The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 77: Destruction 8

Music: Voyage To Tomorrow (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

Chapter 77: Destruction 8

Let’s go do some Destruction, seeing as a bunch of our protagonists are currently locked behind it.

We need Nenji, eh?

We start our upgrading by maxing out the Meta-System, then getting the final level of the Meta-Chip Multiplier, increasing it to x2.

We increase Shu and Juro’s Neurolink to +2.

We also get Megumi’s Interceptors to +3, adding one drone to her output.

This should be a fine team.

Music: (ISOLEUCINE) (Yoshimi Kudo)

I’m now imagining Gilgamesh with a big fuckin’ pompadour, and folks? It’s very funny.

Oh yeah! When we threw down with those Kuri High punks in middle school? Kind of went south when someone called the cops on us. And we all had to jump in the river to get away…
Sure, but that was after we knocked 20 of those chumps on their asses! Got the same kinda feeling seein’ these clowns, is all. Square up, strap in, kick ass.

This comin’ from the leader of the Suzu High girls?

Eh, Ogata’s fine. He got up in my face like that when we first met, and now we’re cool. Let’s go.

Video: Destruction Wave 2-4 (Please watch this, I worked very hard on it)

Instead of recapping this fight via screenshots, I’m going to try something new and do it via subtitles on the fight video itself. This might be a total disaster, but whatever, I’m down to try, at least.

And we’re done there.

Any units equipped with EMPs should fire at will. That electromagnetic pulse will slow them down.

Way ahead of you, bro.

It’s a tool made for localized operations. The EMP pulse is generated from the attached plasma dome.

Each Sentinel automatically shields itself when it detects an allied mech firing an EMP. The enemies need a moment to bring their systems back online. It’s a temporary effect, but it can still buy us some time.

Natsuno’s Research Notebook skill increases all her stats while she’s active on a stage already cleared with an S-Rank. Weird and situational, but okay.

Music: Voyage To Tomorrow (Hitoshi Sakimoto)

For this wave, we need Gouto and can only field four pilots. Only four pilots for a boss wave? Yikes.

We upgrade Gouto’s Arm-Mounted Pulse Lasers from +0 to +3, his Multi-Lock Missiles from +2 to +3, his Shield Matrix from +0 to +3. and his Interceptors from +3 to +5.

We buy Guardian and Shield Emitter for Iori and upgrade both to +2.

We increase Natsuno’s Neurolink to +2.

We increase Ei’s Demolisher Blade from +4 to +5, his Anti-Air Defensive Flares from +1 to +3, and his EMP Surrounding from +1 to +3.

Also, if I’m being honest? Can’t remember ever buying and upgrading Limiter Removal for Ei for the life of me.

We also increase Ei’s Neurolink to +2. That’s every pilot at +2 now.

All right, let’s try this team.

Music: [RIBOSE] (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

So they were seized and repurposed?
Repurposed… Well. It may be more accurate to say they were reset. When we attempted to deploy automated Sentinels… they behaved as if they were Deimos. During the battle at Sector 2, units 1 to 11 were being remotely controlled by me.
You piloted 11 units by yourself? At the same time?
It wasn’t efficient.

No kidding!

And the D-forces were clearly influencing their processes and abilities.
And that’s why we directly control them now. Too many problems with automation…
I’d though they were destroyed in that battle…

…Juro, what do you mean by that?
Look, they’re coming… They seem like pretty heavy units. And they’ve even got the composite ceramic armor.
So they’re close-quarters Deimos frontliners now… If we don’t shut them down, the terminal won’t last…

Oh boy, this should be interesting.


Video: Destruction Wave 2-5 (Again, I worked very hard on this.)

One thing I wish I could have included in the subtitles was Natsuno doing sick railgun snipes on enemy Sentinels that are leaping through the air, but there wasn’t a good point to do it.

Whew, that was somewhat trying.

These Sentinels’ ID codes were all 3 digits… They were newly created as Deimos units.
They were the same type at the No. 12 I pilot…
…Ida-san was the one who put the 1st-gens together. I just helped out. The auxiliary stuff was from my design… like the EMPs and the anti-air flares… But these things were never meant to have a direct pilot. The original spec had them all automated.
Explains why the enemy got ahold of them…
That also means it’s got a more unstable connection to its pilot. We had to put a limiter on its functions.
So its true power is being restrained…? What would happen if that limiter came off?
You’ll get a huge boost to maneuverability, but… it’ll put an incredible strain on the pilot, too.
A small price for new power, and nothing a true son of Japan can’t handle. Sounds like it might have its advantages, anyway. I’ll have to let Sekigahara and Ogata know.

Iori’s We’ll Be Okay skill slightly increases the HP of Iori and all allies after she defends.

Ah, fuck. Well, looks like I’ll be redoing this one offscreen.

Now that we’ve unlocked Nenji and Natsuno’s next chapters, we should go look through all the Mystery Files that have been unlocked., and unlock some new ones with our Mystery Points while we’re at it.