Part 28: Update XXIIX - Yes, Non-Spooky Castles Exist
Update XXIIX - Yes, Non-Spooky Castles Exist
Now, to round off our tour of Königsberg, let's go and visit the baron to tell him all about our vampire problem but not about our killer cat problem.
The Königsberger castle is far and away the best-looking place in the entire game. Wonderful white walls, greenery in the interior, and overall, the entire design leaves the other castles in the dust as far as being visually appealing goes. Of course, when your competition is castles held by vampires and cultists, I guess it's not hard to be superior. Still, this place is spiffy.

Greetings, travellers. I'm Chief Draconis. The day is drawing to a close, and we just wanted to close the gates...

Sorry, sir, but we must urgently talk to the baron.

The baron normally doesn't receive any guests at this time. What's the matter?

Um... well... I don't know...

Calm down, Grandy. The times when we needed to keep everything secret are over.

You're right... I just still can't get used to it.
Not that Grandy had any real problems telling complete strangers everything (see also: Thar and Knurrgahn).

Secrecy? Could you please explain to me what your companion is talking about?

We just got here from Düsterburg. There we helped Duke Dankwart to regain his throne.

However, the dark Duke Wahnfried managed to escape, and we suspect that he's hiding in this city!

If what you're saying is true, then Baron Davidoff will surely listen to you immediately.

Where can we find the baron?

Right here in the main building. Just tell his advisor Grimor about it and he'll do the rest.
Sounds simple enough. Maybe this time we won't have to jump through a billion hoops just to get to talk to somebody in authority?

Now this is a pretty castle! Not at all dark-gothic like the others!
Yep, it sure is pretty. Just look at those flowers!

I am Grimor Schlangenzahn, advisor of Baron Serafin Davidoff von Schöppelbrunn! Tell me what you desire!

Did I mention this guy's name means "Snaketooth"? Because his name means "Snaketooth". Yeah, this guy's legit.

My name is Grandy. We're here on behalf of Duke Dankwart and wish to speak with the baron.

Duke Dankwart? ... Don't tell me any stories, boy! The duke is dead!

He is not! He has regained his throne and sent us here with an important message for your sire!

But that can't be... wait here for a moment!
And he just meanders around for a bit.

Although your claim sounds... fairly... improbable to me, I will tell the baron of your story...

Come back tomorrow at noon, then the matter of your request will have been decided upon!

Tomorrow at noon? But it's most urgent! Furthermore, we're here on behalf of the duke, the baron is obligated to oblige him!

In no way! Through imperial decree, Baron Davidoff only answers to the Emperor himself!

What? Since when?

Ever since the usurper Wahnfried von Düsterbrocken came into power!

How many times do I have to repeat this? Wahnfried has been deposed! The old duke is back on the throne!

That must still be verified!
1) Alright, then we'll come back tomorrow! 2) Then we'll have to use force!
While attacking him might sound like a potentially viable solution, it's a
Bad Thing. Let's just leave.

I can't believe it! Why does there always have to be some guard dog sitting in front of every asshole we need to talk to?
This guy doesn't seem on the level. Let's go back to that guard captain, he seemed nice enough - and most importantly he seemed like he would have instantly let us to the baron, which we do like a lot.

That was fast! How did it go?

Not at all! Schlangenzahn refused to tell the baron!

Really? Is he still of sound mind? News like that needs to be delivered to the baron immediately! Sadly, you won't be able to get to the baron without going through Grimor. That snake has him twisted around his finger.

But we urgently have to talk to the baron! Wahnfried has taken a little child hostage!

A child?

Our daughter...

That's it! I'm helping you, even if it costs me my position!

But what can we do? That Schlangenzahn can't be convinced...

I find it suspicious that he completely goes against any reasonable behavior... and I doubt that the baron hired an idiot to be his advisor.

What do you mean?

I believe that Grimor was under orders to reject us...

Orders from Wahnfried?

Who else?

It should be pretty hard to prove that...

I'm sure he didn't do it just because he's such a nice guy. Maybe we can find some sort of clue in his private chambers...

You're talking about breaking and entering, aren't you? Well, that would definitely cost me my position.

If you don't help us, then you're making yourself an ally of that bloodsucker!

You have a smooth tongue, sir... but you're right! I'll lead you to Grimor's room. We have to get back into the main building. From there we can get to the quarters!
And now Draconis tags along with us. So let's get moving!

