The Let's Play Archive

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

by gatz, TheMcD

Part 43: XLIII - Cyberlove

So, last time, we helped Imalia with her little problem and drove somebody to suicide, and this time around, we'll be helping Mitnick...

...but not quite yet. Shoutouts to Pickled Tink for pointing this out to me - it turns out that there's this quest that used to be Nosferatu-exclusive, but WESP made it available to everybody. Probably a good idea, since the quest doesn't really make sense to have unique.

I might be. What do you need?
I'm looking for a data CD. It was lost down there, supposedly. Find it for me and I'll teach you a thing or two, some stuff that could really come in handy for you, from the sound of things.
Sounds good.
Hmmm, great, great. Go to the warrens, then find the data CD. Don't bother asking around for it; I've already made a pest of myself about this. Just find it and bring it back.

We probably should have done this before doing Imalia's quest - we actually don't need to return to the warrens any more, since Mitnick will keep in touch with us via e-mail. This adds some walking, but it's not that much of a pain.

And speaking of Mitnick, let's be Mr. Efficient and check our e-mail right here in Santa Monica, since the place we've got to break into is here as well.

But first, some news stories. I'm going to try and not post the ones that gatz already posted, but I might be repeating some.

Freak sandstorm activity is thought to be responsible for the destruction of two Navy fighter jets. The jets were returning from a patrol over the Persian Gulf when they disappeared off of radars. A transcript of a final radio exchange between the pilots mention wind conditions picking up and the skies becoming so thick with sand that the sun was being blocked. Shortly after this exchange, there was a garbled shout by the co-pilot, and finally radio silence. Military officials have dispatched several units to the area to search for the crew and the missing aircraft.

Mistaken identity may have led to a murder outside the Asp Hole when an unidentified man drove a wooden stake into an exiting patron outside the popular Hollywood club. The victim bore a resemblance to Ash Rivers, the owner of the Asp Hole, and investigators are speculating that the assassin meant to kill the popular Hollywood star. Rivers could not be reached for comment.

Yeah, because he fucking bounced. Anyway, nothing else new here, and I listened all the way until the news looped.

Also, we've progressed far enough in the story for the fourth segment of "The Deb of Night" to start playing, so let's listen to that.

Nothing really notable in this one, though the Frankenstein RPG commercial is hilarious, and I always get a kick out of the political ad, though that's mostly because I get a laugh out of thinking about professional darts player Robert "The Thorn" Thornton when I hear about Republican senator Robert Thorn and about the image of Thornton running for President.

Actually, while we're here, let me gush about this for a bit longer. To put it bluntly, I fucking love "The Deb of Night", and Deb might just be my favorite character in the entire game. That sounds insane, doesn't it? The latter part, that is. A game filled with so many memorable characters, and this maniac picks the faceless radio host that has literally zero impact on the excellent story and intrigue? It's an odd choice, to be sure, but honestly, that's why I love Deb so much. She has absolutely no impact on the bigger picture, but that just leaves her shrouded in mystery and makes her incredibly interesting as a character. Is she just a regular human doing a regular radio show? Is she a ghoul working for the Nosferatu intelligence network? Is she a vampire working for the Camarilla in upholding the Masquerade? This mystery is what attracts me to her, and her dry, quick wit and incredibly pleasant voice are the icing on top. She makes an excellent character to bounce all these weird people that call in to the show off of, and it all comes together to make the show very, very enjoyable to listen to. Add to that my penchant for placing a larger than normal amount of weight on the sound of a person's voice when judging how much I like them, and Deb comes out as one of the top characters in the game to me. I'll talk some more about the show when the fifth segment comes up, because it's the most interesting of all by a long shot.

...great, and now I sound like Greg. Bah.

I also found a 90 minute long radio loop edit that puts together all five Deb of Night segments and a whole bunch of music from the game at one of 4chan's somewhat regular Bloodlines threads, and I listen to it somewhat regularly on my commutes. It's pretty great. I reuploaded it here.

