Part 29: Update XXIX - The Terrible Old Man
Update XXIX - The Terrible Old Man

I feel reborn! Now, let's get going and visit that von Junzt!

Tarius is still sleeping! I'll deal with this!
No, as you might be able to tell from the picture, he's not there at all. This is worrying. Libra walks over, and...

He's not in his bed!

How can that be?
And then Tarius just walks in.

Oh... you're already awake?

Yes, we are! And what about you? Did you even get a single bit of sleep last night?

I told you you were supposed to be back by midnight!

Please don't hit me! I just wanted to go stretch my legs a bit, and then I heard that music...
You know, I wouldn't be worried about Libra hitting you. I'd be worried about her shoving a lightning bolt up your ass. Remember, kids, don't marry spellcasters. It makes domestic disputes so much more intense.


Yes, it came from a tavern, and I just couldn't help but go inside!

It was so wonderful.

Like the moth to the flame, eh... and what next?

There was a musical contest going on in there. Musicians from all sorts of countries came here to compete, and I just had to join in myself!

And look, even though there were plenty of much-traveled bards there, I managed to get the third prize! 500 bucks - those will surely be useful.

I might have managed to get first place, but I tested out my newest composition.

And half of the audience fell asleep.

Say something, Grandy! I'll break his neck, I swear!

1) YOU STUPID BRAT! 2) Listen here, Tarius... 3) Well, let's just forget about it...
Now, we can either blow up in Tarius' face, reason with him, or just forget about the whole thing. 3) is a
Bad Thing and 2) is a
Good Thing, so let's go with 2).

We had an arrangement, Tarius. You remember that, right?

Yes, Grandy.

Our lives are in great danger, and our survival depends on us being able to rely on each other... you have to understand that.

Yes, Grandy.

Good. Then we'll just agree that this won't happen again. Is that OK with you?

Yes, Grandy.

But now we should really get going. We don't have forever, after all!
Tarius now has a new song available, and as you can expect, it puts enemies to sleep. I have no idea if it's worthwhile, I never used it. I found the vampire murder song to be much more useful.
Also, that previous scene goes pretty much the exact same if you don't allow Tarius to leave - he just sneaks out instead and Libra doesn't mention the part with the midnight thing.
Now, let's head to von Junzt.
SIKE! Of course we're not going to continue with the main quest, we've still got side quest shit to deal with! Back to Klipping we go...
...because there's a commotion at the farm we visited yesterday.

Whoa, looks like there's trouble over there.

Hey, peace, brothers. Just stay cool. Come on in, we'll have a tea and talk this over.

You seem to have taken too much of your own herbs, pal!

This is your last warning! Either you burn your harvest within three days, or we'll come back!

And then it won't just be your herbs that will burn!

But that wouldn't be nice. We didn't do anything to you. We don't harm anybody!

Debatable! That stuff is illegal and dangerous! Burn it, or you'll burn!


And then the three leave. Let's see if we can't get some details.

Hello, folks, I'm Sacume. Everything all creamy with you?
This is Sacume. He's high as shit, and that's about it.

Yeah... sure.

We noticed your argument with those three guys. What was that about? And could we somehow help?

That's a pretty chill thing from you. We don't even know each other and you still want to help me... I think that's chill... really.

No reason to cut capers. Now, what's the issue?

That Rondrian and his guys have a problem with us. I don't know. They're always so tense.

They should rather smoke a little bit instead of making all this stress.

What are those herbs that they want to burn?

That's some really good shit. Want some?

Sure, why not?
And we get the "herb of the moon".

And where can we find those guys?

I dunno, man. I think they hang in Klipping. Least they smell like it. Take a look.

We'll do that, Sacume... and go and get some sleep.

I'll do that, my man.
Now, before we do anything else, let's get high. We use that herb from the inventory...

Oh my, oh my, oh my... I'm feeling all weird...
So yeah, this causes the colors to go all weird - basically the same as the Fuzzies from Yoshi's Island. It stops when you change maps and doesn't have any other effects.

Hello all. I'm Baha. Can I help you?

We just talked with your friend. We'll help you against those guys! Do you maybe know where we can find them?

Those are Rondrian and his men. He's the chief of the guards watching the city walls. Ask in Altenberg.