None may pass!

Out of the way, Kunibert, these guys are with me!
This brings us into the side corridor with surprisingly realistic looking paintings.

What? That character in this painting doesn't really look like a human being to me!

That's "art", dear! Not everybody gets it...
Anyway, further down the corridor we find the right door.

Here we are. I suggest you head inside and look for clues while I keep watch outside.

We're deeply indebted to you!

You're welcome... I never could stand that snake! But now hurry!
And here we are in Grimor's room. We're officially on a time limit, and it's short, so we best hustle. The first thing we do is save our game in case we fuck up.
The next thing we do is grab the axe. Not useful, but we can sell it for a few bucks, so that's nice. Next, we look through the armor:

Hey, that armor looks pretty good! However, it's pretty useless in practice...

Hey, there's a key in one of these pockets!
And we find an iron key. Next up is the red chest on the right side of the room.

Lots of gold! I had no idea that a position like that brings in so much money...
We steal 3000 bucks from the guy, not like he's going to be able to use it once we're done with him. And furthermore...

Wait a second, there's a key between the coins!
And that nets us a little key. A little key which I'm sure will fit into the smaller chest down there. But first...

What was that sound?

Somebody's coming!

Hello, Draconis. Well, you're almost off duty for today too, eh?
And he marches towards the door - somebody needs to act fast!

Umm... sir Schlangenzahn... I need to talk to you.

Can't that wait until tomorrow? I had a hard day and I'm tired...

No, it can't - it's very important!

What is it about?

Umm... well... about guard duty for the next few weeks...

GUARD DUTY? What the hell do I have to do with your guards?
Well, he could have thought of a better excuse beforehand, but he is giving us a bit more time. Just enough time to look through that chest, so it better be a good one...

Hey, there's a letter in here!

What's written in it?
it is time for me to remind you of the duties you owe me! You've been living comfortably off my money for quite some time now, now it's time for you to repay your debts! In the next few days, some people will come, wishing to talk to the baron because of me.
They can not under any circumstances be allowed to speak to the baron! Disappoint me and you will get to feel my wrath!
P.S. Enclosed is a last payment for your services...
You know, it's not hard to burn that shit. Evil minion 101 right there. But that gives us the concrete proof we need...
...and it's just in time, as Grimor has had enough of Draconis' stalling tactics.

Go to the baron tomorrow with your obscure request! I for once do not want to hear anything about it anymore!

No idea why Grimor uses "Herzog" here, which is the term I've been translating as "duke" all this time. I assume it's a slip in writing.

As you wish...


Your behavior back then seemed a bit suspicious... so we took the liberty of taking a look around your room...

Have you gone insane? I'll have you thrown into the deepest dungeons!
And yes, he will do that if you fuck up, which is a game over.

Then call the guards. I'm sure they'll be interested in this letter we found in your belongings...

Did somebody call the guards?

Ah, Chief Draconis! You're just in time to arrest this traitor! He's allied with Wahnfried.


What, a sealed letter from the dark duke isn't proof enough?

I've heard enough for now... Grimor, I'm hereby arresting you under suspicion of high treason!
And with that, we're relocated to the throne room and the baron is coming down to talk to us. That was surprisingly easy, all things considered. Could have been much worse.

My lord, these are Grandy and his companions. They come on behalf of Duke Dankwart and wish to be heard!

I'm incredibly happy to hear that my dear friend Dankwart is still alive and back in his office. I'll hear you out, sir Grandy, don't you worry...

...but first I'd like to exchange a few words with my advisor!

There he is, the man that has been deceiving you for years! The man that sold out his lord and his soul to the dark duke! Grandy managed to find a letter from Duke Wahnfried in Grimor's quarters! It proves that Grimor has always been in his pay!

Grimor, what do you have to say to these accusations?

This is a conspiracy, sire! Don't trust these people! Perhaps they're working with Duke Wahnfried themselves...

I don't believe that, Grimor! Chief Draconis gave me a letter of reference, sealed by Duke Dankwart himself! And I know his handwriting like my own!

Then it's pointless to try and convince you, you won't believe me anyway. You'll remember my warning when the dark duke takes a bite out of your neck!

Chief, take this snake out of my sight!

Wait a second, your majesty! We'd like to question the traitor further!

I'll definitely allow you to do that, sir Grandy, but first, I wish for you to tell me the exact reason you're here. The chief has already told me what you told him, but I'm still not sure how exactly I can help you.

