The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 4: training Time

training Time

After gaining the souls of Jelenda and Arngrim, Valkyrie and Freya float high above the land discussing their next move.

Hold up there greenie, I'm a goddess of fate, not metaphors.

So Jelanda goes up now then?

Valkyrie sets her internal GPS to undead...

...and we're off!

Yup I can hear the eerie screaming, this must be the place.

Oh hell yes. Finally we are into our first real dungeon. Now we get to do all kinds of fun stuff. I'm not going to go through every little treasure I find or every zombie I kill, but this is where the real fun beings. Here are the highlights from the first dungeon:

First off, so far I have 3 finishing moves at my disposal.
Valkyrie / Backup
Freya / Backup
Arngrim / Backup

jelanda has a Magic based finishing move. All of the mages in this game have finishing moves based off of the spells they have equipped. they aren't very nifty looking so i won't bother with them. Later with the right wands you can use "Great Magic" which are awesome finishing moves, so I will show those off when I have access to them.

Protip: Unequiping Freya's Ether Freeze / Backup weapon makes her much more useful!! It changes the attack she uses to a better one that does more hits/damage.

Now, let's go kick some ass. I wander around for a bit.

The seething black mass with eyes to my right is what the standard enemy looks like. Now I could simply freeze this guy and run by him, but that's not very fun. I give him a slash with my sword to engage.

A lesser vampire. Despite his amazing flexability this guy is easy as pie. I give him a quick beatdown. I continue on my way.

More encounters with the undead...

and Purple Gorilla monsters? Meh whatever, I kill everything I encounter with ease. I hardly use finishing moves on any of the monsters in here except for when I feel like seeing them.

I also find some random crap in treasure chests...

Even Gods need to eat their veggies.

New Spell I'll save it for someone else, Jelanda really doesn't need it.

Remember earlier when I talked about wands that let you use Great Magic? This is on of them. However it will break 50% of the time it is used, so we'll keep it for a special occasion. If I use it with Jelanda's Fire Storm spell I get a pretty sweet Ifrit's Caress / Backup finisher.

Mental note, always look for traps in treasure chests...

I grab all the shwag I can find and continue through the dungeon. Finally I come upon this weirdo:

Man whatever, my girl Freya can kick your ass with one foot and no hands!

Uh what?

Meh, sweet sword for your happy ass? Fair trade. Even more than fair because this sword let's use Valkyrie's Level 2 Finisher / Backup, now with dragon spear action!!

We're up against two dragon guys and one hyped up vampire. They're pretty badass.

But hardly badass enough.

Oooohhhh, more treasure!

Unfortunately these guys are both artifacts, which mean they have special rules:

Alright so here' what we've I need from you guys:

We have two artifacts, a shittastic sword (it's really not very good) and the sealed box (I can transumte this into a decent healing item, or I can recycle it to amke more items). Which do you all want sent up and which should I keep? After that we'll exit the dungeon and go onto our next adventure.