The Let's Play Archive

War in the West

by Grey Hunter

Part 4: Turn 5 - 31st July 1943

Oddly enough, the German phase is the only time you get to see what damage your bombers are doing in an easy to digest manner.

Otherwise, again nothing happens.

A few more tweaks.

Grey finds a new button. Face palms tentacles.

Their fuel production has been hammered again, and I've also hit their railyard in Hamm hard.

Down south I hit the rail lines, I assume this is losses in strategic movement points – if so, this is effective use of planes!

The Italians are now cut off. Let the mass surrenders begin!

Wait, held? I thought these were Italians?

Oh wait, there we go.

I start advancing on the other side of the island.

The Germans take a few attacks to shift, but I shift them from their prepared defences.

Then the surrendering starts.

I mean, would you want to mess with General “Fuck Hitler for demonising this style of moustache” Martin up there?

All in all, I leave them in a poor state by the end.

40,000 men captured along with 105 armoured vehicles – do you think they need 30 MkIV's, 42 MKIII's and 26 STUGs?