Of course, your eminence! We believe that Wahnfried is trying to leave the country by boat, and we have to stop that at all costs!

Because of that, we would ask you to interrupt all ship transit for now!

You're talking about an embargo. I hope that you understand that Königsberg is a trading city. We're reliant on the sea trade.

We know that, Reverend... but it would only be for a few days, just until we find Wahnfried...

Alright, sir Grandy. I'll give you four days. Anything more than that and the traders would probably have me personally dragged to the gallows.

Many thanks, your honor... we'll hurry!

Chief! Take a few men and make your way to the port posthaste! Prohibit any ship from leaving the port at all costs!

Yes, my lord!

Now you may question Grimor.

Umm... now, Grimor, listen good:
1) Where is Wahnfried? 2) Who brought you that letter? 3) CONFESS EVERYTHING!

Find it out yourself!

I bet you'd like to know, eh? Sorry, but I can't answer that.

Everything? No thanks... I'd like to lay down now, even if it's on a bed in prison... if I started to confess EVERYTHING, we'd surely still be here tomorrow morning...
Well, that was enlightening. Grandy's officially at the end of his wits - which makes his wits about a few centimeters long. Well, baby steps, I suppose.

Dankwart, why didn't you come with us? I simply don't understand these things!


Uh oh, I think Grandy got an idea. This can't be good.

Say, Malthur, doesn't this fall into your department? I mean, you could do that trick with that mind-thingy...

This trick, as you call it, means unspeakable pain for the victim, and is also quite unpleasant for me.

It's always so depressing to find out what kind of pitiful thoughts these humans fill their brains with...
1) Well, if you don't want to... 2) It has to be!
Oh come on, Malthur, you're the fucking son of the Dark God, stop being such a pussy. The game agrees with me, as telling Malthur it has to be is a
Good Thing. So let's do that.

We can't be considerate of whether it's pleasant for you or not, we need that information!

Yes... of course, you're right... please pardon me. My reaction was not fitting for the gravity of the current situation.
Malthur steps forward to Grimor and takes off his hood.

I'm giving you one last chance to give us the information we want.

Otherwise I'll have to subject you to a treatment that is quite unpleasant for both of us.

Do I look like I want to talk? Oh, I guess you can't see that - looks like something's wrong with your eyes.


Oh shit, that was the wrong thing to say.
So Malthur steps up and starts unleashing the Brainmelter.


He's uniting his mind with Grimor's!

Umm... does that hurt?
A scream from Grimor answers that question...
...and eventually, he falls to the ground.


He didn't know where Wahnfried is, either...

"Didn't know"? Is he...

Dead? Yes, your highness, he didn't survive.

He resisted me with all his might. Somewhere inside him there was still a bit of loyalty...

...sadly towards the wrong side!

And anything else? Could you maybe find something about Wahnfried's other lackeys?

Only very little... the letter was brought to him by a woman he very much desired...

However, I can't describe her because the picture in his mind was melded with all sorts of figures of his dirty fantasies.

So this didn't help at all?

Well, we saved the executioner some work.
Malthur puts his hood back on and the party converges again.

Oh, and one more thing, Grandy: You normally address a baron with "your highness", not "your eminence" or even "Reverend"...

Oh! Thanks for the instruction!

Not with "Massa" either, or even "Grand Mufti"...

Thanks, but I think I get the point!
Now that the main part is over and done with, let's start asking questions again.

How can I help you?
1) Tell us about your city. 2) Any recommendations? 3) Any rumors going around town?

After Duke Dankwart disappeared twenty years ago, Königsberg was declared an imperial city by Emperor Kuno. Because of that, a series of obligations disappeared, which benefited the trade. In a few years, Königsberg became one of the fastest growing trading cities of the entire known world. As for sciences, we've always been way ahead of the rest thanks to all our academies. This combination led to a series of discoveries having their start here in Königsberg. Take for instance the Königsberger cuckoo clock, rightly the pride of our city. Fifteen years ago it would have been impossible to build such a tiny clockwork - clocks had only been in church towers back then.

Your companion seems educated in the magical arts. I highly recommend taking a look at our mage academy. It's here on the castle grounds as well. An old relic of the times when mages were required for defensive purposes. Furthermore there are plenty of traders here with goods available that you could only dream of in other places.

