The Let's Play Archive

War in the West

by Grey Hunter

Part 78: Turn 81 - 13th January 1945

Panzers probe the southern part of my line.

Why do they still have tanks in Italy?

They probe to the north as well.

This is overkill, but they need something good to put in the papers. If anyone is still printing papers over there.

It seems they have not surrendered.

What will we do when there are no more cities to bomb?
Well, my troops will go home, and I will jump into my time machine and find another war to fight.

They have massively reinforced south Berlin, so I plan to encircle.

The snow continues to make this a slow job.

Expanding the front line here is also a target.

Pockets of resistance remain.

But they do crumble with force.

Another flak unit is taken out.

I need the rest of my army to catch up – and better weather!

They are still bleeding tanks.