The Let's Play Archive

We Know The Devil

by Flac

Part 7: First Playthrough - 9 PM

[SFX: The crickets continue chirping into the night. An ominous wind rumbles outside. Distant, hollow thuds can still be heard occasionally.]

We're supposed to sleep in shifts, but no one actually told us how we're supposed to do that. Who can fall asleep in an instant and wake up in an instant, on demand? Not us.

Jupiter is bad at waking up and Venus is bad at falling asleep and Neptune is fantastic at both on no schedule but her own.

One way or the other sleeping sounds like too much work so we're not going to do it.

I had never heard of euchre before this. Maybe it's a Midwest thing? Wikipedia says "It is the game responsible for introducing the joker into modern packs" though so fuck euchre and those useless little cards.

♆: No.
♀: There's...lots of things. Maybe...?
♆: Let's not though.
♃: I miss euchre.
♆: Surely there has to be something better we can do with our lives.
♃: ...
♀: ...
♆: I'm very upset at you both.
♃: Ummmm what are the things normal kids are supposed to do in this sort of situation? Like...
♃: truth or dare, or something?
♆: That's a bad idea.
♀: That's a really bad idea.
♆: That's a great idea.

♆: Great, everyone agrees, it was a wonderful idea.

[MUSIC: Hair Tie]

♃: Neptune, you go first.
♆: Why?
♃: Because seniority.
♀: I'm the oldest though?

♆: ...fiiiiiiine.
♃: do you play truth or dare?
♆: Oh my god. Are you for real.
♀: You alternate truth or dare, and you go around in a circle, and whoever—

♃: Oh, that sounded fine to me...
♆: No.
♆: *Cough*
♆: Everyone shut up and listen to me.

♆: Okay?
♆: I cannot believe either of you.
♃: ...ohhhhhhhhhh wait then—

♃: Okay okay.
♀: ...

♀ + ♆ / ♃ + ♆

Time to let the thread decide whether Venus's or Jupiter's fate will be left to the mercy of Neptune. This round the choices are either Venus and Neptune or Jupiter and Neptune.