Well, Grimor successfully kept me isolated from the outside world for quite some time now. I have to admit that I'm not up to speed regarding those things. Although you might know that Wahnfried already rampaged here twenty years ago. Back then, he lived in a grand villa - Düsterbrocken. West of the port you'll find Klipping. From there, a path leads to Düsterbrocken.
We already checked that out, though we couldn't get in. I suppose that'll be something for later.
Now, the baron mentioned the mage academy, so let's go check that out.

G'day, folks. I'm Notorius, and I'm stuck doing entrance duty this week. How can I help you?
1) Why do you have to stay on the entrance? 2) Tell us about the academy. 3) We want to learn...

Well, I'm enrolled here and the lecturers believe that you should already start taking responsibilities when you're studying.

Now, the original text here refers to "Magister", plural. A "Magister", singular, is an old academic term that was still in use back when this game was made, but has become somewhat obsolete with the Bologna Process making headway in Germany, replacing the old Diplomand and Magister titles with the general Master of X title in use in other places. However, calling the people here "Masters of X" doesn't seem to hit the meaning of this specific usage, as this is certainly talking about the professors teaching at this academy as opposed to any guy that has a Masters degree. As such, I'm calling an audible here and using the term "lecturer" instead.

That's why we always get some sort of weird-ass office where we get berated the moment something goes wrong.

You poor guy...

Good to see somebody that sympathizes with me.

This academy is called "Hall of the Three Paths", because this is the only mage academy where all three schools of magic are taught under the same roof. Because of that, spots at this academy are very coveted. You are only accepted here - given a certain skill level - if you can pay the incredibly high student fees... or if you take an incredibly tough admittance test.

I'm sure you passed the test!

Are you insane? I don't need that! My father is rich!

Sadly, you're too late for that. The deadlines for the next semester ran out two weeks ago.

Can't you make an exception? I'm no beginner, I just want to expand my knowledge.

Well, for advanced learners we have crash courses in the three disciplines. The admission fee is 5000 bucks.
It's very much worth that, let me tell you.

Excellent! Any further payments will be made to your teachers.

Further payments? Wasn't that enough?

I thought it was obvious that you'd have to pay for every spell separately. The teachers have to live as well, you know.
Alright, let's go check out the three teachers and their assortments of spells.

Greetings. I am Prospera Adelmi, lecturer of the White Hand. How can I help you?
1) What is the White Hand? 2) What do you know about Königsberg? 3) We want to learn.

We have decided to use magic powers only to defend life. As such, you won't find a single spell in our ranks which can harm a living being.

That is except if the being is completely corrupted. Even then the effect is rather weak compared to other spells of element magic.

Our city is a city of knowledge and progress. Apart from our academy you can also find the university next to city hall. Small wonder that the arts of clockwork and printing were perfected here in the last twenty years.

We of the White Hand have made it our task to watch that all progress is made for the sake of improving life.

We only teach combat magic that can't harm living beings. Pick one.
So here's the assortment. To make it simple - these are Dankwart's attack spells in three different strengths. As we're basically going to be fighting nothing but dark creatures anyway, we buy the strongest variant of both spells. This is what I was talking about when I said Libra had better methods of dealing light damage.

Don't forget that with great power comes great responsibility.

Good day to you, young folks. I'm Natalja Nattelbeck, lecturer for the Green Thumb. How can I help you?
1) What is the Green Thumb? 2) What do you know about Königsberg? 3) We want to learn.

The Green Thumb is an order of mages committed to using the power of nature for the benefit of mankind. Nature births life and forms it. We borrow a part of its endless power and use it for our spells. That way we can achieve healing in a way that school medicine can only dream of.

Königsberg is a blessed city. The climate is healthy and supports a cheerful attitude. The people here grow very old and very rarely get sick. But if somebody does get sick, there are we of the Green Thumb and of course the doctors of the university to treat the case.

You want to join the order of healers? That is an honorable goal, my children.
And here are Dankwart's healing spells. All very useful, everything bought.

I wish you a long life and peace.

Hellfire and brimstone! I am Pandora Paddelwein, lecturer for the Black Hand. I hope you have a good reason to disturb me while I'm working.
1) What is the Black Hand? 2) What do you know about Königsberg? 3) We want to learn.

The world is coined by chaos and decay. Only the strongest will survive, and we from the order of the Black Hand will belong to them! The creatures of darkness are not the real danger! The true enemy is the evil side that lives inside the heart of every creature. Therefore, our spells are made to achieve the best effect in combat, woman against woman!

