The Let's Play Archive

War in the West

by Grey Hunter

Part 1: Turn 2 - 10th July 1943

The invasions actually take place in the German part of the turn.

My men come ashore with great success, shattering two Italian units, and securing all landing sites.

Note this incudes casualties from before the game started. I don't know when they count this from, but its a bit odd. Still, a 5-1 kill rate on turn one is not bad.

The only change here is I increase the priority of hitting railways in the south.

We lose over 500 aircraft in a week. In WITP, this would be a disaster – here its routine.

The bombers concentrated on the airfields this week.

In Sicily they prepped the next invasion site.

The first wave of airborne troops go in to support the invasion.

The second wave are sent in – the 3rd US infantry divisions job is to cut most of the island off!

Catina surrenders without a fight.

In fact, the invasion forces storm forwards.

The Free French forces and an armoured division are moved in, they will unload next turn.

Overall, a good turn, unless you happened to be a AA gunner in Sicily.