The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 95: Megumi Yakushiji 6

Juro Kurabe’s Juro Kurabe event has been completed. Juro Kurabe.

Chapter 95: Megumi Yakushiji 6

We haven’t done a Megumi chapter since 60. Let’s see what she’s been up to.

Music: Staring Into The Void (Yoshimi Kudo)

Use Spatula on Kitchen

Time to cook some Hamburg steak.

You’re awake. Just in time for dinner.


Music: Deafening Silence (Mitsuhiro Kaneda)

You knew about this? That these dreams are really his memories?

Please tell me.

Consider Juro’s Memories

(His memories haven’t returned yet. Is what Fluffy’s been doing really working? I hope so…)

Use Juro Izumi on Juro Kurabe

Why are you saying that?
It’s all I can say.

My grandma?
Please, don’t ask me anything else. I won’t be able to continue staying here if you do.
*annoyed scoff*

Consider Tamao Kurabe

So this is where you went.

Hm. I suppose this is technically the first time we’ve met. I’m Tamao Kurabe.

Wh-What do you want?
I know you have feelings for Juro.

You desire to be by his side, do you not?
Oh, well… Of course I do.
Then you will do just that. I’ll make the arrangements.

Music: Bittersweet Sorrow (Composer: Azusa Chiba, Arranger: Kikuchi Yukinori)

First… You will treat him as Juro Kurabe.
You must not tell him anything about the future. Or about himself.
But why?
It’s the only way to keep him safe.
I don’t understand.
Can you do it? Can you treat him only as Juro Kurabe?
Well, I…

If he starts to remember he is Juro Izumi… You must tell me immediately.
But he is… Why would that be bad?
It would be dangerous if he became Juro Izumi. Very dangerous… The reasons are unimportant.

That’s not suspicious at all!

If you agree to these two conditions… You can live with him.

Megumi doesn’t need to think twice.

How wonderful.

These documents make it legal for you to live with him.

I’ll tell Morimura-san of our arrangement myself. Please, go to Juro now.

Hey, Megumi? I’m just wondering why you never found it weird that this woman you’d never met with the same name as Juro’s grandmother gave you a rental agreement without telling Juro about it? Seems a little strange, to me.

Eh, maybe it’s just motivated reasoning.

Poor Megumi.

God, you got it bad, girl.

Oh, yes.

For quite a while at this point, I might add.

Has there been any change?

Music: Something’s Fishy (Kikuchi Yukinori)

Any confusion about being Juro Izumi?
…… What makes you ask that?
It sounds like you know something.
Don’t tell me…


Is something wrong? You look pale.

Wait… we saw this… quite recently, in fact…

*silent shock*
The way I am now is… something you created.
What’s this all of a sudden?
I get it now… The woman who keeps showing up in my dreams… The one I saw on Sumire Bridge… It’s not Fuyusaka-san. It’s you. Chihiro Morimura.

Have you been aware this whole time?

Thanks, random passerby, for getting in the way of this shot.

Juro backs away from Ms. Morimura.

Hmmm… I don’t know.

Oh, hey Fluffy. You sure did appear out of nowhere.

Won’t other people see?

Music: The Chills (Yoshimi Kudo)

That idiot. He got too close to some dangerous people.
Those who use magic for their own means. You went there before. The abandoned factory in Higoromo-cho. They’re going to alter his memories.

Oh, like you’ve been doing? Don’t really see the issue, then.

Fluffy begins to fade.

Dammit… He’s getting too far…

I knew he wasn’t real.

Through the walls, a muffled *chunk* sound can be heard. It’s the sound of the nanomachine injector—the magical gun.


Through the walls, Hijiyama’s voice rings out, then the same sound again, before Hijiyama collapses.

You know Fluffy?
Don’t worry. He can make you better.

This is getting uncomfortable in about eight different ways.

You’re starting to recognize what’s in your dreams, aren’t you? Do you remember me?
It’s not exactly like that.

Music: Hard Pill to Swallow (Kikuchi Yukinori)


The things I saw in my dreams…


I was so afraid that… That I’d hurt you again.

Little late for that, Juro!

There’s no trace of him inside you? *fighting back tears* No…

I… I’m such an idiot…

Well, yes, but there’s plenty of that to go around in this game.

That cat. What was the point!?

And so, Megumi just found out she got duped and everything she was put through was meaningless. Well, at least to the goal of getting her Juro back. Poor thing.

The only update to any Mystery Files for this event (at least, regarding files we have unlocked) concerns the rental agreement, of all things.

But there’s a couple more things I wanted to check from this event…

What happens if you reject Tamao’s offer?

I see… That is unfortunate.

Just like with Fluffy’s offer, it’s not a real choice, obviously. But speaking of that, I was also wondering what was up with this scene in another way. Was this the Tamao android being controlled by the former Tamao Kurabe, or was it the Tamao android being controlled by 426? For this, we’ll need to check the order of events in the Event Archive.

As you can see here, the event where Tamao is replaced by 426, “Exterminator”, takes place after “A Promise to Tamao”, meaning that this was, in fact, the Tamao android. I guess Fluffy was just taking advantage of Tamao’s decision and not actually planning that bit out. Though now that I think about it, it would have to have been Tamao’s decision, because I can’t really see 426 convincing Morimura to go along with this without blowing his cover.

Finally, this probably won’t play well with the archive, but Billy Kametz, voice of Nenji, passed away this week, so I’d just like to pay respects here. You were incredible, man.