The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 114: Renya Gouto 7 (FINAL)

Chapter 114: Renya Gouto 7 (FINAL)

Looks like we’re back to that scene in the mainframe right after Professor Morimura transferred all the (simulated AI) people to Sector 3.

This shouldn't take too long.
I'll send you the data once it's ready.
…That would be great.
But I must say… This IS a surprise. Okino-kun really managed to push this through? Integrating this half-coded thing into the control system…?
Thank you…

Music: Mutual Telepathy (Composer: Kazuki Higashihara, Arranger: Rikako Watanabe)

No, well… Okino wanted to tell you that. Thank you.
Okino-kun said that?
He said the analysis wasn't complete yet…So he appreciates your help with all this.
I see…
…To look at you, anyone might think you were just a child. But you must be a truly exceptional individual. The message was Okino's, but I'd like you to know I'm grateful as well. Now if you'll excuse me, I must return to the battle.

That boy. So he appreciates me, does he?

Music: Bleak Pressure (Kikuchi Yukinori)

And liabilities must be dealt with. Does that sum it up?

I specifically acquired this gun for your purposes. You had concerns about self-defense.

Now you’re going to use it to shoot me.

Use Phaser on Chihiro

Whoa, Gouto’s going hardcore!

For safety reasons, neither one of us can be shot with this gun. I configured it very specifically.

Oh. Laaaaaaame.

Examine Phaser

This gun records the time of its last discharge. And that time looks to be a near match for Ms. Morimura’s estimated time of death. Which suggests… You used this gun to murder her.

You yourself were using the drone to keep tabs on Ms. Morimura. Weren’t you? Based off of your expenses for that day… I'd presume you took a taxi to the crime scene.
How much do you have in that pocketbook? Were you just playing dumb this whole time…?

What gave away that I was the professor, and not her?

Use Keitaro Miura on Chihiro

It was back when Miura found you here. You described Miura as an excellent design engineer. But the Miura of 2188 was the design engineer. Not him.
Did you dig that out of Renya Gouto's log too?
No. That I learned through Miura, the AI of Sentinel No. 17. He also told me about the existence of the logs.

If you're not killing me, I assume you're at least locking me up?

But giving in to my emotional reaction wouldn't solve anything. Vengeance isn't going to bring her back. So, with that in mind…

That is what I want now. To see what lies at the end of all this. To see what she never could.

You made it clear Juro Izumi was not your "cup of tea"… Yet you and Izumi shared an intimate relationship in the year 2188.

Oh goddammit, yet another absurd relationship between a Juro and a Morimura.

Even the placement seemed intentional. You and Izumi, together in Sector 1. You died before you could set up the memory transplant. At that point… I can only assume… Izumi sympathized with you, and helped carry out your vision.

But you… Why are you so intent on transplanting your memory?

Without someone to guide them, teams dissolve into fear, spite, resentment… It'd be the colony all over again.
…… I see… As I suspected. Your devotion to this goal is inspiring, in some ways.
Are you a gambling woman?

Music: Heated Debate (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

We’ll leave the terminals alone for you. We won’t let Aegis seal everything off. Your loop would still be viable.
…And in exchange?
As it currently stands… It'd be impossible to revert to your original plan without some compromise. But consider this: Even this final phase won't truly be the end.

If we can prove to you that we will overcome that… If we prove to you that we can face the unknown… Then are we not worthy to take up your cause? Inheriting your goal, and seeing it through?
You… make an interesting point.
We can solve this problem ourselves.

If we fail, then I could hardly object to a reset anyway.
That's your bet? You don't stand a chance.

Music: Last Line of Defense (Kikuchi Yukinori) (Listen to this)

Is anyone too compromised to keep fighting?

The girls may be pushing their limits…

Miura’s a bit of a chauvinist, I see…

There are three terminals remaining. We can protect two of them with Aegis. But we’re on our own with the last terminal.
How much longer do we need to hold out?
We need to reestablish a connection with Miyuki Inaba. That’s still 10 hours off.
10 hours we don’t have…

Brace yourself, Keitaro. We are soldiers, and this is the moment we trained for. Hours, days, it doesn’t matter. We’ll hold the line. Let’s go.


…You’re listening, aren’t you? If you’re out there, please, respond…

You… You know a way to link up with the command ship. One that doesn't rely on its position. Don't you?
…You're thinking of when I revised the D-Code.
Right now… we need that shortcut.
And this is where you reveal some new leverage over me? I can't wait to hear what log you found this time.

…… You have to be joking. You do realize the position I'm already in?
I do. Even still. All I can do is beg. …I just want us to have a chance.
…… …This is the most idiotic…

You’re an infuriating man, Renya Gouto.

Music: To the Final Battle (Yoshimi Kudo)

Everyone, listen to me. We can communicate with the command ship out of range. I'm realigning the three surveillance satellites to their relay positions. We should be connected soon. However… The satellites have to move outside their preset tracks. They'll enter the gravity well and plummet to Earth. Your connection will only last until they hit the surface. You'll barely have any time to do this. Am I clear?
Thank you…

Though I guess… I might be the most irrational one here. If you actually manage to pull this off… Then I expect you all to take responsibility.

This is your only chance…

I see our new Mystery File updates just cover an event we never actually saw due to time and budget restraints, ha. Weird that it’s completely unrelated to this event, though.

And that’s it for Gouto. You know, he’s still an asshole, but I kinda warmed up to him in the end. Just a bit.

And now all we’ve got left is the last two Destruction stages gated off by that final story progression. Then, it’s off to the final battle. But before we do that, it’s time for one last update to the board.

I add a romantic link between Chihiro Morimura and Juro Izumi.

I also add a note in the 2188 segment spelling out that they were together.

And that, my friends, is it for the board. We’ve had fun with it, but it will proceed with us no further.