The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 22: Cave of Oblivion but this time it just sucked.

Well I was goona have this great update today about my awesome adventures in this chapters Cave of Oblivion but this time it just sucked.

It started out like a normal CoO run.

I employed my usual tactic of stay away from the flying things.

I found these new Ooze monsters to fight.

Which were pretty easy except Arngrim kept missing them with his horizontal swing.

Then I ran into this pair:

Now we're talkin. I took out the little glowing ball of pain there first so he wouldn't blow up all over me. After that I hand a little juggling party with Mr. Dragon Tooth Warrior.

Not a bad haul.

Now for all my searching + monster crushing I get some treasure. And what do I find?

Are you fucking kidding me? We are not impressed. More later, just had to share my big waste of two periods. Luckily I have time to spare in this chapter.