The Let's Play Archive

War in the West

by Grey Hunter

Part 42: Turn 45 - 6th May 1944

They strengthen the north. I need to liquidate the pocket now!

The RAF focus on heavy industry today.

The 8th smash several targets. Both also ruin lots of railways and rail yards.

They hold, but their fortifications are gone.

The next wave clears them out.

I make sure I can clear these guys.

Then I clear the prize of three panzer divisions – including the Herman Goering Panzer Division for the second time in the war.

The men in the marshes surrender next.

Then I clean up a couple of regiments to finish.

The lake and marshland near Comanccio make moving my men up hard, but I'm sure the bridgehead can hold – for now I find other places to break through. The polish tanks could have gotten another hex north, but no one could have supported them.

So I hit them where I can.

Back to your side of the river.

This is mainly to stop them digging in.

That 63 defensive position may well turn into my Monte Cassino.

Three new divisions land this week – two of them armoured. I reinforce the line, and switch a few commands around to make things saner.

Do you think the Germans will miss 40 Panthers?