. Because of that, my products aren't cheap, but still, take a look.
Sadly, Kardamon (which I'm pretty sure is just a letter or so off of being some sort of spice, I'm sure of it - Kardamom in German, I believe) will be stuck in Klipping for a while longer, because his products blow. Well, that's maybe a bit harsh. I'm sure these would have been fucking great... if we could have bought them somewhere around chapter 1 or 2. Now that we're in chapter 5 and will be fighting pretty much nothing but creatures of darkness, four out of five of his spheres are useless. And the fifth one, the light sphere? Surely that can be useful? Nope, not at all. Everybody in the party that could use these has better options available. Grandy has his two vampire murder swords dealing out light damage. Tarius has his vampire murder song. Malthur and Libra? We'll get to those two eventually, but they too have better options for dealing damage against creatures of the dark. So yeah, this shop is a complete waste of time. Would have been great earlier, though. Moving on...

Nobody's opening...
Alright, another house that can go fuck itself.
Let's try this house instead, which is guaranteed to not be locked.
And inside we find a mute girl!


Don't you want to talk to me?

She can't talk.

I can't believe it! The raven talks!

And? Never seen a talking raven before, dumbass?


This guy talks like you, dear.
1) Why can't she talk? 2) Who takes care of her? 3) Are ravens like you common?

That's a long and sad story. She was abandoned as a child by her parents at the gates of the church. The priests took her in and raised her. However, they were confused because the child was clearly mute. That wouldn't have been a big problem, but there was an incident when Sarah was about seven years old. One of the neophytes saw Sarah talking with a cat. She was capable of communicating with animals. The uproar with the padres was massive and it ended with Sarah being abandoned for a second time. Here in Klipping, probably because it's the place in Königsberg that's most removed from the church.

A young girl. She took Sarah in about three years ago. At night she works in the Flying Fish and she's normally here during the day. However, she hasn't been here for about two days. I'm starting to get worried...

Not amongst all these moneybags and these idiots focused on technology! I come from Sarabia, where people still believe in miracles. The court mage of the shah himself taught me to speak. Dozens of speaking ravens like me fly around their mage academy.

What's your name?


Was that a name or a coughing fit?

Now don't you try to be funny.
Well, that's interesting. Seems like we've got ourselves another sidequest - finding out what happened to the girl that disappeared.
Now, what's over here?

Greetings... please don't take Tonka too seriously. She's such a little whirlwind.

I noticed.
Though we didn't. All she does is yell at Grandy to go catch her, then darts around the room like crazy.

I don't know. We're here, to... well, let's say... protect the city from disaster.
This line normally comes after "Greetings, how can I help you?", but after talking to the little girl, the whole thing ends up a bit disjointed.

Did you notice anything special recently?

Now that you mention it... in the last nights I had the feeling that somebody was sneaking around the house. However, I didn't dare look out the window or leave the house. Also, my neighbor mentioned that a few nights ago a whole lot of suspicious folk wandered around the streets of Klipping.

Did she say what kind of people they were or what they did?

No, sorry...

But I wouldn't pay too much attention to that. Swenja often tells stories like that to keep us from getting bored.
No, this isn't the kind of game that does false rumors. There are suspicious folk about, and we'll have to uncover their shenanigans.
Maybe this house will be important in that regard?

What are you doing here?
1) Whoa, wrong door! 2) We were supposed to deliver something... 3) We just wanted to talk... 4) We're the wild highwaymen!
Doesn't really matter what we say here, with one exception - picking number 4 is a
Bad Thing. We'll just go with number 1.

Then get out and look for the right one!
I wonder if this mysterious masked guy is related to the suspicious people going around in Klipping.
Next stop.

Sir Grandy! Good to see you again! Please excuse that we left so quickly from the Squeaking Boar, but Winfried had urgent business matters to attend to. Could you take care of the monster?

Don't worry, sir Waldemar. The forests of the Rabenstein Marches are safe once more. And Wahnfried doesn't rule over the region anymore, either!
1) What are you doing here? 2) Anything new in town?

