The Let's Play Archive

War in the West

by Grey Hunter

Part 67: Turn 70 - 28th October 1944

The Germans counter attack, but it's limited to beating up some commandos.

This will not save them.

This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

The bombers hit some cities.

The surrounded troops are not wanting to give up, and I don't have the manpower here to overwhelm them.

Apart from the SS, they fold like the cowards they are.

Again, I need more men to cover the area.

They have weakened the line around the Netherlands.

I smash my way through, more flak and defensive units surrender.

Their lines crumble, their losses rise.

They are coming apart.

I push east, and clean up more of that pocket.

The rout continues.

Things are not going to get any better for them either.