The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 20

Well, we found such a nice present waiting for us by going back to Hai-Lan, let's see what we find if we go back to Camille Village.

Hmm, still full of petrified people.

Looks like Kashell got the economy burial package.

Sadly this sword is kinda crappy right now. It's damage is kinda high, but I'm loathe to use it since it has a chance of breaking.

We go about exploring the town some more.

What have we here?

Ohh, in-town dungeon! This should be fun.

Actually this place is pretty fun, except for the statues and beams that freeze you.

It's not really a problem, but whenever you forget and get hit by one you feel like an idiot.

Kashell makes some new friends. / Backup

These mages can be a pain, but they die way too quick to be much of a problem.

Yay, more dragons for me to kick the holy hell out of. These guys are such a non-issue at this point. God bless you Dragons Slayer swords!

I like this cave. Good Exp, lot's of dragons, and some nice treasure.

Ok only one problem. I keep running into these large walls of purple goo that won't let me pass.

Ok remember the beams of ice that I keep getting hit with? Well if I make an ice crystal in the right place it reflects them like so:

So it becomes a case of bouncing these ice beams into the walls of goo:

Then we just break through the frozen goo and we're on our way!

I run through a few of these goo and ice puzzles, but once you have the idea they're really not hard. Nothing as annoying as the flower puzzle in the academy.

After entering this room I start to get a bad feeling.

Apparently Celia didn't finish the job.

I love stuff like this. The shit talking just goes back and forth for a bit, then we throw down.

Ohh, no more of this Lesser Demon crap for me. This is the big time!

Honestly, my party is so badass right now from the extra training I do that I don't even bother putting on my Demon slaying sword (yeah I got one of those too).

We go to town and everyone piles on their finishing moves:

Stick a fork in him.

I probbaly could have taken my time and juggled more exp crystals out of him, but whatever. Let's se what kind of junk he's been hoarding.

A golden goose and a two-handed sword, not a bad haul.

Well that was a fun time. Kashell is pretty nice, but I still prefer lawfer in the main party. I still need one more person to send up this round. Also should I keep the bird and the sword, or send em up to the all-father?