The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 45

Yay, it's payday again!

We're busy ruining the Vanir's shit right now.

Let's see what our people are up to.

Jelanda went another round without getting yelled at, so that's pretty special.

Belanus however is stuck talking to that freak Eir:


Eir get's all jealous and leaves in a huff.

Llewelyn gets sent out to do some worthless tasks.

You're a rank 13 God for Christs sake!

Kashell, on the other hand, is busy risking his life on scouting missions.

You're the man Kash.

Nanami and Jun haven't been up to too much.

And sadly all lucian has done this round is act like a big emo fag and sulk about Valkyrie.

Ok actaually he's been kicking some ass too, but still.

This stuff is ok but I already have stuff that's better than most of it. That's alright though cause anything you don't need you can turn back into materialize points for later use.

I'm actually set with my ratings so that I can probably send up two people next round if I want to kiss some extra ass. That and I'm getting more people than what I know what to do with.

I try and put together a little video of Lucians awesome attacks later since it's been requested. Hopefully I'll be able to update more later today.