We'll do that.
1) What are you growing here? 2) Tell us about yourself. 3) Tell us about Königsberg.

Well, everything you need to live. The few things we can't produce ourselves we barter for in Klipping.

Sacume mostly works on his fields of intoxicants, so he's not exactly a great help right now.

But the harvest time is almost over and then he'll have a stash for another fifteen years again.

I tried to be an adventurer once - wanted to be a great hero... what am I saying... the GREATEST hero!

However, it didn't quite work out. Then I tried to be a musician... made decent enough money with it too..

But I got tired of the jingling and bought this farm together with Sacume. Now I'm a farmer.
And I'm digging, digging, digging, digging...♫

Königsberg has so many facets, it never gets boring: The traditional Altenberg, the cosmopolitan port area and of course Klipping with its poor, but happy inhabitants. And if you really want to get spooked, you can visit the derelict villa up on the Düsterbrocken at night.
We'll be doing that eventually, that's for sure.
Let's check out what's inside.

Holy smokes, just look at this sword!

A powerful blade! I can feel that it was blessed by a high priest of the "Gracious Father".
1) I'll take it with me! 2) Hands off somebody else's stuff!
As you can probably imagine, taking the sword is a
Bad Thing, so let's not do that.

We could probably really use this thing, but odds are it's the biggest treasure these two have...

That's exactly the attitude I expected from you.
You know, you could just ask them. Tell them you're hunting a vampire in Königsberg and you could really use the super sword they have, I'm sure they'd let you have it. No? Oh well. Let's head back to Altenberg and see what's going on with the wall guards.

What's happening?

We're looking for Rondrian, the former chief of the gate guards.

He lives somewhere in Klipping.
Well, that was a waste of time. Right back to Klipping, then.
Now that we're far enough into the pertinent quest, this door now opens.

What are you doing here?

My name is Grandy! It's about your conflict with the farmers...

That's not your problem!

I'm making it my problem! And I'm not talking to you anyway! I want to talk to your leader!

Oh, screw this! It was his idea to mess with those two, anyway. I'll just let him deal with this!

Good decision. Where can I find him?


What are you doing here?

It's about your conflict with the two farmers.

Ah... I recall seeing you sneaking around there...

You should leave the two alone.

What's it to you? Sacume and Baha are growing intoxicants on their fields! That's illegal!

But burning their farm down because of that doesn't seem like a reasonable measure to me.

I'll decide for myself what's reasonable or not! I'm nobody's servant anymore! I make my own choices!

What was done to you to make you so bitter, Rondrian?

That's none of your damn...

Pardon me, my dear. I forget myself. Usually I'm not such a brute towards women.

You don't need to apologize. But my question still remains: Why are you so bitter?

My men and I were responsible for the safety of the town for the last few years... but we were fired yesterday.


A few random adventurers deposed the duke of Düsterburg and planted the old Dankwart back on the throne.

The mayor therefore doesn't believe that a special force to secure the walls is necessary anymore.

So we were thrown out on the street... after ten years of service!

I can understand your anger, but we can probably help you.


We come from Düsterburg. Duke Dankwart might have come back onto his throne, but he doesn't have a guard.

I could write a letter of recommendation for you, then he'll surely hire you.

Why should he listen to you?

Because it was us who planted the old Dankwart back on the throne.

Really? Impressive! If that's the case, then I'll tell my men and leave immediately. The duke will surely need it.

Then hurry!
And Rondrian leaves.

He was so impressed that he forgot his letter.

I'm sure Dankwart will believe him regardless.

Of course, but I wanted to write one of those myself for once.
And now that he's gone, time for looting!

Good grief, the guy forgot all his savings!
1) Take it? 2) Better not!
There's nothing bad related to this chest, we can just grab the money, so we do.

I'll give it back when we're back in Düsterburg.
And with that, we solved the sidequest.

We dealt with the problem, pal. The guys are gone, and your herbs are safe.

You're pretty chill, man...

What does he mean by that?

This is probably his way of saying "thank you".
Considering that we didn't get anything, there's probably something more here. Let's see what Baha has to say.

What's happening, friends?

We solved your problem. Rondrian and his men now have something else to do apart from heckling you.