And while I'm at it, something of a "Director's Cut" note from me - I originally planned to do a narrative LP of this game as a Toreador at some point, and was going to use this radio show as a narrative device a couple of times, because it's underused enough to leave plenty of wiggle room to a would-be fanfiction writer such as what I would have been. Things like the quest where you slash the paintings seem perfect for this - have the art coordinator that just got chewed the fuck out by Therese call in and bitch about things, maybe have him say something about having seen the player character at the scene of the crime, then have Chunk call in and defend the PC (if it was a female that seduced him). Of course, I'm still not nearly confident enough in my writing to attempt something like that. Oh well, it's still fun thinking up scenarios and the like. The world that Bloodlines created is too rich to not have some fun thinking about scenarios.

Oh, and one more thing I completely forgot to mention - the guy that called in in part 2, talking about the "Final Nights"? That was Andrei, the Tzimisce and local Sabbat leader we fought in the house at King's Way.

Right, now, back to the actual agenda at hand. We've got quite a few e-mails to read.


<Subject> The cost
<From> a friend

The cost of an attack is often paid later.

Another mysterious mail from the "friend". Like I said, I have my own theory about that, though it's best to only go further into that at a later point, since we need a bit more information to really bring all the factors in. But what is this "attack" he's talking about... the attack the Sabbat made on the Nosferatu, forcing them into the warrens? That attack brought Melissa onto the plan, and we all know she's the lady that gets shit done, so her cleaning up with the Sabbat later (assuming that's what happens) might be the price the Sabbat would pay.


<Subject> Prince is promoting you!
<From> gary@schrecknet.vtm

Hey, boss, did some spring-cleaning today - came across something that might tickle you. A kid used to live here had an unhealthy crush on everyone's favorite psycho pin-up, Jeanette Voerman. I got a touch of nostalgia, so, you find a copy of Tap Hotel, starring me, I'll trade you a poster of that luscious lunatic for it. Put the video tape in your mailbox and I'll deliver it to your haven.

This is a normally unmarked side quest (the WESP patch turns it into a regular side quest, which helps keep track of things) - Gary will send us several e-mails asking for stuff, and in return we get posters. I have my own problem with the posters, but we'll get to that once we actually get some. For now, let's just keep a lookout for that movie.


<Subject> CHEAP ROLEX...
<From> larry@neighborhood.vtm

...ain't the only stuff that we got, man! We got much hotter, much deadlier stuff, you know? And like all other quality LA proprietors we get new stock in all the time, so check it out!!!

God damnit, Larry. Make a note to tell that fat fuck to take me off his mailing list. Least he could do after bringing that suitcase to him.


<Subject> First Network Hub
<From> m1tn1ck@yo-mama.vtm

Mitnick here. I've got the information on the first of the network hubs. The terminal is in Santa Monica, in an old place called Megahurtz Computing (I'll send you another email with recon). Power up the terminal, find the "Net Security" folder and run the "schrecknet" command. The password on the folder is "Gil Bates". Don't ask. I'll message you when I see the hub activated.


<Subject> Megahurtz Computing Recon
<From> m1tn1ck@big-tool.vtm

Megahurtz Computing is at the end of 2nd Street in Santa Monica, next to The Asylum. The only entrance is through the back door, so you'll have to find an alley to get back there. I'm leaving you the key for the door in your mailbox. Good luck, kid. This one should be easy.

Nice touch with Mitnick spoofing his address. It's the little things that make this game what it is, really.

Alright, off we go. We grab the key from the mailbox (after leaving the apartment and immediately returning because I fucking constantly forget checking the mailbox)...

...and fairly quickly find Megahurtz Computing.

Now, this place is pretty barren, and in fact I know from experience that there's nobody here, so we don't even need to sneak.

We find the computer, but just like Mitnick said, we need to power it up first. There's another door nearby that should lead us to the switch, so let's just unlock it and...

...dicks. Well, time to look for the alternate solution. (Note: It only just dawned on me that I could have totally just used Bloodbuff. Man, I really love missing the forest for the trees. Good that the game gives alternate solutions for dumbasses like me)

Yeah, this'll work just fine.

And there we go, a switch!

Strangely enough, lockpicking the door from the other side only requires Lockpicking 5 as opposed to 8. Very strange.

