The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 11: Ok to make an insanely long story short:

Alright, we got ourselves a little soul in our pocket, let's see who's next on out list.

Godammit wasn't I just there? I head back to Hai-Lan to see who I missed.

Ohh, maybe someones gonna dies at sea? Hopefully we can see a little action?

Oh won't anyone save me from this tuna net? Dolphin safe my ass!

Geeze, can't a gal go for a swim without getting the thrid degree from some old man?

Having your ship sink is tough, but I'm sure her heart will go on.

Hey, if we drop by Lassen on the way home we can have thig girl auctioned off before dinner!

Yeah, cause everyone else in the world wouldn't be after something that grants wishes. I'm sure they're in good supply and you can no doubt afford one on your castaway salary.

The Cerulean Lapis is a myth? But if that's true...

Oh my god the Oouzu! Just look at all those vowels! Flee in terror!

You would think that she would know about this kind of crap considering she had fins for feet a few screens back.

Great, she's following around a guy who most likely still believes in Santa Claus. Then again she's a mermaid, so take that as you will.

This is why I don't pick up hitch-hikers when I take my boat out.

Who is your father and what does he do?

Always nice to hear that mother was the other woman...

...and that dad's dead.

I can feel another happy Valkyrie Profile ending on it's way

No baby, you look delicious. On the other hand I may never eat Caviar again.

Ok to make an insanely long story short:

- Since I'm half mermaid half person no one loves me and my life is terrible so I'm going to drown myself (even though I'm a fucking fish) so I can finally be togather with my family.

- No Yumei, believe in the Lapis then everything will be all right.

- Ok that bullshit might work in other video games, but this is Valkyrie Profile, so rather than have my hopes crushed later, I'll just kill myself now.

- Noooooo!!!!!!

At which point the normally calm Ocean gets a little wild:

When a cerulean gem is in a young man's palm.
When two strangers have spoken their hearts,
and when two eharts have connected as one,
then the legend has truly been reborn,
the Legend of the Cerulean Lapis-----

Fuyuki, if you found the Cerulean Lapis, what would you wish for?
A splendid new ship?
To be together?
Should I wish for Yumei's safety?
That's it!

All terrain Valkyrie, hells yeah.

Er, so apparently Yumei's parents both made it to Valhalla? Or maybe they're just together in death? Either way we got ourselves another mage people!

Ok fun people, couple things about to happen. First of all, I'm gonna want two people to be sent up to Valhalla this time, one mage and one warrior. Llewelyn's going up next chapter, and Arngrim can't be sent up, so pick from:

- Jun
- Lawfer
- Jelenda
- Yumei

We have three new dungeons to check out this chapter. So pick where you want me to head to next:

Salerno Academy
Nethov Swamp
Cave of Oblivion (Mark II)

Whew, see ya next update.