Really? How did you manage to do that? I hope you didn't act too rough towards them.

Not in the slightest! They were just mad because they lost their job. We got them a new one and now everybody's happy.

You really seem to be using your skills responsibly. I've been waiting for somebody like that.

Another task?

Not quite. I have a treasure for which I have no more use and that must be watched over.
With that, he goes over to the cupboard we found the sword in, then comes back.

This is my old sword.

I used to think the value of a man came from the weapon he used.

So I went out, searching for the most powerful blade I could find.

I don't know if I found it, but I'm certainly close.

But then something happened that is typical for people that have yet to find their inner peace:

As soon as I held the sword in my hands, it didn't mean anything to me anymore... I realized that my calling must be something else.

You, however, have found your calling. And since I see that you make sure to use your power carefully...

That's news to me...

Shhh... don't interrupt him...

... I give it to you, because the universe abhors a vacuum, and every thing on this world has its task.

This guy is starting to talk like Dankwart...

It can not be the calling of this sword to rust in a kitchen cupboard!
And with that, we get a "holy sword".

It doesn't have a name yet. You first have to give it a name. Only then is it really... your sword.

I'll call it...



Singing Sword!


After my best friend that I barely knew.

A wonderful name.
And for all that hubbub, the sword isn't even that great. It's barely a step up above the other two vampire murder swords. To be exact, it's 6 attack points better, and it has a white magic effect in addition to the basic magic effect all three swords have. Looking at the resistances internally, it seems like vampires are a bit more vulnerable to white magic swords than plain magic swords, but it doesn't seem to make that much of a difference. But still, it's nice to have.
On our way back to Junzt, we run into this guy.

What is it?

Whoa, you're not exactly the friendly type...

Depends on who I'm talking to and whether or not I feel disturbed by what I'm doing...

And what are you doing?

I'm looking for a little bag I was given. Some little thief cut it off my belt!

If you wish, we could go look for your bag. We do these things all the time.

I don't know... I'm not a fan of spending money for things I could do myself.

Well, it won't cost anything. We do this... just for the hell of it...

Well, then that's something else! Allow me to introduce myself: Tibor Arekna... soon probably "Count Arekna".

Color me impressed.

Let's get to the matter - the bag is small, black and of leather, and the content is very important to me.

The thief will probably not be able to do anything with it, but it's a matter of life or death for me.

We'll see what we can do, sir count... um... "soon-count"...
Well, we already have the bag, so let's talk to him again right away.

And, could you find the bag?

Of course, sir Arekna. Here!

Excellent work - thank you so much!

Not so fast, sir Arekna! I'd like to know what the deal is with the contents.

You looked inside?

Of course! After all, our services are free. We at least want to know who we're working for.

And to be quite honest, I find it pretty strange that you're carrying around a pair of eyeballs.

I can understand that... but it's not what you think. The eyes are supposed to prove my innocence.

Be more precise!

A week ago, my father was killed and I'm being suspected. However, it's said that the picture that a human sees when he dies is burned into his eyes. There, his killer can then be seen.
Unless he was killed from behind... or with a ranged weapon... or with some sort of trap... or poison... really, the odds that somebody killed sees their killer at the moment of death are quite slim. I'm pretty sure forensics aren't advanced enough in this world to be able to tell if the victim saw their killer at the time of death.

In Sarabia, there are wise men that can see this image and put it to paper. If it's another person, my innocence is proven!

Sounds crazy!

...still true, though.

Sadly, no ships are allowed to leave town, leaving me stranded here!

We'll do whatever we can to make sure you can leave soon.

Thank you - under your unwashed shell seems to be a true nobleman.
And that gives us some experience. Yay.
Now, let's finally head to Junzt. We knock on the door, and...
Lay your package down in front of the door. If you're not delivering anything, then scram before I call the gardener!

Seems like somebody had to deal with a lot of door-to-door salesmen lately.

Or followers of obscure sects.

They always want to sell you something.



Well, I think I'll try knocking again.
No, thanks - we don't need any more solicitors, vagabonds or long lost relatives!

And what about...
1) ...critics that travelled far? 2) ...famous doctors? 3) ...friends of Dankwart?
Hmm... let's try "critics".
Critics? If there's one thing sir von Junzt can't stand more than lawyers, it's those nosy know-it-alls! Good day!