I trade in magic fruit. We import these rare delicacies and then sell them in the entire empire. Sales here in Klipping are rather slow - I'm trying to get a store in Altenberg, but that's not easy.
Maybe he could get together with the guy from the magic sphere store, then share the house in Altenberg?

Furthermore we sell fish. But that's mostly for fun. I love fishing, but I usually bring way too many fish home with me.

I can imagine. I'm sure you've got a great view while fishing, what with the cliffside and all.

You're exactly right, son. Sadly there's nobody here that shares my passion. I'm always alone.
1) Well, I'd be interested... 2) Too bad.
Of course we're interested - it's not like there can be something bad coming from that (though it would be interesting if this could end up wasting your time or the like).

Really? That's great! We could have a little contest!

Umm... I don't think it would be all that exciting. I've got no experience in these things.

But that's not a problem! I'll give you one of my fishing rods - then you can already start practicing.
And we got a fishing rod! This'll come in handy for sure. And what about the news around town?

I just got home, so I didn't get to learn anything new just yet. But the atmosphere in town seems quite tense. Must be related to the heat, it's unusually humid for this time of year.
Yay, more foreboding. Now, what did he say about magic fruit?

Good day, sir. Please, take a look at my fruits.

Umm... sorry, dear, but I'm already taken!

You should get a more stable helmet, dear. She's talking about the stuff she's got hanging there!

I know! But that's too withered for my tastes!

I'm talking about the apples and pears!

Oh... that's the hanging stuff you're talking about...
Boob jokes! What, no references to melons?
Sadly, the assortment is kind of weak. But we'll take what we can get - though not yet.

Do you have bananas too?

Sadly, they're out. Just like the pineapples.
Right, now what's over here?

G'day all. You got something for me?


You got something you want to get rid of? Hot goods? Any treasures you can't get rid of anywhere else?

Ah, I see... you're some sort of money changer...

You got it, pal.

Well, I've got nothing to exchange.
So here we've got a shady looking fence. That'll come in handy if we ever stole something, though I can't imagine that happening.

Aren't the little ones cute? So untainted and free of malice. Children are wonderful!

Don't be fooled, dear lady: Give one of those little brats a frog to play with...

...and you'll experience undreamt of dimensions of cruelty.

Don't judge the little ones too harshly. They're still children.

Exactly. There's still the chance of getting those ideas out of their heads before they grow up and become REALLY dangerous.
Ah, Malthur, ever the pragmatist.
Next up, we make our way to a farm off the beaten track.

Nobody's opening...
However, once again nobody's home.

There's something buried here!
But that won't stop us from digging something up!

Aha... a very intricately engraved vial. There's something written on it, too... "Gift from the Gods".
And there we go, we got ourselves one of the super badass healing items for free! Fantastic.
After that, let's go and check out this mansion people have been talking about...

We're not getting through here!
...or at least that's what we'd be doing if the gate wasn't locked. So that finishes up our tour of Königsberg, as we'll only head to the castle to talk to the Baron when we're sure we finished up everything else we can do beforehand. And we're not done yet...

That bottle... I bet that with my fishing rod I could...
And we go and fish the bottle out of the ocean! Let's see what's inside.
Dearest Natascha,
your father will never come back. I'm so sorry. You'll find everything I put aside for your future in our old hiding place in Klipping! May the Gracious Father direct the currents so that this letter may find you. My thoughts will always be with you.

What happened? You look so serious...

Natascha... it's... it's because of your father...

What is it? Did you hear something from him? Is he not well?

We don't really know, but we found this message in a bottle. We think it's addressed to you.

My dad... I'll never see him again...

Probably not... but now you need to think of yourself and your education...

It's what your father would have wanted. Why else would the lead towards Klipping be there?

You should take a look at what he left in your hiding place for you.

I'll do that later... I really can't bring myself to go to Klipping right now...

Why not?

That's where that Iron-Skull Ebald hangs out... I know him from the Flying Fish, and he's constantly after me there.

I can understand why you wouldn't want to go there, then...

If you don't want to go, maybe we could go and look for you... you just have to tell us where the hiding spot is.

