The Let's Play Archive

We Know The Devil

by Flac

Part 2: First Playthrough - 6 PM (cont.)

[SFX: The flame of the bonfire crackles softly in the background]

The face of true horror in WKTD: a jolly camp counselor with a surgically attached Diglett for a head.

I didn't hear y'all swearing, did I?

Hahaha. Sure you weren't.
♀: We promise!
Oh I believe you. I dunno about the rest, though.
♀: Ah. Um.

Venus smiles in that way that makes everyone there want to punch him a little, but that's all that it takes for them to forget we were even late.

Venus can smile and laugh nervously through anything, and the rest of us are invisible for as long as we can endure the secondhand embarrassment.

Sit down everyone.

It's a terrible blend; termite-eaten wood from abandoned churches, dried daylilies from the sides of country roads, singed wire from burned out radios, dubious apologies, ashes of monsters of the week.


Venus sits with his legs crossed, taking up as little space as he can, which is at most not very much.

Neptune remains mercilessly fashionable, watching the other groups like they're the entertainment.

Jupiter pulls her legs up and rests her chin on her knees. She's bad at posture. But she is good at being comfortable. She likes the security of holding her whole body.

There's a perfect balance of usefulness and liability to the young for which the summer scouts are the most perfect solution.

Everyone having a good time?

No one is, or has much enthusiasm to fake it.

I said, is everyone having a Good Time?

But the captain can be motivating.


And doesn't quit until everyone's at least put effort into faking it.

This is bullshit.

That's more like it.
Still a little quiet in the West.
♆: Fuuuuck him.
♃: *Snort.*

[SFX (but also music kinda): The bonfire captain plays a little ditty on his guitar.]

How does Captain Diglett have a tremolo effect on an acoustic guitar that isn't plugged in anywhere?? Maybe God is his effects pedal.

He must feel like he needs to give the sermons since he's in charge, but we know the counselors wish they were somewhere else as much as we do.

You know, I wasn't the most popular when I was a kid. I got in my share of fights, but I had a couple of guys I was best friends with and we stuck up for each other.
Whenever my parents asked if I wanted to bring one of my friends somewhere, I'd say, "I wanna bring both of them."
I thought I was doing this great thing, not holding one of my friends over the other. But secretly, I thought one of them was kinda annoying.
And he kinda was.
He whined and wouldn't go along with us sometimes. I felt pretty bad about that, so I tried to be an even better friend to make up for it.
I thought if I could work even harder, I'd be able to make up for him.
But actually, I wasn't helping him at all. You wouldn't have thought it, I wouldn't have thought it, but in the end he was the one that got in deep, deep trouble.
I probably could have stopped it if I'd told him to cut it out and man up instead of basically doing the opposite.
Some friendships you can keep up. The rest you gotta leave up to god.

♆: Good one Jupiter, but there is no mercy in this world.
♀: It's our last week at camp and they haven't sent us there yet.
♆: And that loser has it in for us so bad.
♃: Maybe we won't have to go. I'm feeling optimistic this time.
♀: ...
♀: ...Why?
♆: Yeah why?
♃: Uh. Because...

♃: Damn ittttttttttt.
♀: Oh no.
♆: Told you.
♆: Don't worry guys. I hear hardly anyone ever dies.