How impolite! And that guy gets to be the doorman?

At least he wished you a good day. Maybe we should try something else next time.

Yeah, like a hammer.
We try again.
Who's hammering at the door now? Sir von Junzt does not require the questionable help of hack writers nor the inane babble of fanatics!
Hm... maybe "doctors"?
And who are you, if I may ask?

(Grandy, this is the same trick we tried with Dr. Einbein...)

(I'm sure it'll work.)

I am Dr. Albertus Dümpeltor, and these are my colleagues...

...Dr. Marie Radium...

...Dr. Herbert West, and...

...Dr. Igor Mabusus.

Marie Radium is probably a reference to Marie Curie, famous for her research on radioactive materials, including Radium. Dr. Mabusus is probably a reference to Dr. Mabuse, a character from novels by Norbert Jacques made famous by movies from the '20s and '30s by Fritz Lang. Goes along well with the Max Schreck reference.
I'm sorry, but I don't know anybody with those names. Sir von Junzt wishes no unannounced visitors. Therefore, I would ask of you to leave this property. Good day.

What a busybody! Has no idea what real famous people look like.

Told you, dear.
One more time...
We don't need anybody that's just going to hammer at our door, don't you get it?
Alright then, let's try "friends of Dankwart".
Well, why didn't you just say so?
Because the other options were entertaining.
Who can I announce to sir von Junzt?

Well, we are Grandy, Libra, Tarius and...


...sir Unterberg.

Unterberg was also the name Frodo took when he was on his way to Rivendell. Is this relevant? I have no idea.
One moment please. I'll just tell sir von Junzt of your arrival.

I hope that this von Junzt is worth the wait.

I don't believe that sir Dankwart would have recommended him if it was a waste of time.

Who knows... after all, they haven't seen each other for ages.
Sir von Junzt now knows of your arrival and wants me to let you know that you can make yourself comfortable in the salon. One moment, I'll just open the door for you. Please come in.

Please excuse the trouble - privacy is very important to sir von Junzt. The salon is down the hall. If you wish, you can talk to the other guests till he finds time.

Thank you, we'll make our way to the salon then.

If you should need something, don't hesitate to ask.
Well, that certainly is a spiffy place.

Yes, what is it? What could you possibly want from me?

Umm, we just wanted to talk a bit until sir von Junzt will welcome us.

Ah, good old von Junzt. A profitable customer, I urgently have to talk to him. And what brings you here? Don't tell me the old cheapskate still owes you money?

(Does he even know what he's saying?) We're friends of...

...we're acquainted with sir von Junzt over a few corners.

And you? You seem to want to speak with him quite urgently, sir...

Bloch is the name, Robert Bloch. Doctor of psychology. An honor.

And how did the old fart manage to get you to visit him voluntarily?

Oh, we're interested in his books and would love to talk with the man behind the scares.

"The man behind the scares"? I can tell you, you'll find an old coot that doesn't pay his bills.

And if you're "really lucky", you can get nightmares yourself from his babbling... yes, he's quite good at that!

You mean he has a special talent for telling scary stories?

Dear lady, Wilhelm von Junzt himself is a scary story nobody else could have even imagined.

You mean he scares you?

Scares me? No, his babbling might make me sick, but definitely doesn't scare me.

I would now like to continue with my wandering, so if you'd excuse me...

Completely nuts!

Yes, that's a trade disease with psychologists.

Oh, what a wonderful surprise, sir Tarius even brought his friends along...

L... Lady Serena. Good to see you made it.

You two know each other, I assume?

Umm... yes, this is lady Serena. She is a wonderful singer.

You're exaggerating, Tarius. I may have won the occasional contest, but I see myself more as a patron.


That is a person that supports art, Grandy!

Why did you think I was going to ask that?

Let's just say I have a sixth sense when it comes to that.

Do you intend to stay here a while longer?

Well, we'll probably stay for a bit longer, or, Grandy?

We'll stay until you got a good look at everything, my dear.
...I... was that innuendo? The internet has gotten me to see sex in pretty much everything at this point, and as such I'm having real trouble with picking up innocent phrases as innuendo. The implications are littered all around the scenes with Tarius and Serena, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to make of it. It's not like this game has particularly shied away from sex before this.

