The Let's Play Archive

Victoria Revolutions

by Danimo

Part 10: , part 2

Chapter 4, part 2

The make-up and issues of the population of the Republic of Texas, circa April 1854. It is also worth noting that the population total is around 550 thousand, and is 64% literate, due to superb education funding.

A liberal professor visits New Mexico and delivers speeches to the voters there. Though there are a small number of New Mexico residents, it may not take much to determine the results of this election, with party poll numbers being so close.

A new general is promoted from the ranks, and he will likely prove useful in the future. For now he commands no forces.

Speaking of military forces, we buy 40 units of canned goods and 40 units of small arms on the world market and create a mobilization pool, currently at four divisions. This means that should the Republic need troops in a hurry, fourty thousand citizens are prepared to leave their positions at the fields and mines and take up arms in as little time as possible (I think 3 months). Texas cannot afford a sizable standing army, so we will have to depend on the reserves should anything occur.

The Yucatan is suffering severe problems with Mayan rebels and has sent envoys to the US, UK and Spain asking for help, and in return Yucatan is willing to become part of the helping nation. The US declined the offer and reminded the European nations of its opinion of Europeans meddling in the Americas. The Yucatan will have to ask Mexico for assistance or find a way of dealing with them itself. (this is a custom event chain I made; the historical outcome is for Mexico to aid the Yucatan in return for Yucatan's return, but interestingly that did not occur this time)

A new party has formed in the US. The Republicans visions a highly modernized US and are against the expansion of slavery into the conquered land in the west.

Collectivist Theory research is complete, and we continue to study areas of economic importance.

Construction on a small fleet of naval troop transports is commissioned. In any sort of war, transports can be useful for getting troops around heavily fortified or dug-in troop positions. The ships were not cheap, especially the steamer convoys needed.

Not cheap at all. Our treasury is rather low, so we decide to end the tax-free status of the lower and middle classes, and institute a very graduated tax.

The same demagogue from almost 10 years ago returns to public speaking in Texas. His words do not fall on deaf ears.

Though the Nationalists are hardly socialists, the words of the demagogue persuaded enough people away from anarcho-capitalist thinkings to secure a fourth consecutive victory for the Nationalists. Mirabeau B. Lamar is re-inaugurated, and he reveals his plans for Texas. He says Texas should not settle for merely a port on the Pacific coast but should strive to be a major Pacific presence, and that his eyes are on Hawaii.

We check on the status of the transports. Construction is proceeding as planned, and the ships will be done next March.

The U.S. election occurs, and the first Republican candidate John C. Frémont wins. Fremont is a hero of the American-Mexican War and has always been a stark proponent of American expansionism.

Our railroad is progressing. Once the capitalists construct a rail through New Mexico the Gulf-Pacific Railroad will be complete. Lubbock is the first province to receive iron railroad.

The US railroad system is enormous and is updated rather quickly; their capitalists must make much more money than ours.

As we finish overviewing the rail briefings, a messenger arrives with important news about the Crimean War:

Russian troops are spilling into British Canada from Alaska, have already taken control of half of British Columbia and the Yukon, and have been sighted heading south toward the US border and east into Alberta. The British have been focusing most of their efforts in the Black Sea and the Baltic, so the Russians have caught them entirely unprepared. The Americans say that they are prepared to defend their border, should the Russians not know when to stop heading south.

Meanwhile the Sardinians seem to have mounted a successful invasion of Crimea. Little has been occuring on the Ottoman-Russian border so far, but it is doubtful things will remain that way.

The transports are ready. We put them to sea immediately, to observe Hawaii and determine what sort of armed forces the Hawaiian King may have.

The reports come in. The Army of the King of Hawaii consists of the thousand-strong Hawaii Royal Guard. The native irregulars would be no match for a larger army of civilized regulars.

Almost four thousand poor Mexican cattle ranchers in the province of Tucson are drafted into the army. They will be sent to reinforce former President Houston's army when we can afford it. We will require many men to mount a successful amphibious invasion of Hawaii.

The Russians have been continuing the fighting in Canada, and it will not be long before all of British Columbia is under their control. Plans for the invasion of Hawaii are being drawn up, and the army is being trained. Things could hardly get more exciting.
