The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 73

And we're back on "As Valhalla Turns"...

Ok this is it people, the last area. The Aesir lay in ruins, and it's up to Valkyrie to stop Loki.

The only annoying thing about this area is the fact that it all looks exactly the same. There two types of screens other than ones where bosses are fought.

I begin my climb.

Mainly it's the same enemies I've fought before, but I do run into a few Vanir here and there, but nothing I can't handle.

Well, there's almost nothing I can't handle.

Meet Bloodbane. He likes nice views, eating ancient artifacts, and generally ruining your shit with all kinds of moves. Also he heals himself every 10 rounds. Off hand I cannot think of any harder fights in this game.

Here he is toasting my ass.

Finally I started to get the better of him. thank God for Auto-Item and Sap Guard.

The one nice thing about bloodbane is that after you kill him he leaves you a nice gift.

Sorry to dissapoint, but I did not get video of my fight with Bloodbane (or Fenrir, but that's for a more obvious reason). If you guys really want when the main part of this thread is over I'll go to an earlier save and get some video of myself being tooled by him.

Anyway, I wipe the lizard blood off my boots and continue up the hill. A few screens later I run into this fool.

Where bloodbane was an awesome engine of destruction, Fenrir is a pathetic bitch. I throw the Infernas greatsword onto Arngrim and charge in.

Boom, headshot. Yes, they made the 2nd to last boss with a weakness that gives him a one hit kill. I have everyone attack just to make sure Arngrim doesn't miss, but it's pretty unnecessary. Bye puppy.