The Let's Play Archive

Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars

by Scintilla

Part 40: Extras - Unit Designs

Unit Art

There seems to be very little in the way of official art for the units and characters of Fist of Mars. If I find any more I'll post them later on, but for now have some unit images and descriptions from the in-game LEV file.


Cage's LEV / Testament

Class: LEV
Description: The LEV used by Cage in his escape from the Bonaparte III. Higher-grade than the average LEV, it is equipped with Pharsti, the A.I. who is a source of support to the inexperienced Cage.


Class: LEV
Description: LEV used by BIS. Contains stronger defense structures than the average LEV, but a bit sluggish. Ability to attack and/or serve as a backup support unit. Name means "steel" in Latin. Piloted by Semyl.


Class: LEV
Description: LEV used by BIS. Better at long-range sniper-style shooting than the average LEV. "Dreizehn" is a nickname, meaning "thirteen" in German. Official name: "Torador." Piloted by Razma.


Class: LEV
Description: LEV used by BIS. Much more agile than the average LEV, and excels in combat involving the "leg" area. "Justeen," along with "Dreizehn," was the nickname given these machines by Yukito; the official name of this LEV is "Francesca." Piloted by Yukito.


Class: AFV
Description: Tanker used by BIS, designed as a means of transporting human. Since defense mechanisms and other devices are kept to a bare minimum, it is unfit for battle. Replenishment system on board. Piloted by Phil.


Class: AFV
Description: Tanker used by BIS, designed as a means of transporting various goods. Maintenance resources on board. Moderate defensive capacities, but inadequate for prolonged combat. Piloted by Deckson.


Class: Orbital Frame
Description: First-ever OF used by BIS, designed as mid to long range backup support. Lacking in durability. Piloted by Mebius.

Durandal II

Class: Orbital Frame
Description: OF used by BIS, designed specifically for close-range combat. Durable, and reserved for the best frame runners in the galaxy. Durandal I (LEV) was destroyed by Warren. Piloted by Warren.


Class: Orbital Frame
Description: OF used by BIS, whose composition allows for ninja-like agility and speed. Comparatively lower in offensive ability, but can perform two types of burst attacks. Rare model. Piloted by Ares.

Black Frame

Class: Unknown
Description: The mystery machine that destroyed Bonaparte, the spine of which is a bony structure reminiscent of a bird's wing. Completely black, conjures up images of the devil.


The designs aren't nearly as beautiful as those found in the Second Runner, but I kind of like the simplicity of them. Most of BIS's Orbital Frames look like heavily modified LEV's, which is probably what they are given that they don't have nearly the budget that BAHRAM does. And I love how Vjaya looks like a murderous purple humpty-dumpty.