You'd do that for me? It's... it's in an old knothole in an old dead tree. It's right next to the place where the fish are sold.

Got it. We'll go and take a look then.
Alright, Klipping it is.
But on the way there, we run into Ronsen again.

Ah! My dear friends! You wouldn't believe how grateful I am! I finally have a new case! What am I saying? ONE new case? No, I got half a dozen new cases!

Why hello there! That happened rather quickly. How did you do it?

I just went out for a walk to get used to being amongst other people in these clothes. And right away loads of people wanted to talk to me and make use of my services!

When we get back home, we'll open a store, Libra... fashion advice or something like that... with your talents we'll be rich.
Well, that's nice. Moving on...

There's the knothole...

Then take a look and see what's inside...

Probably all sorts of creepy crawly things that'll bite my fingers!

Now don't be such a sissy, dear...
And we find this piece of paper.
Final log book entry
Finally we sighted land! Set course was: Three days in south direction, then 38 sea miles in the direction of the morning. With 10 knots of speed we then finally reached the pearl of the south!

An old log book entry? That couldn't have been a very caring father...

There has to be more to this...
Well, this is obviously some sort of clue. You could probably already figure this out, but let's get some more information.

And? Did you find something?

Just this old log book entry... we don't know what to make of it.

Could you help us with this?

When I was little my dad used to play scavenger hunt with me a lot. There he'd always hide similar pieces of paper too. When you solve the riddle, you can find the next piece of paper.

Well that sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun...
Not that big of a help, though the riddle itself isn't too tough. Just filter out all the numbers and directions and there you go. 3 steps south; 38 steps east; 10 steps south. Go back to where you found the paper and follow those steps (carefully, those 38 steps can mess you up)...
...and there you go!

This must be it!
We dig it up.

By the gods! A whole bunch of jewellery, gold and gems! That must be worth a fortune!
Now, we have an "option" here, and I mean that in the loosest sense. We could bring this treasure to the fence, sell it for 20K bucks and keep the money. I call this an "option" because I guess you can technically do this, but holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you if you even consider that. Not only are you a massive cunt for doing such, but it's a
Bad Thing to boot. Not only
that, but if for some reason you're dickish enough to go back to Natascha and tell her you didn't find anything (you're not given an option to give her the money, mostly because trading a treasure in with a fence guarantees you're only getting a fraction of what it's worth and you clearly only did it for a quick buck), it's a
Double Bad Thing.
So we're going to do the right thing and bring the treasure back to Natascha.

And? Did you find something?

Yes, we did! A whole bunch of gold and similar stuff! Here! You shouldn't have any problems for a while with that.

All of this is for me? But that's way too much! What am I supposed to do with all this money?

The best idea would be to bring it to a bank. It'll be safe there.
And that nets us some experience and the feeling of having done the right thing.
Now, there's one more thing we have to do, and it involves that story we heard from the dwarf earlier - the thing about the sunken treasure. We want that, and to get it we need the help of a master craftsman.
And for building shit, this is our guy.

Oh, you wait! I see in you eye. You look big thing that super special, I right?


He wants to sell you something special, dear.

Here at Sach N. Macha you get what you want, no thing impossible is. Sach make for you what you wish.
1) What do you make? 2) I want to order something. 3) Tell me about the town.

Oh just exquisitest things after personal wish. Nothing is like same. Everything unique on world.

Yes, but what exactly? Weapons, armor, magic war machines?

Oh! None so terrible stuff! Be artist not butcher!

And what will this stuff cost?

Depend on thing you want to build. Every part you pay for. Further 1000 bucks for every part that Sach build in your thing.

I've heard that there's a lot of treasure to be had in the waters near the docks. Could you build me something that allows me to get that gold?

Nothing impossible for Sach N. Macha! You give me time, then I give you offer. You come back in say one hour?

Of course!

This pretty always been good city. But in recent it became bit weird, you must know.


It start as next door owner of house died. Veeeery weird story. They found him very weird in box with stake through heart. Only his kitty with him that licked his wound. Since then more and more dark shadow over Königsberg. People quick angry and like, you see?

Only about half of it, but I think that'll be enough.
And as we leave...

