The Let's Play Archive

Vanguard Bandits

by Smasher Dynamo

Part 80: Kingdom Chapter #5: Nordilain Assault

Not a dream, not a hoax, not an imaginary story! The Continuing Adventures of the Bastion of Earth-B!

Alternate Chapter 5

We had a choice, and I unilaterally decided that come hell or high water, we were going to meet with Duke Radcot. But it didn't need to go that way...

: With pleasure, Duke Zeira.
: ... ... ...
: We now have a third foe to concern ourselves with, Your Highness. He is planning something, no doubt.
: Have we heard any word from our spies in the Muspel Nation, yet?
: Unfortunately not. I'm beginning to wonder if they have been caught...
: I share all your concerns, but we have to focus on our original plan of meeting with Marquis Dionne.
: You're right, Bastion. Nothing can be solved by worrying about things that lie beyond our control. Ione, I believe it would be prudent to send a few more spies into Muspel. We must learn what Radcot's up to.
: I'll send them at once, Duke Zeira.
: Your Highness, we should begin preparations for our journey to Dionne-Lehve...

And then the scene goes to the same Zeira and Ione scene that I will summarize thusly

: So, we're sure Ganlon's an enemy spy, then?
: Yeah, that's right. Should we do anything to prevent that situation from potentially becoming a crisis?
: Well, we could, but instead let's hope the whole Ganlon-treason situation works itself out.

But wait, fellow Alterna-nauts! There was another choice we could have made after admitting the Muspel ambassador to our chambers and hearing his proposal!

: I'm afraid not. If Radcot wants us to become allies, then it only seems reasonable for him to come here personally. Tell him I guarantee his safety, should he choose to accept my offer.
: I will return to Muspel at once to inform the Duke of your invitation, Prince Bastion. Thank you for your hospitality and graciousness. Good day to you.
: You made the right decision, Bastion. Radcot can't be trusted. He'd betray his mother if it'd benefit him.
: I think the best course of action is to continue with our plan to meet with Marquis Dionne. Let's prepare for the journey...
And then the same Zeira-Ione scene plays

Either way, if you reject Radcot, you then get this scene...

: I don't see why. I'm not especially concerned with him. His reach is too limited to cause us trouble. My thoughts are focused on Marquis Dionne, and how our meeting with him will turn out.
: Well, I know for certain that the Marquis Dionne will test poor Bastion.
: Test him?! In what way?
: He shall test his heart, Galvas, not his fighting skill. He must learn what Bastion's ambitions are.
: I certainly hope the Marquis is not so rude as to ask such things of His Highness! That would upset me!
: If Dionne really know where to find the Ultragunner, nothing he asks is too great.
: Certainly you're exaggerating. Bastion's integrity would prevent him from doing a whole hose of indignities...but I digress.
You use that word....I do not think it means what you think it means.
: Let us instead discuss the personnel which His Highness has chosen for this journey. I realize that they are friends of His Highness, but they are also helpless women and children.
Tough but fair. Devlin, Barlow, Reyna, you're all fired.
: I feel more like a babysitter on this journey than a warrior!
: What's that you're saying, old man?
: I beg your pardon?!
: Well, unless you've gone prematurely gray, you're definitely not a kid. We might be young, but we fight just as well as any soldiers!
: I highly doubt that your naivete is an adequate substitute for years of training and experience.
: Come on, old man, just admit you're jealous that we have our youth and you have your wrinkles!
: These...these are not wrinkles!! These are natural skin creases!
: And what did you mean by "helpless" women? My good looks never stopped me from thrashing my foes! No one should be unfairly because of their age, or their gender, or for any other reason. Unless, of course, you're an old man.
: Reyna, you know better than to joke with a man who was born without a sense of humor.
: Your Highness, I beg you! Please ask your friends to change the topic of conversation!
: What's the matter with the old man? Oh, I know! Here...Try these brownies, made with an herb called bowelestra. Guaranteed to bust through your blockage! WOW!
Ah....this probably needs a bit of explanation for those born after about 1994 or those not from America. Around the year 2000, it appeared that the food scientist at Frito-Lay had finally discovered a "healthy" potato chip. Using an additive named Olestra, these chips were low-fat, but tasted not completely unlike a normal potato chip. They marketed these chips under a sub-brand called "WOW!" Small problem, though, it turns out that Olestra had some unpleasant side-effects including abdominal cramping, the inability to absorb certain vitamins....and anal leakage. My larger point is that although this seems like a rather lame attempt at humor, at the time the game was released, it was probably marginally funnier.
: Stop it! All of you!
: Heh, heh, heh! Galvas, my friends are teasing you. Please forgive them.
: Galvas, if you don't learn how to lighten up real quick, I think this trip will be the end of you.

The party heads to Dionne-Lehve...
: And perhaps a clue to the location of the Ultragunner...
: Hold on! I've detected a squad of ATACs! We're under ambush!
: Who dares attack His Highness?!

The adventures of Alternate-Bastion do not end there though....but that is a tale for another day....