Well, lady Serena, we'll see each other again then, right?

Of course. I'll stay a few days more, I think.

Then we don't want to disturb further. Until then, lady Serena.

Until then.

Oh, my dear Tarius - maybe you want to visit me and sir Zann over there tonight? We want to make some music - so if you're interested, don't shy away from knocking on our door.


Come on, brother - we've already stolen more than enough time from this woman.

You can close your mouth again, Tarius...

Leave him be, Grandy. We'd best get away from that lady for now.
Just look at that! Is there some sort of subtext here or do I just have a dirty mind? Also, Zann?

Sir von Junzt would like to let you know that he wishes to see sir Grandy and his friends first. Just come back to the main entrance. Justus and Jonas will take care of the rest. Good day.
Yeah, we'll get to do that later, but first, I've got to check up on a hunch...

...can I help you?

Pardon me... did we disturb you in some way, sir...

Zann... my name is Elric Zann. And yes, to be quite honest, you did disturb me.

And what were you doing, if I may ask?

I am a musician - I'm currently composing a piece.

Don't you need any sort of writing tools for that, sir Zann?

No... anything else?

We'd best leave you to your work or you'll lose your best notes.

Pun alert - Grandy says that he'll lose the best notes, but in German he uses the verb "flöten gehen", and "Flöte" also means "flute".
Also, let's go over sir Zann here one more time... back when I first ran into the name talking to the Phantom of the Opera on the Düsterburg, I speculated that it might have been an Elton John reference, though that was just a very random guess based on a slight similarity in the names. So then the thread gave their own theory...
NGDBSS posted:
I was thinking this too but the source material has no apparent connection to the remark made here. (Erich Zann played the viol - not the organ - and only once did he play something other than his own wild compositions.)
I remarked at the time that I figured that the name had to be some sort of reference, I just couldn't place it because we know nothing about the guy but his name. Now that I think about it, it turns out that Erich Zann might be right on the nose. Why? Because von Junzt is Lovecraft. That's basically it - we already heard a very Cthulhu-mythos-esque story from that guy in Altenberg stemming from von Junzt, and it turns out that there's a lot more references to Lovecraft about in Junzt's house. And I mean a lot. Given that, I'm almost certain that Zann is another reference in the same vein, because he's not an important character in the bigger picture.

If you need somebody to carry your stuff, then Justus will do that today.

Yes, but only because Jonas cheated at the tarot. Do you have any baggage? I'll bring that up.

Hm, no, we don't have any baggage. Just show us where we're supposed to wait for sir von Junzt.

No baggage? You were lucky today, Just. Show the folks where they can wait.

Yes, I'll do that! You know that you promised to lead the old sourpuss up...

Yes, I know. He's already hopping mad again. Derleth promised me that he'll let him wait a bit longer.

So here's the first time we hear the name of the guy that let us in: Derleth. This is probably a reference to August Derleth, an American writer and anthologist most known for being the first publisher of Lovecraft's writings and as a contributor to the Cthulhu mythos. Yeah, the references run pretty deep at times.

So he can cook a bit longer?

Yes, so he's all good and done when I shove him up the stairs.

Ahem, we're still here too!

Oh, I thought that problem solved itself... well, then follow me.

There you are... I almost thought I'd have to carry you piggyback. Come on, it's not very far!
And there's our room. Note the pictures hanging around - much like on the Düsterburg, we'll be looking at those and getting some great comments from our party.

Small, but ours...

But there are only two beds, Grandy, and we're four, in case you didn't notice.

No problem, I'll sleep with Libra.

And what about me? I can't split a bed with "sir Unterberg" here, can I?

Hm, I think if you ask lady Serena, she'll be happy to...

Grandy, that's enough! There must be another solution. And if it doesn't work any other way, then I'll split my bed with Tarius!

Uh oh, what did I do wrong now?

...I won't sleep.

Do you mean that you don't need any sleep?

Suddenly, a knock on the door!

(That'll be sir von Junzt. Now I'm quite curious...) Come in, if it's not a vampire!

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. So you're the friends of Dankwart my servant told me about?