Oh well, no use thinking too much about it, let's just move on. Menu "net security", password "Gil Bates", command "schrecknet"...


Next stop, downtown. Pick up some cash from Venus, then it's time to check our e-mail in the other haven because I'm tapped into the Madness Network and have the foresight of knowing that the next hub will be here.

Heather's feeling the withdrawals kicking in again. More opportunities to let her go, but we're not taking them. We'll just not be a dick and let her have some. Also, I'm not seeing the option to tell her to change her look any more in the regular dialogue, so we're stuck with this. Welp.

Anyway, business.


<Subject> Second Network Hub
<From> m1tn1ck@DOD.vtm

The next terminal is in the basement of the Nocturne Theatre in downtown (recon to follow). NO ONE CAN KNOW YOU WERE THERE. Stay out of sight. And no killing. I need you to set up a wireless cam (I'll send you instructions on how to activate it). Once it's in place and activated, login to the "Net Security" folder (password "Break a Leg" and run "schrecknet".


<Subject> Nocturne Theatre Recon
<From> m1tn1ck@arcanum1.vtm

The Nocturne Theatre is downtown, just across from the Empire Arms hotel. I couldn't get a key to the front door, so you'll have to enter through the sewers. Sorry... that's the best I could do.


<Subject> Wireless Camera
<From> m1tn1ck@junktown.vtm

I put the camera down in your mailbox. I had an operative scope out the joint beforehand, and he marked the best place for the camera with a red X. Find it (it's probably someplace high) and mount the camera. Once you've put it in place, login to the terminal downstairs, find the "Camera" folder and activate "net cam". You won't be able to activate the hub until the camera is in place.

Right, so we've got sneaking to do, a camera to place, and absolutely no murdering. Not up my alley, but I think we can make that work.

Anyway, we grab the camera (once again I end up leaving first before immediately realizing my mistake and turning around. The loading screens seem to mock me as I do so), and we're off... to the sewers.

Thankfully, there's this handy dandy map to help us figure out where to go, and from there on, it's not really a big problem.

We find ourselves in the theater and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHAT IS THAT.

What is this I don't even.

Anyway, this time around, we've got two guards patrolling the premises, making avoidance kind of tricky.

Thankfully, I actually remembered to turn my brain on this time around, and Command makes this sneaking a hell of a lot easier.

Since Mitnick said that the camera spot should be high up, I guess that climbing this ladder makes a good first step.

And sure enough, there's the big red X. Wouldn't that just make the camera really easy to spot? Oh well, I'm not getting paid to think about security concerns, I'm just here to place this shit.

Spectacular. What's this even here for? To record those meetings LaCroix calls when something goes wrong? To pirate theater performances? The world may never know.

So, on we go, down the hallway that's currently being obscured by Melissa's casting hand.

Offices, alright. Nothing interesting in any of them except one, which holds the computer we need.

Menu "camera", command "net cam", that enables the camera, menu "net security", password "Break a Leg" (passwords in Bloodlines aren't actually case sensitive, by the way), command "schrecknet", and there we go.

Fuckin' A. We sneak back out the way we came, and head right back to our haven for the next mission.


<Subject> Third Network Hub (recon)
<From> m1tn1ck@3-eyed-snake.vtm

Not a lot of time right now. Gotta make this quick. Hollywood. Warehouse operation. Key is in your mailbox. Set up the hub. The terminal is in "Operations", back of the warehouse, top of some stairs. Probably locked electronically. Work the problem. They're gonna have tight security but you gotta keep it dark. They can't know you were there. Same drill. See ya.

No time to give us a proper recon, but time to make a dick joke in his sender address. That's our Mitnick.

Like he said, the key is in the mailbox. Didn't stop me from just running out the door as usual again. God damn, I'm bad at this.

And we're off again, to Hollywood!

And here we are at Metalhead Industries. This is where this sidequest kind of becomes a pain in the ass.

The warehouse area is very cramped, and there's tons of dudes meandering around that could spot you.