This cat story is starting to worry me...

What's the big problem? A few cats going about the area - bad for the dog owners sure, but...

There's more behind that. A man is staked and his cat licks his blood. Why was he staked?

Well, it was probably one of those fangjobs.

I believe that's the case as well... do you happen to know the stories people tell about people that drank vampire blood?

That happens? Disgusting!

They say that they turn into so-called ghouls, will-less servants of the vampire that created them. Through the cursed blood they don't age and their powers increase dramatically. Now what would happen to a cat that drinks such blood?

I'm for postponing that question.

You're right, Grandy. Right now we've really got more important things to do.
Well, I for one disagree. Yes, yes, chasing Wahnfried is important, but if there's a monster cat going through Königsberg, that's a pretty big fucking deal. Sadly, our heroes never think about telling the authorities (although they probably wouldn't believe them - no respect, no respect at all) or the baron. You'd think putting two and two together (killer cat + dogs disappearing = oh shit) wouldn't be that hard.
Anyway, we leave the map and come back, and Sach has an offer for us.

Ah, you come just right friend! I make you nice suit that fully tight that no water come in.

Sounds good. When can I get it?

Ah! That not so easy. I need stuff to make thing. You have to bring me stuff.

What do you need?

We need one big round hollow thing for head and lots of water-proof stuff for rest.
So we get a globe from Sheeva...
...and two wax jackets from the general store.

Ah! You have stuff that Sach can use?

We bought this weird round thing at Sheeva's. Could you use this?

Ah! That is globe! Wonderful thing from Sarabia! You will learn too.

We have this rain jacket. This seems to be pretty water-proof.

Ah! That not good thing, that off the rack, right? But Sach put tar over it and then good. But that not enough. You must bring second jacket of same kind.

Here's the second one.

Ah! Very good. Now Sach have lots of material for big suit. You come back in hour or so, then you can get new suit.
Leave the map and come back...

Ah! My dear friend! Sach finish everything. You can take with you!

Wonderful! What'll it cost?

Ah! I make you wonderful price! Three parts built in, that make 3000 bucks!
1) THAT MUCH? 2) No problem.
Bitching about the price will just cause Sach to become insulted and you end up missing out on some cash, so let's not do that.

Here you go!

Ah! Wonderful! Here you have suit. But you be careful, you only have limited air. When air out, you must open hatch in front and let fresh air in. Of course not under water.
And now we have our own diving suit!

I could try out my diving suit here, but there's so many things swimming down there. Plus, the water looks dirty!

Now don't play coy. The thing was expensive enough, and it has to pay off somehow.
And now we're ready to go diving.

It's pretty muggy in this suit. I can already tell the air won't last forever.

And those octopi seem hungry. I best stay away from them.

Well, I can already see the first chest over there. Ahoy - Grandy sets sail!
Welcome to the first of two minigames in Königsberg! In this game, the object is to bop around the ocean bed and find treasure chests filled with doubloons. The air level is your time limit, and bumping into the octopi takes away more air.
This game is actually pretty damn frustrating. There's plenty of shit situations you can get yourself into, especially since there's a cave at the end of the map where you need to maneuver without being able to see Grandy, which can take up ages. Plus, there's plenty of tight passages that can end up being blocked by fish (which just block your path) or octopi (that drain your time to boot), and you're reliant on their random movement to clear the way. I believe I spent about half an hour on this minigame, dying over and over again because I misjudged something. However, with copious savescumming...
...I managed to get the maximum amount together, 43400 doubloons. Now, what can we do with doubloons?
Well, we can trade them in.

G'day all. You got something for me?

We've got some doubloons...

Gold doubloons?


I suppose you got those from the docks...


I'll give you a buck for each doubloon.

What? The pure gold value per doubloon has to be at least three bucks!

As you wish. You can have your doubloons melted down if you can find somebody that will do that for you. I've got time... I don't know if you have it, though...
Spoilers: We can't find somebody to do that, so we trade the doubloons in for 43400 bucks. Not a bad haul, all things considered.
That'll be all for this time. Next time, we finally go visit the baron!