You could say that. We experienced quite a lot together with Dankwart in the recent days.

And what brings you to me, if I may ask?

Well, first of all we need your advice, sir von Junzt. It's about... certain happenings here in town.

I don't know much about the happenings in the town, and what I know is overshadowed by dark secrets. fitting.

And who are you, then?

It's probably best if you show him.

Good, I'm getting tired of this masquerade anyway.


By the choking abyss - that can't be!

You recognized him immediately? I didn't expect that.

You... you don't know who you brought into my house... this one... I have composed several writings about him. His name is lost in the sands of time, but that face, those eyes... I'll never forget them. What... what are you doing in my house. Speak quickly!

No worries, he's on the right side.

Oh, and what side may that be?

This is another one of those

lines that I just adore.

You best make your case quickly. I may only be an old writer, but I know secrets that can strengthen me!

Don't be scared... we told you, he switched sides. We're here to get your advice, not to cause you harm. Please, don't judge him by the stories you know.

If HE asks advice of me, then it can only be about incredibly dark things.

We wish it was different, but yes: We wish to know more about the cult of the Dark God.

Do not speak so loud of these things. This house is old, and it hears more than you think it does.

You want to help us then?

You want advice, and advice you will get. But not now, not here. We'll speak more after dinner. I must go now. After dinner then. And don't speak too loudly of the dark secrets you wish to learn of.
And von Junzt leaves.

Strange - did you think he sounded a bit scared too?
Well, fuck, can't imagine why having the FUCKING SON OF THE DARK GOD basically sitting on his couch like he's fucking Darkseid might have scared the guy.

Aren't you the perceptive one, Grandy.
Now, there's two more conversations to have in this room. First, Tarius:

(Grandy, could I ask you something?)
1) (Sure, ask.) 2) Why are you whispering? 3) No time.
I have no idea what this conversation does. Option 1 flips switch 1517, the other two flip switch 1518. They seem to have one minor effect, but that's about it. The problem is that it seems that the gas ran out during Königsberg, as a whole bunch of switches are completely unmarked, making it a nightmare to figure out just what they fucking do. Let's pick number 1, since it's the most interesting.

(You're in love with my sister, right?)

(What exactly do you want to know, my friend, because there are a few questions that I can't give you an answer for.)

(I... I just wanted to know - how does it feel? When you're in love, I mean...)

(Hm, I honestly can't describe that. If you're in love, then you just know.)

(Say, what's this all about anyway?)

(Oh, nothing, I just wanted to pass the time.)

(Alright then.)
Yeah, right. If we talk to him again, he says nothing, and just leaves the room. You can figure out where he goes. Next up, Malthur.

And I thought I was completely forgotten over the years...
1) Dig deeper. 2) Change topic. 3) Leave him alone.
This wasn't mentioned in the guide, so I went with the neutral option of leaving him alone, lest I fuck something up. Turns out, digging deeper is a
Good Thing and changing the topic is a
Bad Thing, so let's look at that option instead.

Do you regret retreating from the world, Malthur?

I had the choice, and I decided that I wanted a life without... the Dark God... I think the choice was the right one.

Look at it like this: Now you made another appearance, and now your power isn't being wasted.

You're making your mark for a cause and that's what counts, I believe.

Perhaps you're right.
Now, let's bop around the house a bit before we get ready for dinner.

He's on a completely different level right now. Can't hear a peep.
Well, alrighty then. Is he holding back some nebulous otherworldy horror? Who knows. Next room.

Yes, please? How can I help you?

Oh, pardon me. I didn't want to interrupt.

Apology accepted. Anything else?

Umm... no... I guess I'll leave again.

(If Libra hears about this, she's going to kill him...)

(Better not tell her about this.)
And Grandy leaves the room.

That would explain why Tarius acted so weird.

That has to be the most awkward moment of my life.
Seriously, what the fuck happened there? Am I to assume that something of a sexual nature was going on in there? I mean, if Serena was really just doing something music-related with Tarius, like she said, then walking in on them might surprise Grandy (since he couldn't put two and two together before and figure out that yes, Tarius is in love with Serena), but it certainly wouldn't be "the most awkward moment of his life". The skeleton orgy on the Düsterburg was more awkward than that! This entire subtext is really hard to put together properly. Moving on...