If you don't have anything like Dominate or Obfuscate, you're basically up shit creek without a paddle. It would probably require copious amounts of route planning and a good helping of luck for things to work out in that case.

Inside that door, we find the first computer. Menu "operations", password "codpiece" (good thing Melissa is good with computers), command "unlock" and we're good to go.

Safe! Also, computer, which is probably more important right now.

So, first off, menu "net security", password "Bang Your Head", command "schrecknet".

Ace. Now, after that, menu "safe", password "Turbo Lover", command "unlock". Let's see what that safe is hiding...

Umm... what? A toy? Well, guess we're pocketing that and figuring what the fuck we want to do with it later.

Some more Command abuse, and we're home free. Note the blood level - we used quite a bit in that area. Now, our next destination is a bit of a departure from our current modus operandi, that being "do thing for Mitnick, go back home to get instructions for next thing to do for Mitnick, repeat"...

...we're going back to the old theater where we fought the gargoyle!

You might not know this, but you can actually go through those doors at the back and actually enter the theater area.

And this is where we find this video tape! What's on it?

Tap Hotel! Jackpot. Since the poster quest doesn't give any rewards beyond eye candy, I guess the developers figured they could get a bit more out there with it - I don't think there's any clue that would lead you to believe that the tape would be here. We'll have to deposit that in our mailbox once we get back. But first, we need to make a trip to the warrens again to look for Tung's CD.

On the way there, I do what I said I'd do and bump up Seduction one notch. And with that...

Are you psychic? I was just about to ask you if I could join you.
You're not just feeding me a line, are you?
Only stupid girls fall for those.
You're not like other girls, are you?
You don't know how right you are. Let me show you why.

Note the large amount of blood we got from that. The higher class blood dolls have a larger pool, which makes refilling much less annoying. Next stop, the warrens.

After spending about five to ten minutes bopping around the warrens again looking for that fucking CD, we finally find it. Turns out you have to backtrack to the very beginning of the warrens, then go left instead of right, and then you'll run right into it. Still, wouldn't have missed a few more points in Inspection at this point. Oh well, that's what walkthroughs are for. Now, back home for the final instructions from Mitnick.


<Subject> Final Network Hub
<From> m1tn1ck@ImpeachBush.vtm

Okay. This is the big one. Kuei-jin front in Chinatown called "Kamikazi Zen". Yeah, I know it's Japanese. Don't ask. They've got a heavy duty security system. Recon's coming. Once you're in, find the server room and activate the hub. ONE MORE THING. They have a vault where they keep software, etc. You better break into it and take something. Put 'em off the scent. This one can be messy. It's your ass.


<Subject> Kamikazi Zen Recon
<From> m1tn1ck@TheFlow.vtm

The key to the front door is in your mailbox. Our inside man put a file called "hooligan" on one of the office terminals. Find it and execute it. This will shut down the power, and allow you to get past the first REAL security door. I never got any blueprints to the inner sanctum, so once you're past the first door, you're on your own to find the server room and the vault. Good luck.

Okie-dokie. Let's hope this isn't any more sneaky than the last one, that was about as much sneaking as Melissa can manage.

We pick up the access card (after I AGAIN forget to get it the first time around) and drop off the video tape while we're at it.

And we're off to Chinatown! We won't be doing any new sidequests or anything here, just dealing with Mitnick's problem and paying a visit to a new friend.

Here we are. Certainly a nice looking area, though what lurks within is a bit less nice. But for now we're only interested in one thing, and that's Kamikazi Zen.

Still has that Chinese look to it, I guess it goes with the territory. Let's head in, shall we.

Pretty swanky looking place, I have to say. We take a few steps forward and-


Yeah, the guards aren't fucking around here, but like Mitnick said, it's going to be messy, which translates out to "murder is OK here". So first we spend some time picking off all the guards, then we can go back to exploring.

The first computer we find is the one we need to use to get into the inner sanctum. Menu "power", password "gwailo", command "hooligan".

And off we are! We're now on a time limit - we have ten minutes until the power comes back and re-locks the main security door. If we're behind it when that happens, we'd be locked in, which is bad. Let's try to avoid that.