The people here are complacent and soft. If we weren't watching over Königsberg, the city would have surely already fallen to the enemy! And Baron Davidoff further supports this idleness by only asking for few in taxes and otherwise pampers the populace in many ways as if they were his children!

The spells of the Black Hand will suck the marrow out of your enemy's bones!
No. No they won't. To put it short, the spells of the Black Hand are fucking useless. To put it longer, the problem, as I've previously elaborated on, is that we're going to be facing almost nothing but creatures of the dark from now on, all of which are immune to black magic. Off the top of my head, I think there is one,
fucking one group of enemies where these spells might have some effect, and even those enemies are not weak to it, they're weak to other elemental spells! This is an absolute waste of money, and just like the magic spheres, they're designed to suck money from an unsuspecting player's pockets, which is probably the second-most tricky trap this chapter has (the trickiest one being the one where the
Bad Things come into play). There are plenty of things you can spend money on, and a lot of them are useless, but the proper things you can spend money on are
very useful. Furthermore, there is a limited supply of cash in Königsberg. If you run out and find out you need more cash to buy healing items with, well, guess what, you're SOL and JWF. Shit outta luck and jolly well fucked.
As such, we buy nothing from here.

Always be careful. Trust no one!
Now we're going to go and buy the actually useful things that cost a lot of money. First of all, there's the equipment from Lars here, which is the best baseline equipment in the game, only eclipsed by special stuff like the two vampire murder swords. We pick up a whole bunch of gear for Grandy, and some armor for Libra and Tarius. Malthur doesn't get regular equipment, he can only use his own stuff.
By the way, take note of Libra's magic stat. It's going up.
We go to the magic fruit store and spend a lot of money on forty walnuts.
I then use twenty on Libra and start to get the idea of what I can do with all my money.
So then I buy thirty more...
...and use the entire pack of seventy on her.
Anyway, our experience with magic roids over, let's check if von Junzt is home. NOTE: There's two different people talking without pictures here, so one will be underlined, the other not.
Umm... hello?

Hello there little guy, we want to talk to your father... Wilhelm von Junzt.
That isn't possible right now.
Come on, Just, hurry up! The fuse is burning down!
I know! Well... Derleth, the butler, is making his shopping rounds right now, and where sir von Junzt is, nobody really knows.

I see. And when could I meet one of the two?
Come on! The thing is going to explode any moment now!
Umm... come back tomorrow! Somebody will be there for sure!
The sounds of somebody running across the room, then an explosion are heard.

What's going on in there?

The boys are playing around. You were that way too.

Oh, so you can remember that all of a sudden?
Well, now that we've exhausted all main story leads and I already did all the side quest stuff, it's time to call it a day.

Ah, guests! How nice, how nice! How can Aaron Senkelfried be of service to you?

We need a room.

Wonderful! For four, then? That'll be 80 bucks.

Here. We've got a long trip behind us and are incredibly tired.

The rooms are upstairs.

Well, this is a pretty nice room. My tired bones are crying for a soft bed!

What, you already want to go to sleep? But we just arrived!

What, did the trip here didn't make you tired at all?

Sure, but I've never been in a city this large, and there's so much here I've never seen before!

No way, pal! I'm dead tired and don't have any desire to have a night out on the town.

1) Well, I'd be down for a night out myself... 2) Then let him go out alone. 3) We should all go to sleep now!
Here, picking option 1) is a
Bad Thing, and picking option 2) is a
Good Thing, so let's go with the latter.

After all, he's had to go through plenty in the last few days!

And when push comes to shove, I don't want a nervous wreck on my side.

Oh my! Where'd you learn to argue like that, dear?

Looks like the time with Dankwart had its effects on me!

Alright, you convinced me.

Alright, you little troublemaker: Don't get too wild. Also, I want you to be back before midnight!
Midnight? Hell, that's when the fun just starts! Or maybe that's just me (currently writing this update at 3 AM).

Don't worry, I'll be careful!

Thanks, Grandy!
And Tarius leaves.

That was a wise decision, Grandy! The boy should have a bit of fun before he has to go to battle.

After all, nobody knows how this will end for him or for any one of us.
Well, that's a morbid thought to end it on, but that's exactly what we'll be doing. So, that was the first day in Königsberg, and we still have three to go! Plenty of adventure still awaits, and we still have to see Königsberg by night!