Waiting, waiting, waiting... makes you want to go insane - all this waiting is almost worse than his books...

You don't like the books of von Junzt?

"Don't like"? I HATE these books, and I can just barely stand that old fart too.

Whoa, then I best leave you alone before you get some sort of sharp object...
And then there's one more interesting thing in the kitchen.

Hey you, can you keep quiet? If so, I'll tell you a secret...

Sure, go ahead.

I'd stay away from the meatballs tonight... unless you like your food really hot...

You didn't just so happen to put a little bit too much spice in there by accident, did you?

I had to: Jonas and I swore to play three tricks on Derleth every day. This one's number 2.

What was the first one?

Oh, you wouldn't want to know. It's something to do with his underwear and invisible ink...

He'll be in for a surprise when he gets up from his warm bed tomorrow...
That's all the interesting stuff going on before dinner, so let's head back and get ready.

Should we wait until dinner?

Yeah, I'm hungry.
One fade to black later...

Dinner is almost ready. Everybody can already go to the salon.

Let's head downstairs. My stomach is growling louder than Julie when she smells an intruder. Maybe Tarius is already downstairs too, or do you have a clue where he is?

Umm... no, no idea...
Libra rejoins the party, and we also pick up Malthur. And now that we have him around, it's time to start looking at the paintings.

Whoa! What kind of disgusting monster is that? That has to be one of those creatures from von Junzt's books...

Hm, no, it's not an invention of von Junzt's. However, the painting is entirely fictional!

And why that?

Well, the creature in the picture normally doesn't do anything but sleep. This painting shows a passage from a prophecy.

And how does that prophecy go?

Hmm... "Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtaga".

Ah, I see... that cleared everything up.
So yeah, here's more Cthulhu mythos stuff. But you know what the killer is? According to what we just heard from Malthur, the Cthulhu mythos is entirely real in the world of Unterwegs in Düsterburg. So if anybody ever needs a setting for a Call of Cthulhu game, try Königsberg!

Pretty spooky! Looks like a scary monster is coming out of the mountain.


Preposterous? Why?

As long as I knew him he always hated the mountains. Pure claptrap!
You know, I do love the image of Malthur, son of the Dark God, and Cthulhu being buddies. It gets even more ridiculous later.

Tells me to calm down... I'd love to see HIM calm down after having to hear the babblings of lunatics the entire day without seeing a single cent.
And if we talk to him again...

Let HIM calm down. He doesn't have those nightmares because of ME, though I can't say the reverse is true...
So Bloch is still really fucking pissed...

No reaction...
...Zann is still in another world...

Ah, greetings - I hope you don't think worse of me for engrossing your companion here...

We'd never think worse of you. We just need to have a few words with Tarius...
Then, suddenly, Derleth walks in.

My... my dear ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? Would... would you please do me a favor and follow me to the din... dining hall?
And he leaves again. That was strange.
Now, let's snatch up Tarius.

Oh, it's you. I've just been talking with lady Serena.

Yes, we've noticed. Wonderful. Now say goodbye to lady Serena... we'll need you for a while now.

Hm... alright... I'll be right back, lady Serena...

Until then, my dear Tarius.
So, let's see what's going on in the dining hall...
...oh crap.

Ladies and gentlemen, there's no doubt about it: Wilhelm von Junzt... is dead!

Could... could you determine the cause of death?

I don't feel a pulse, and his breathing has also stopped. I therefore diagnose: Heart failure.
Somehow, I don't buy the psychologist's credentials as a coroner.

Are you really certain, sir Bloch? Is it impossible that sir von Junzt... died a violent death?

Sir Grandy, nothing is impossible - but the evidence leaves my diagnosis as the only sensible one. Since the gardener, sir Falkenwald, is currently on vacation, I suggest that Justus and Jonas bring away the... umm... corpus.

This is going a bit too fast for my tastes. I wish that nobody leaves this house. And the corpse shall be brought to von Junzt's office as long as the investigation lasts.

Investigation, sir Grandy? What do you think you're going to uncover with this investigation?

A murder, lady Serena!
And there we go! I bet you thought Laz getting murdered was going to be the only murder investigation in this game, but you were wrong! Next time, we'll start investigating!