There's quite a few computers here with some interesting stuff. Not relevant to the bigger picture, but still fun to read. Menu "email", no password needed.


<Subject> DAMMIT!
<From> SCUDmuffin@Kamikazi.vtm

YO! I lost the damned access code to get back into the server room. Can you send it to me again? Oh, and I'm going to kill you tonight in Slaughter Grudge.



<Subject> Re: Re: DAMMIT!
<From> SCUDmuffin@Kamikazi.vtm

That is SO much bullshit. Like I EVER camp the Uber-Cannon. Talk to your boy NuM-Nutz about that. After I REZ-sticulate his ass.


Hrm. Looks like there's some disputes going on in the Kamikazi Zen offices.

Next computer seems to have no options available at all. Strange.

Ah, here we go, this should have the other side of the emails on shinto-X's computer. Again, no password.


<Subject>Re: DAMMIT!
<From> Yeah. You stupid? How many time I have to send you? Code is 4567. Add up numbers and get you IQ. The only way you kill me is camp you fucking Uber-Cannon.



<Subject>Re: DAMMIT!
<From> Me and NuM-Nutz gonna smoke you ass. Take you REZ-ticulator and shove it in place where no sun shine. You lick Nummy-Nutz muffin! YOU GOT IT!


What. Man, these online gaming feuds are confusing.

Hm, let's see what this guy's up to. First, his emails - locked with the password "waterloo".


<From> shinto-X@Kamikazi.vtm

FUCK_BINSTER! You SO ugly! Even fat secretary spit you on head! HA! And I kill you squishy in SLAUGHTER-GRUDGE tonight! YOU HEAR ME! FUCK_BINSTER!!!



<Subject> You freakin' noob!
<From> SCUDmuffin@Kamikazi.vtm

Give up the game, Bucky-bitch! Your vocabulation ain't gonna help you with a WAR-BRINGER lodged in your skull! NEVER FUCK WITH CLAN DEATHGURGLE!!! BUCKY-BITCH!


Well, looks like this guy wasn't that popular on either side of this company gaming feud. Now, for "personal", locked with the password "elba". Note the Napoleon motif.

Hoo boy, now that's what we're talking about! Manifestos are always a great laugh, so let's see what this one has to offer.


Oh how I have suffered. The insensitive and illiterate buffoons that surround me are a constant reminder of the sad state of this country. I have solutions. As extreme as they may seem now, history will remember me as a visionary. Such is my fate.


Is intelligence such a scarce commodity? Today I spoke with Shinto, and somehow he babbled for an entire minute without using one pronoun. Oh god, how I languish. If his eyes weren't so close together, I might have plucked them out.


How Larry came to be my supervisor is beyond comprehension. His use of the language notwithstanding, which barely surpasses that of our dear friend Shinto, I can no longer abide his shoddy programming nor his horrendous security protocols. He spells his last name backwards and uses it for the access code to the bank vault. My kingdom for a baseball bat. I am spent.

You know, I don't think this is a very well run front. The Kuei-jin should probably do something about one of their employees being one weapon away from a rampage. Oh well, not our problem, and hey, we got the password to the vault out of it as well!

Next, we find a locked door, but since we have the code, it's not a big problem.

This looks to be the server room, so let's get cracking on that hub setup.

First off, same deal as always, "net security", password "nirvana", command "schrecknet".

Rob Nesler? We've been there before - we'll have to check that out on the way out. After that, we have "vault", password "nippelhcS" (we probably would have seen that name somewhere if I had looked at the nameplates, but since Melissa has Hacking 9, I really don't have to give a shit) and "unlock". And in the vault we find...

...a nameplate? Apparently, it's some special nameplate with a chip in it. No idea what it's good for, but I'm sure we'll figure that out eventually. Now, on to Rob Nesler's office.

Ah, now there's something!

"Rescue"? Yes, I would like that very much.


Now we can use this vent to escape. This would have been our only option, had we run out of time.

And that brings us back outside. Now, I think this update has already been going a bit long, and we're now officially done with Mitnick's quest, so let's stop here. Next time, we'll finish off Tung's quest and go through Gary's quest.