The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 19

It's time for another happy story from our friends in Hai-Lan! So far Hai-Lan has given us:

A: A man who's soul was so tainted that it blinded his twin sister.
B: A half-breed suicidal fish girl.

Well those were both good times, so let's see what Hai-Lan has for us this time.

Aww, a loving family.

I wont even pretend this isn't going to end in tragedy. Nanami is our named character, so she's obviously gonna kick the bucket. I guess the only question is will she die alone, or will she take her family/village/continent with her?

Let's see how the fun unfolds!

Ascension ceremony you say? This bodes well.

Ok just try not to get us all killed with you .

I believe that there is called foreshadowing.

God lady you're such a downer. Can't you just believe?

But is blood really that important?
What can one do when one looses what matters most?
But I won't fail.
I will inherit the power, and prove that there is something more important.

You go girl.

Wait, she's back already?

Damn, I guess everything worked out this time. Well if no one died I'll just be on my wa-



GREAT TRAGEDY! Only my awesome valkyrie powers can save you!


You see kids? Your emo-sadness only hurts the ones you love.

So Lenneth pulled the old soul switcharoo on these guys. I guess this is kind of a happy story. The family gets their real daughter back in the foster daughters body, so most everyone is happy. At least no one got turned to stone .

I wanted to check in on the family after this, so I dropped back down to Hai-Lan.

Aww that's sweet.

Now that's what I'm talking about! The Dragonbane is actually a sword that mages equip that increase magic power. It also happens do be about twice as powerful as any stave I have at the moment.

Alright we got


to join our army of awesome now.

Next update we're off to the first of many chapter 3 dungeons. I'm definitely sending Llewelyn up this round, so think of another person you all want to send up. Personally I've already got a perfectly good mage, so

is looking like a pretty good canidate.